//------------------------------// // Part 4: Rangers Vs. Twilight // Story: A Dashed Shade Of Red Part 2: Close Encounters Of The Cosmic Kind // by TheSuperTransformerFan //------------------------------// At Grid Battleforce, Zoey arrived at the training room, getting herself ready for a fight. She even brought her weapons with her for her training session, just in case anyone or any creature came after the Rangers’ Morph-X supply. She took in a deep breath and got out her Beast-X blaster out. “I can do this.” She said out loud to herself, as she aimed the blaster at the targets. One by one, she fired at them, and they were easily knocked out. Zoey smiled at herself for hitting the targets so easily. She heard clapping, and turned to see the three beast bot companions cheering them on! She smiled. “That was great, Zoey!” Cruise said in excitement. “Now, it’s time for a real challenge!” He readied the remote control to start off the challenge. “Are you ready, Zoey?” Jax asked, as he moved his arms up and down. “Oh, it is on!” Zoey said, with confidence boiling up in her body. “What is it?” “Moving target Tronic!” Cruise said. “Multiple location! Try to keep up!” Zoey nodded, as she aimed her blaster, while Cruise hit the button to reveal the moving tronic target toward the target range. “Ready...set...fire!” Smash shouted, as Zoey got her Blaster out at the ready. She tried to fire at the target, but couldn’t get a clear shot as it was moving too fast. “It’s moving too fast.” Zoey said, exasperated that she couldn’t hit the target. “Cruise, did you test this?” “Of course, Cruise tested it!” Jax told her. “Show her!” He said to Cruise. “Alright!” Cruise said, as he got to the Target practice range. He aimed at the target, and when the time was right, he fired at it spot on! Zoey was ecstatic at what she saw...the way she saw the beast bot take on that tronic target. “That was...quite a shot!” She said happily and in astonishment. “See?” Cruise said, as he put the blaster down. “It’s not impossible. Now, you try it!” Zoey nodded. “Okay!” She got her blaster ready, and the tronic target moved up again like earlier. She tried to learn what Cruise did, and when she aimed her blaster, she fired at it spot on! “All right!” She whooped in excitement. “Told ya it wasn’t so hard!” Cruise said, as he directed said target to another spot in the training room. In that same room, a peach-coloured alicorn filly with a cyan blue Shirley Temple mane...Cozy Glow was trying to get a clear shot at the target Cruse had set up for Zoey. She was nervous at first upon, trying to get a clear shot. But, she soon switched to determination, as she readied her horn and aiming it at the tronic. The beast bots took notice and cheered her on. “All right!” Cruise shouted in excitement. “You can do it, Cozy!” Smash cheered her. Cozy looked at them and smiled, as she diverted her attention back to the target. She readied her horn with her magic energy, and aimed it perfectly still. “I wish that target was a little slower.” Cozy thought to herself as she tried to get a good shot at it. “Or I was at least quicker like Rainbow Dash!” “Come on, Cozy Glow!” Jax called out to her. “Just a little further, kid!” Cruise called out as well. Cozy tried to aim at the tronic and fire at it perfectly, but she missed, and the blast bounced off the walls and onto her horn. She screamed as the blast sent her walloping back to the wall, crashing into it. The beast bots and Zoey took notice and gasped. “Cozy!” Zoey called out, as they rushed over to her, as the filly tried to get up. She coughed as she got up, as her crashed caused small particles of dust to fly. The Beast bots giggled and Zoey chuckled upon seeing her blooper, that Cozy blushed pure red, as she was caught in the middle of it all. How embarrassing for her! “Hey, Cozy Glow!” Jax joked to her. “With a cherry on top and some whipped cream, and chocolate sauce, you look like a Rocky Road ice cream sundae...with a toasted marshmallow!” Cozy wiped the dust from her face, and started to cry. “How embarrassing, and humiliating!” she said out loud to herself. “...and, in front of everyone, too!” She felt pretty mortified. Zoey finished up her moment of laughter, as she reached out her hand to her friend. “Come on, Cozy.” She said, calmly. “We’ll help you out of your messy predicament.” Cozy saw her hand, and shifted to upset, as she turned her head away from her. She was confused. “Cozy?” “Everyone always has to help me, because I am so small.” Cozy said, as she got up with tears still in her eyes, but her face still filled with embarrassment and frustration. “I’m nothing but a failure! Battleforce would be better off without me!” She flew up and left the training room in a huff. The others were shocked at the sight of her behaving like this, and felt a little regret. “Wait! Cozy!” Cruise shouted, as she left. “What’s with her today?” Smash asked, quizzically. “She’s never been so down like this before!” Zoey sniffled upon seeing her friend like this, that small tears started to come out her eyes. “Oh, Cozy Glow must feel like she failed.” She said sadly. The Beast Bots felt remorse as they heard what she said. “Oh, man!” Jax said in humiliation. “Maybe, we shouldn’t have laughed at her.” They felt like they didn’t want to show their faces to her, after how they treated her. Zoey knew what she had to do now. “Get the targets back up, Cruise.” She said to him. “Then, I’ll go find Cozy.” “Okay!” Cruise nodded, as he readied up the targets. Zoey took out her blaster. “Beast Blast!” She called out, firing at the targets, spot on. She then, got out the Beast-X King Spin Saber. She got ready in a samurai-like pose. “Tornado Takedown!” She shouted, as she threw the spin Saber at the targets, decimating them instantly. She sighed with relief. “Yeah, that should do it!” She said as she gathered up her weapons in her knapsack “Y’know, with shots like that, you could rule out basketball!” Jax joked. Zoey ignored her bot’s comment. “I’m going to go find Cozy.” She said, as she left. “Good luck, Zoey!” Cruise said, as Zoey left the training room. Zoey was on her way to the lab to try to find her distressed friend. “I hope Cozy’s okay.” She thought to herself. “I hope she didn’t run into any trouble during my training! That'd be—“ “Perfect!” a crazy male voice said as she came into the lab. The voice cackled in glee. Zoey got nervous, as she whipped out her blaster. “Who’s there?” She asked. “You know whenever ponies or Power Rangers talk about powerful magic or tools, they always leave me out.” Zoey looked up to see a kitbashed draconniqus...namely, Discord...standing on air, close to the ceiling. “If I weren't so evolved, I might decide to take it personally. Well, isn't this quite the combination of unlikely heroes?” He asked, smiling in his usual self. Zoey jumped back in shock upon seeing him appear of all places. “What is it, Discord?” Zoey asked him. Discord just smiled at her, as he climbed down, slowly to the ground, landing gracefully. “Oh, nothing much.” He just told her. “You said you were going on a trip?” He wanted to know what the Rangers were up to. “I DO hope it’s to go antiquing! A chippendale table for my breakfast nook would be lovely!” He changed into a Power Ranger-like outfit. “Or perhaps...fighting a robotron in your own town!” He looked into his lunch basket he brought. “Oh, Gouda!” He joked. “A cheese plate!” “Maybe some other time, Discord.” Zoey told him. “I was about to meet Fluttershy in the Everfree Forest to find a fallen star.” Discord changed from his usual emotion of chaotic joy to a little nervous as he heard what she said. “A fallen star? In the Everfree Forest??” He asked a little worried. “Yeah. Twilight put us in teams, and she’s very excited.” She told him. “She said a constellation fell out of the sky, and we’re on an adventure to collect all the pieces.” Discord was getting a little more nervous by the minute. “There’s no POSSIBLE chance that...the Andalusian Constellation is there?” He asked her quizzically. “It IS!” The teen said, excited. “I didn’t know you were so well versed in astronomy, Discord! Maybe, you could be an astronomer.” “This is just...some WHIM of Twilight’s, right?” He wondered, still a little nervous, but a little joking as well. “A flight of fancy? A hobby? She doesn’t think the STARS actually exist, right?” “Oh no!” Zoey said as she got the astronomy book that Nate had earlier, and showed her a page containing the whole constellation. “She FOUND one, and it’s pointed the way to all the others! She put Fluttershy in charge of the one in the Everfree Forest, right close to her cottage.” Discord was now on full panic attack as he jumped up and grabbed Zoey, shaking her by the arms! “She’s FOUND ONE?!?!” He asked frightened. “Yes! Shouldn’t you be excited!” Zoey asked the draconniqus, confused, as she released herself from his nervous grip, and pushed herself back. “Besides, this could be a great discovery for us!” “We have to get out of here!” Discord said, now getting scared as he looked around the lab for any weapons that could be useful to take. “Twilight cannot reunite all the pieces!” Zoey was still confused that he was acting like this “Why, Discord?” She asked. “What’s happening?” Discord explained to her. “Because, Zoey...Those stars AREN’T JUST STARS! They are COSMOS!” Zoey was unsure about all this. “Cosmos?” She said, almost letting out a giggle. “Who’s that?” “Trust me. You don’t want to know.” Discord said, bluntly to her. Zoey put her hand on his shoulder for comfort. “Trust me. I do.” She said, seriously. Discord took in a deep breath, and decided to explain the story to her. “Cosmos was an old...acquaintance of mine, and once a terror upon Equestria! She was a draconniqus like me but she was multicoloured, her body perfectly match in every which way, down to the snazzy feet claws.” He changed into his zoot suit as he said that, before taking it off to go back to his normal bare self. “But however, she took things too far!” He warned her, “She hurt things! It took the combined efforts of the most magical beings such as Celestia, Luna, King Aspen, Queen Novo, and King Cat to lock her away in the stars that were her prison!” Zoey now got worried, as she understood why her friend was frightened. “Oh my.” She said, softly. “Years ago, a shooting star knocked her out the sky and the stars scattered.” He started. “You seem to know a lot about this!” Zoey processed this information into her brain. “Even more than Devon, Ravi or the other Rangers know about.” He looked at Zoey sadly, and took in a deep breath. “I have a vested interest in keeping Cosmos from coming back!” Discord said solemnly. “Do you want to talk about it?” His unlikely ally asked. “Not really.” He said. “But I’ll have to!” He revealed his backstory of how his hid the stars of Cosmos into the forest. “Before the stars fell, I used to monitor them constantly, always afraid that she would come back! I thought it was a good idea when they fell spread out across the land...it felt like she was that much further away from being whole.” He was nervous, but still decided to continue to voice his fear to the yellow ranger teen “I found one...it called to me in the Everfree Forest! I hid it away...under NO circumstances can all those stars be reunited.” Now, Zoey knew why he was worried and scared about this whole Andalusian Constellation search. “You’re telling us that those stars are actually an old estranged acquaintance of yours, set out to destroy the world?!” She asked, horrified. “I told you you didn’t want to know!” Discord warned her. “Oh, dear!” She said, now filled with worry. “Oh dear isn’t the half of it!” The draconniqus admitted. “Well, this is perfect.” She said. “You know where it is! We should go get it and give it to Celestia. She needs to know about the threat of...your old acquaintance coming back, right?” “I suppose.” Discord thought. “But I’d REALLY rather be left out of it. This is HER we’re talking about.” “Come on, Discord!” She told him, optimistic. “You obviously know more than any of us about what’s happening, and we need to tell the others, and protect them.” She got her knapsack ready on her back. “Let’s go get that star and save the world, okay?” “You’re being far too calm and reasonable!” Discord said both admitting and worried. “When have I ever led you wrong?” Zoey asked, as Discord was confused. “Never, since you and I have never exactly teamed up to take down an alien before.” Discord told her. “Okay. Well, doesn’t matter.” Zoey said. “Because what we’re going to do is find those stars, and what Twilight’s going to do is send them back in the sky. Say...the moon?” “Oh, alright.” Discord said to her. “Let’s go.” He stopped, before they finished leaving the lab. “I really don’t think I should touch that star. Do you?” He asked her. “Well, Rarity wore the one Twilight had with no problem.” She reassured her. “It should be fine.” “I really think we should burry it even deeper.” He suggested, crazily. “Or...WE COULD BLOW IT UP!” “Now, now.” Zoey reminded him said, while being well aware of the situation. “Princess Celestia has a very good track record for dealing with horrible monstrosities. She’ll know what to do. Besides, we’ve been so lucky that nopony has stumbled across it here! Just leaving it buried isn’t as secure as bringing it to her.” Discord sighed and realized that the ranger was right. He gave in. “You’re right. Let’s take it to Celestia. I should have eons ago.” He said a little beat and concerned. “Alright.” Zoey said, as they left the lab. “We’ll find Twilight, and get those stars. Okay?” Discord nodded, as he teleported to Canterlot Castle. Zoey took the time to whip out her wristcom. “Devon! Ravi! I need you two to meet me at Canterlot!” She told her friends. She then, switched over to Fluttershy. “Fluttershy, drop whatever you’re doing and come with me! We have a problem! Something bad!” She took her equipment, and ran out of the building in under a minute. At the Castle underground, Applejack and Ravi were trying to find a way out. Applejack strained and struggled, but so far, nothing. She slumped down in defeat. “Oh. Man!” She said in sadness. “How are we going to get out of this one?! It’s probably molecular bamboo!” Ravi thought of an idea to get them free. It had to work! “I got an idea!” He said, bravely to her. “Stand back!” He reached out, and grabbed the bars with his hands. Applejack was confused at this. “Ravi, this is not going to work!” She said, stressed and worried. “I’ve tried. My strength can’t get us out of here!” “Nothing my gorilla strength won’t fix!” The blue ranger said, as his muscles started to grow in size, until finally, he was able to life the cage and set himself and his teammate free. Applejack was thunderstruck, and happy they were out. “Nice going there, Ravi.” She said in astonishment. “Thanks!” The ranger said, giving her the thumbs up. “Now, let’s go!” The farm mare nodded, as they hi-tailed it out of the underground archival room, and over to the castle, where they would run into their friends later on. Upstairs inside the Castle, Princess Celestia and Princess Twilight were already possessed by Cosmos. Princess Luna was trying to get over to the two to warn them, and Fluttershy also happened to show up at the same time that happened! Princess Luna was panicked. “Sister! Young Twilight! Please! Just tell me what’s happening!” She pleaded to them. “You’re both acting bizarre! I can help you! Let me help you!” At that moment, Zoey and Discord arrived as well, and were shocked, and horrified at what they saw when they arrived. “Twilight?! Celestia?!” Zoey asked in stricken shock. “What’s going on, here?” Twilight turned to see Fluttershy with one of the stars in her hooves. “Ah, Fluttershy. Zoey!” Twilight said to them. “That was expedient! Very well done!” “Oh, thank you.” She told her friend. “But, you know...Zoey and Discord both told me that...” Discord saw the two royal advisors were tied up, and the Princesses’ pets caged, and tied up as well. “I am not a fan of the vibe I am getting in the room!” He said worriedly. “Anyone else not a fan?” Fluttershy and Zoey both saw what happened, and more shock came to their faces. Twilight used her possessed magic to snag the star out of Fluttershy’s hooves. “Oh, forceful grabbing isn’t nice!” The kind Pegasus pleaded, as that happened. “I was going to give it to you nicely.” Twilight paid no attention as she hovered the star over to Princess Luna and put it on the center of her necklace. “What in Equestria—?” Princess Luna asked in shock. “What’s she doing?!” Zoey asked in shock as she saw the ‘transformation’ take place. Suddenly, Luna’s eyes went pink as if she were under some sort of spell as she came into Cosmos’s control. Now, Luna was possessed...along with Celestia and Twilight...who were already possessed to begin with! “Discord! Darling! It’s so lovely to see you again!” Celestia, Twilight, and Luna said in almost perfect sync as they had that loving, lustful hunger in their eyes. “Oooooooh No!” Discord said in shock as if they were in love with him! “Oh, HANDSOME! It’s been SO long!” The possessed princess of the sun said to him. “Come over here and let me look at you!” She used her possessed magic to bring him over to her throne. “Ah, Cosmos!” Discord said both nervous and happy. “My...er...old friend! How are things?” “So much better, now that you’ll be by my side again!” Celestia said to him happily. “Three stars already! I’m beginning to feel like myself again, but my power isn’t quite up to snuff yet.” She happily caressed his shirt beard. “Remember, Darling, How I used to covet this seat? It seems all I had to do was wait patiently for it! And now, our reign of chaos and torment will dominate again!” She smiled evilly. “Everypony In Equestria will fear me, and they’ll adore you, Darling...just like you always wanted.” “Always wanted!” Twilight and Luna both said now wearing blue dresses, their manes in Afros, and earrings like backup singers! “Wait with me, Dearest.” Celestia said calmly to him as Zoey could only watch in shock about her friends. “It’s been so long since I had company.” “Oh, I know all about that.” Luna added, as she walked around the throne room. “I’ve been bored.” Celestia said, feeling said emotion. “In space, no one can her you scream.” Zoey watched the whole scene unfold, and a blind rage started to cover her face. “This isn’t like Twilight, OR the Princesses at all!” she thought, as she slowly started to reach for her knapsack, and started to get an item out. “Something weird is going on here with our friend. And as soon as anything suspicious comes up or happens to MY friends, I’m going to find out what!” “Well, Cosmos...” Discord said, smiling nervously to Celestia. “You see, I am OUT of the chaos and destruction game, and have gone in an entirely different direction!” Celestia spat out her coffee, and looked at him shocked. “It’s true. I’ve got a whole new resume planned for me as well!” “What did you just say?” Celestia asked, as she, Twilight, and Luna looked at him angrily. To which at that moment, Zoey whipped out her Beast-X Blaster and aimed it at all three Princesses. “He’s says he’s not joining you!” Zoey shouted. “He’s one of the good guys now, and since he’s friends with someone else!” She winked at Fluttershy as she said that, as the latter smiled. “So, you’re just going to have to accept that...Celestia!” She looked at all three of them with a bitter rage on her face. Discord gulped in horror, as the Princesses looked at him like he was out of his mind. “Did you really have to say that, Zoey?” He asked her nervously. Zoey saw the Princesses eye her hungrily, and realized she should have come up with a better choice of words. Celestia turned her attention to the girl and snarled at her. “I am so very displeased to hear that....Yellow ranger!” She said harshly, as she readied up her horn. She fired it at her, only to see that she jumped back and dodged. “Are you telling us that Discord here is going to stop me...” she saw, Twilight and Celestia look at her as if she was leaving them out. “I mean...US from being completed?!” She walked up to Zoey angry. “What?!” Zoey stammered in shock. “I don’t know!” “Is THIS what your little chaotic friend attached himself to?” The moon Princess asked, pointing at Fluttershy, who was indeed shocked at what she was saying to her. Zoey was thunderstruck upon seeing her friend get abused like this. “Uh...Of course not, Not-obviously-Luna-at-the-moment!” Discord said, nervously as he uttered fake laughs and got scared, as she looked like she wanted to give him the stare. “It’s been lovely, chatting with all of you!” “One of you?” Fluttershy asked in confusion. “But, I was just thinking that we should be...” “...leaving!” Discord finished her sentence. “What a good idea!” “No!” Zoey said, aiming her blaster now at Luna. “We stay here and fight!” “I hate it when she says stuff like that!” Discord said, uncomfortably as he saw his friend ready to duel. At that moment, a red flash of light burst through the door crack, and Devon and Ravi...already in their ranger forms...had arrived on the scene on either side of Zoey, and whipped out their blasters. “Stop right there!” Devon shouted as they aimed their blasters, and were surprised to see a violet alicorn, smiling as she walked up to them. “...Twilight?” Devon asked in shock, as he lowered his blaster. Ravi did the same too. “Oh, what a relief!” The red hero said calmly. “I thought we were facing a robotron! But, it’s actually you!” He started to walk up to her happily. “Uh, guys?” Zoey asked with worry. “That’s not Twilight. I mean it IS...but...” “Come on, Zoey.” Ravi reassured her. “It’s only Twilight! She’s one of our friends!” Ignoring the other’s frantic waving and throat gestures, Devon still pressed forward. “We’re glad you’re safe, Twilight.” Devon said with relief. “But, you don’t look so well. Is something wrong?” Twilight just smiled, as she took her friend’s suited hand. “Absolutely nothing.” She said calmly, before flipping him over, making him land on his back. “...nothing that slam jamming can’t fix, that is!” She said, now spiteful. Devon felt the force of her strength tremendously, as he slowly got up. “Whoa, Twilight!” He said in shock. “Have you been working out?” “You might say that.” Twilight said, as Celestia and Luna came up to either side of their violet protege. “And, my accomplices are right by me!” “Accomplices? What?” Devon was shocked to see the other two Princesses with her. “Celestia and Luna?” Ravi asked in shock. “What are they doing here? Are they somewhat involved in this too?” “WAIT!” Discord shouted, putting up his hand to the three rogue heroes. “You’re all facing mortal peril!” “Discord? Fluttershy?” Both Rangers asked in shock upon seeing them. “Okay, what’s going on there?” Devon asked. “And, why are the stars fused with the other two Princesses?” Ravi asked in confusion as Applejack burst in the room urgently. “Guys!” The farm mare warned them. “That’s not Twilight!” “What are you talking about, Applejack?” Devon asked, as Twilight revved up for horn and aimed at him. “Devon, look out!” Zoey shouted, as the latter turned to see a laser beam almost hit him. “Whoa!” Devon said in shock as he and Ravi got their weapons ready toward them. “Twilight, what are you doing?!” “Preparing ourselves for our wedding with Discord!” Twilight said hungrily. “And, your doom as well!” Celestia boomed out demonically. “WHAT?!” Both Rangers asked in shock. “Guys!” Discord shouted. “Those stars Twilight found...they’re actually COSMOS!” “Cosmos??” Both Rangers asked. Discord nodded. “She’s actually another draconniqus like me, but she using your friends to destroy and hurt and torment Equestria!” He shouted. “Don’t you get it? She’s trying to get all six stars so she can destroy us all!” “Discord, now is NOT the time for jokes!” Ravi said, strictly. “I’m not lying!” The kitbashed creature shouted. “He’s right!” Zoey added. “Twilight can’t get all those pieces together! You’re all making a big mistake!” As Devon was watching the three Royal ponies getting ready to fire at our heroes, Ravi aimed his blaster at Discord. “What are you talking about?!” He asked. “Twilight would never turn on us! You’re the one with the evil plan!” “I’m telling you the truth!” Discord pleaded. “Your teammates deserve to know all about the stars, and that quest your friends set up!” He pointed to Twilight, who growled as he said that. “Devon, don’t listen to him!” Ravi said, angrily. “It’s all a bunch of lies!” He still had his blaster aimed at the male draconniqus. “You’re trying to destroy us!” “It’s not me doing this!” Discord continued to plead. “If that’s true, then...” Devon was cut off as he was blasted by the Royal laser beam, and knocked toward the others. “DEVON!” They shouted, as they came right to him. Devon got up in an instant. “Twilight and her predecessors...attacked me!” He managed to say. “What?” Ravi asked, as he looked at Discord. “So, this wasn’t your doing?” Discord nodded ‘no.’ “We need to get out of here!” Discord panicked, as he tried to signal his friends out of the room, while Luna grabbed him. “You’re selfish, Discord!” Luna said to him seductively, as she hugged him. “It’s one of the things I adore about you! And, I know you!” Discord was nervous as he was wrapped in Luna’s love, while he sweated with fear. “Do you know what would distract me from warning the world of my return?” “A strictly wounded letter?” Zoey asked. “Correct, Ranger!” Luna answered, as she released Discord and aimed her horn at Fluttershy. “Instead of saving someone YOU care about!” She fired at the kind Pony, as the energy from the blast changed her drastically. “What? NO!” Discord screeched as he saw his friend change shape. “FLUTTERSHY!!!” All three Rangers shouted, as they rushed over to her. Discord picked her up, and they were horrified to see what had happened. She had black spot on her back, antennae on her head and butterfly-like wings on her back. She was a butterfly-pony hybrid. “What did they do to you?!” Ravi asked horrified, as Discord looked back at them in anger. Zoey too, as she felt that rage boiling up inside her. They nodded as they both got up, and walked over to the three Princesses. “How dare you mutate my friend!” Zoey yelled at them. “That is unforgivable!” She readied her morpher and key. “ACTIVATE BEAST POWERS!” She called out as she morphed into her ranger form. “The savannah hunter...RED BEAST RANGER!” Devon shouted as he posed. “The jungle warrior...BLUE BEAST RANGER!” Ravi shouted as he posed. “The field jumper...YELLOW BEAST RANGER!” Zoey shouted as she posed. “POWER RANGERS!...” they all stood together before the rulers, and struck some poses. “BEAST MORPHERS!” They introduced themselves. “UNLEASH THE BEAST!” “We like a fair fight!” Luna said, as she and the other Princesses got ready as well, as they posed. “Stop them!” And, they all ran toward the Rangers and Applejack, while Discord and Fluttershy watched the fight with horror. The Royal ponies blasted them from every which way, leaving the Rangers no chance to draw their weapons. Their attacks overwhelmed them, as they fell to the ground easily. “Doesn’t seem like they Wanna talk!” Devon said as he got up. “I’m all in for kicking their evil cosmic butts!” Applejack said, as she and Ravi got up. “Even if they have been taken over.” “I hear you!” Zoey said as they were ready again. “Didn’t anyone tell you Princesses to play nice?!” Ravi shouted as the 4 advanced toward them. “We don’t do nice!” Celestia said smugly as she jumped up, and instantly kicked Ravi and Applejack down to the ground, as they landed with brutal force. They both got up. “That was brutal, y’all!” Applejack shouted, as she threw her hat down. “You think?!” Discord asked, as he saw his friends hurt, and gave them the stink eye, “Personally, we’ll see to it that you have a bunch of bruised and aching bones!” Luna thundered in her Royal Canterlot voice, as she charged at Devon, roughing him up repeatedly, and knocking him down in pain. “And, maybe some broken ones too!” “Devon!” Ravi and Applejack said in alarm as they raced to them. “Hold still, Yellow!” Celestia said, as she grabbed Zoey by the waist. “This won’t hurt a bit...much!” However, Zoey retaliated and grabbed the Princess’s arms. “No thanks.” She said to her angry. “Truthfully, I’d much rather give...than receive!” She used her jackrabbit powers to throw her off, and onto the ground easily. The other two alicorns came to her. “Are you okay?” Twilight asked in surprise. Celestia rubbed her head. “That Yellow ranger is strong.” She said. “But, she’ll be crushed soon!” She got up, and was ready for round 2 with her enemy. The Rangers & AJ clashed with the Princesses but, they proved to be formidable opponents, as they instantly knocked Zoey & the earth pony down in an instant. “ZOEY!” Ravi said in shock, as the three chuckled in her defeat. “Guys!” Devon said as he got up and charged at them! “Hang on!” Luna went over to where the latter ranger was and chuckled. “What for?” As he went for Twilight and her teacher. She readied up her horn. “If I mutated Fluttershy, I can mutate a Power Ranger too!” She got ready to fire. Applejack took notice. “Guys, look out!” She shouted as she tried to blast them, but missed as the good heroes dodged them. The three rogue heroes walked up to them, as our GOOD ones got up. “Oh, man! It’s like our friends have gone bad!” Ravi said in shock. “I don’t want to hurt you, Twilight.” Devon said with worry, as he was quick to get up. “Think it’s time to upgrade?” Zoey asked her teammates as she was ready to hit her transporter. “Yeah!” They said, as they got ready. The three rogue Princesses stopped, and smiled smugly at them. “You want an idea?” Twilight asked them. “How about...give up?” “Trust us!” Luna added, as she took a few more steps towards them. “It’ll be much less painful, that way.” “Oh, I get it!” Devon said sarcastically. “This is a training thing!” “Discord, y’all got us!” Applejack shot angrily, giving the good draconniqus the stink eye. “I think this is for real!” Zoey said in shock, as the alicorns were about to fire again. At that moment, Nate and Steel arrived already morphed into the room. “NO, DON’T!” The Rangers and farm Pony shouted. The gold and silver Rangers arrived to where the others were, and were surprised to see their friends. “What?” Nate asked, as they saw their friends. “Come on, guys!” Steel said with relief. “It’s only Twilight!” “And, Celestia & Luna.” Nate added, pointing to them. “But, why are their eyes pink?” “Doesn’t matter, Bro!” Steel said smugly. “What matters is that our friend’s here!” He out his hand out toward his friend. “Put er there!” Twilight responded by throwing him around like she did to Devon. “Steel!” Nate shouted in shock, seeing his friends being thrown. Steel was quick as a cat to get back up, instantly. “Whoa, Twi! Have you been working out?” He asked her. “Oh, I have, Steel!” The violet alicorn said, as she charged up her horn. “In fact, I’m preparing for my wedding with Discord, and you get to come as...the main course!” She fired at him, sending him halfway through the room. “STEEL!” They shouted horrified, as he got up! Steel jumped back up, and was horrified at what he saw. It was as if his life was flashing before his eyes. “Twi! It’s Steel!” He pleaded in shock. “I’m one of your...I don’t believe this is happening to me!” He started to back away as the alicorns got ready to fire again at him. “TWI!” Nate turned to face Twilight, and hit his transporter. “Transport...Striker Saber!” His Saber appeared to him as he caught it. “I don’t know what you’re doing, Twilight!” He told her. “But, this is not like you at all! This is NOT how the Princess of Friendship would act toward her fellow ranger allies!” Twilight turned to face him and smiled. “Master of the obvious!” She said, as she charged toward him. Nate charged too, and his saber clashed with Twilight’s own horn. He tried to get a clear shot of her, but she fired at him. “Bro!” Steel said, as he whipped out his morpher. “Striker Beast Blast!” He zapped Twilight and her mentors, as they were sent to the ground, and Steel regrouped with the others. “You okay, Bro?” He asked his brother, as they all regrouped. “I’m okay.” Nate told him. “But, Twilight’s not herself!” “Steel, please try to understand! I’m not the one doing this!” Discord told him. “What are you talking about, Discord?” Steel asked, defiantly and shocked. “Those stars Twilight found...they are actually an old former flame of mine! They are Cosmos!” He revealed to them. “I was going to stop her from collecting all the pieces, when you showed up! And, now she has them under her control!” He pointed to the alicorns as he said that. “What?!” Nate and Steel both asked. “You’re telling us that this Cosmos has Twilight and her teachers as...” he gasped. “Puppets?!” Discord nodded. “Yes! That’s the general idea!” He said to them, panicked. “Then, we need to free Twilight and the others from her control!” Nate said, as they readied their weapons at them. The three alicorns walked up to them slowly, as they smiled evilly. “No!” AJ shouted. “Dude!” Ravi said in shock. “Aw, no way!” Devon said as well as they got ready to fight. “This is so wrong!” Steel shouted as they got ready to charge. “Let’s show these posers how it’s done!” Celestia said, as her subordinates nodded and ran up to them. They fired their mutation beams at them, knocking them all down to the ground. “Noooooo!” The good heroes shouted, as they toppled down. Steel wanted to check if they were mutated, since the last time it mutated Fluttershy. “You mutated yet?” He asked Devon. “No. You?” He asked. “No.” Steel confirmed. “I’m not mutated either!” Applejack sighed happily with relief as well. “None of us are!” Zoey added, as Ravi nodded. “Good!” Devon said as they all got back up for round 3! “Ready for another turnabout?” Twilight asked, as she and her subordinates ran up to the heroes to fire again. “WATCH OUT!” Devon shouted, as the Princesses jumped up and blasted, but the Rangers and allies ducked them, and tumbled and got back up. “Hah! Nice face plan!” Luna sneered as she ran up to them, her horn charged at the ready. “Cosmic engine blast!” Celestia and Twilight both nodded as they too charged up their horns. “FIRE!” They shouted as, their combined blasts zapped the good guys and sent them down again for the count. They were almost out of the castle, when they turned around to face them one last time. “You smell something burning?” Twilight asked her teachers. “Yeah!” Luna added. “Anypony feel like s’mores?!” “It’s like Twilight’s been corrupted like my Dad!” Devon said, as he tried to get up. “But, how?!” Zoey asked. “How was this even possible?” Nate asked as well. “Inconceivable!” Steel said in shock. “Who or what is she doing to our friends?” Ravi asked, as he got up as well. “I keep telling you...” Discord snarled at them. “...that they are not who you think they are!” “That’s skeptical, coming from a being of pure chaos!” Applejack snarky remarked. “Ow...” Fluttershy managed to say softly, as Discord held her safely as they got up. The three alicorns walked up to the Rangers. “This is so easy, it’s almost boring.” Twilight said, evilly and bored. “I thought they’d at least put up a fight.” Celestia said in agreement, as they saw the good heroes struggle to get up. “Those guys never could compete with a being like me!” Twilight said, before she looked at her teachers giving her icy stares. She gulped, and changed her sentence. “I meant like us!” They nodded in agreement with her. “They’re so lame!” “No doubt!” Luna said, as she watched them. “I thought the Commander taught them better than this.” The Rangers and their good allies were slowly recovering as they got up. “We need to call a strategic retreat, Rangers!” Discord warned them. “Agreed!” Ravi said bitterly, pointing at their ex-friends. “The Princesses are far too power to take on alone!” “And, we’re in no condition to keep fighting like this!” Nate added as well. Applejack, And Discord nodded as well. “Good idea.” Devon said to the good heroes, as he turned to face the evil Princesses. He aimed his sword at them. “We’ll stick a pin in it for later...but, we’ll be back!” The Rangers lowered the sabers toward the ground like a ninja would and shouted, “BEAST SMOKESCREEN!” And within a matter of seconds, the vanished within a cloud of smoke. Twilight, and her teachers coughed as the smoke came right to them, trying to breathe. When the smoke evaporated, they saw no one there. “They’re gone!” Twilight said in shock. They all walked to the area where the Rangers and their friends once were, and wondered how they were able to escape without the use of their transporters. They decided to get back to their thrones to wait for their fiancé’s return. “They’ll come back,” Luna said as she watched the last wisps of smoke dissipate from the spot The Rangers, Applejack, Discord & Fluttershy once were. “They always come back,” Celestia commented. Cosmos may have been one whole being, but controlling three separate bodies has granted her the privilege of communicating with the other fragments of her mind as if they were their own individual person. “And now I’ll think we’ll lavish in the luxury of our new castle, and all the stars will come to us soon enough. Then I’ll be able to permanently take my true form,” Twilight stated while looking around the interior of the throne room and taking in the beauty of its decor. Since Cosmos currently wasn’t at her full strength just yet in order to take her true form since returning from imprisonment in the stars, she has currently taken body and mind possession of Princess Celestia, Luna, and Twilight Sparkle all thanks to her scattered star gems. They would stop at nothing to make Discord their groom once again, and when the time was right, they would swipe him from underneath, and plan their wedding. And also, eradicate the heroes for good. As they laughed, Tempest Shadow watched with fright as she saw what was unfolding before her eyes. She couldn’t believe Cosmos one-upped her on the whole plan, and now she might as well be replaced. She shuddered at thought of her destroying all of Equestria and Earth as we know it. She had to warn the Rangers before it was too late!