//------------------------------// // Part 3: Outstrengthed! // Story: A Dashed Shade Of Red Part 2: Close Encounters Of The Cosmic Kind // by TheSuperTransformerFan //------------------------------// As the train arrived toward Canterlot, Ravi, Applejack and Twilight were amazed to be here. Luckily, the first star was already found by Rarity. So, that meant the second star was in this vicinity of the city they were in. “This is a nice change of pace, isn’t it?” Applejack asked, as she took in a deep breath and smiled. Ravi smiled too. “Yeah. Usually, we’re headed for disaster and we end up clashing one of the Storm King’s robotron’s or tronics.” Just then, Twilight’s eyes went pink as she spoke in her demonic voice again. “The day is young.” “Huh?” The strong duo looked at her, strangely. “Oh, nothing.” Twilight said, getting back to focus again, as they left the train. “We’re here.” Applejack and Ravi took a look at the map from their knapsacks and were trying to figure out what the directions meant. “What’s the plan?” Applejack asked, confused. “I can’t make heads or tails of the schedule you gave us.” “This is a little too detailed.” Ravi added. “Does it need so many notes, and so many details?” “We’re going to head to the castle.” Twilight answered. “This star...” she looked at her star necklace. “...is telling me the next one is close.” “All right, then.” Ravi said, as they headed there. “Let’s get the lead out and go.” As they started their journey, Tempest Shadow was watching them from a nearby corner around the castle, as not to be noticed. She saw them go in. “I thought so!” she said quietly. “Well, this ‘Cosmic Princess’ replacement is in for a surprise of her own!” she looked around to make sure no one spotted her, and when she was safe, she fled from her hiding area to go check on the other teams to make sure her plan was in motion. They were on their way in the castle, and Applejack started to feel uneasy about Twilight’s star necklace. “Y’know, that necklace...thingie has me a little bit concerned.” She said, nervously. “It’s fine.” Twilight said, ignoring what her friend said. “Everything’s fine.” “See?” Ravi said, as if there was nothing at all. “If Twilight says it’s fine, then it’s fine.” Applejack gulped. “Oh, okay then.” They were about to enter in one of the archival rooms as they went inside. “Well, let’s go tell the Princesses that we’re here.” She said. “No.” Twilight said seriously. The others were confused at Twilight’s answer. “No?” They both asked. “What do you mean no?” Applejack asked. “And, where are we going?” Ravi asked, confused as well. “I mean that they’re in the middle of setting the sun, and raising the moon.” Twilight told them. “We shouldn’t interrupt them.” They arrived at a secret passageway, as the violet alicorn used her muscles to push the door open. “...and Celestia showed me this room once. It’s where she keeps things.” “Things?” Ravi asked. “What kind of things?” “Mostly things she doesn’t want cluttering the halls upstairs.” Their friend said. The strong friends both exchanged glances as they followed her into the passage downstairs. As they went in the passage, they came to a secret basement-like archival room. They were both amazed and shocked just by looking at it. “Twilight, what is this?” Ravi asked in awe. “The star gem is here.” Twilight said, grinning from ear to ear, ignoring Ravi’s question. “I can feel it.” As Ravi and the violet princess looked around, Applejack started to get more nervous as her blood begun to run cold. “Uh, I’m going to go out on a limb, and say that if it’s in this room, it’s bad.” she said, as sweat ran down her. “It’ll be fine, guys.” The alicorn reassured them. “Not everything in here is dangerous.” “We’ll take your word for it, Twi.” Ravi said, as they all went through the door, to lead through another passageway, into another archival basement room. “See?” Twilight reminded them. “She also hides her worthless junk down here too.” The strong duo was confused as they heard her say that. “Wortless junk?” They asked. “Like what?” As they went down the room, the farm mare noticed a golden Apple peeler, that had the symbol of an apple on it. She was shocked and angry as she realized what it was. “HEY!” she shouted, as she picked it up. “I GAVE HER THAT APPLE PEELER!” Ravi jumped back at her response. Twilight paid no attention, as she went to a wooden chest, and smiled as her eyes went pink again. “There it is.” She said, showing a sneaky grin. She tried to get it open, but the chest was padlocked. She strained as she kept trying. “Celestia must have found it, but never put it on!” She growled. “CURSE that pompous Princess pony! If she had, I’d been brought back sooner!” Both the farm mare, and teen noticed their friend acting not like herself again, and started to get concerned. “Uh, Twilight?” Applejack asked. “I think it’s time to take off that necklace.” Ravi nodded. “Maybe, we should have a look at that map again, and check if we’re in the right direction.” He agreed. “I mean, it looks like right now, we’re in a dead end, and you are getting a little too excited. Wouldn’t hurt, just to take a quick peek again...” he reached out to the star gem, but Twilight turned to them furiously and snapped. “DON’T TOUCH IT!” she thundered as the two stepped back. Applejack gasped in shock, as she now saw a silhouetted draconniqus. “You ain’t Twilight!” She yelped in fear. “What are you talking about, Applejack?” Ravi asked in utter disbelief, as he pointed to her. “That is Twilight!” Twilight looked at them, and grinned hungrily at them, ready to pounce on them. “Right you are, human! ” She said in a demonic voice. “In fact, she’s still in there! And, I can bring her out whenever I need to! If you need to know who I am...I am the terror that stalks in the night, I am the embodiment of Chaos in the outer limits of space...I...AM...COSMOS!” She started by firing an amplified laser blast from her horn, sending them a few feet back, and knocked down. Ravi and Applejack both got up, and got ready to fight, and were shocked as well. “I’ve gotta morph!” The teen said, as he activated his Morpher, as Twilight got ready to fire another laser beam at them. “Activate Beast Powers!” He shouted as he was instantly morphed into his ranger form, dodging her blast. “Give us back our friend!” Applejack screamed in shock. “NO!” she answered as she punched the two heroes down to the ground. “I need her to get to him!” she got ready to punch them again. “BE STILL!” she struck them down to the ground, but Ravi got up, as did Applejack, who was already horrified at this recent discovery that was happening to Twilight. “Twilight, what’s gotten into you?!” Ravi asked in horror. The alicorn responded by firing a beam again, only for Ravi’s arms to block it. “Hey, cut it out with that thing! Someone could get messed up!” “That’s what I had in mind!” Twilight said in her demonic voice as she kept firing an array of blasts towards her friend. Ravi couldn’t deflect all her blasts, so he had to summon his weapon! He hit his transporter. “Transport!” He called out as his Beast-X Blaster appeared to him. He took it, and was ready to fight back with an array from HIS arsenal! As Twilight tried to throw another punch, Ravi used his blaster to fire at her. Upon seeing this, she yelped, and tried to dodge the blasts. “You’ve got some strength, Blue Ranger!” She said smugly. “So, I don’t feel bad not pulling my punches.” She jumped towards them, and tried to throw a few punches, as the strong duo dodged them. “Whoa, Nelly!” Applejack cried out in shock, as they were almost attacked. She and her teammate both realized it was time to play rough. “Okay, time to quit being nice.” Twilight pushed them again to the ground, and they got back up again. “Hey, I don’t want to hurt you, Twi!” Ravi said, as they ran towards her. “...but, you’re getting us steamed!” He started to overheat as soon as Applejack kicked her and he threw his gorilla punch at her, knocking her to the ground. “Oh, man! I’m overheating!” Ravi said, as he noticed the steam rising from him after his punch. Twilight was dazed from that attack, as she tried to get up. She could see her friends slowly advancing toward her. “You’re...far too strong compared to this one. She said weakly. “ So, I’ll just have to fight...” Ravi started to hit his transporter again. “Transport! Beast-X...” But, he never got the chance as Twilight used her magic to raw abilities to conjure up a giant fist, that rose up and punched them from below! “DIRTY!” The force of that attack was too great as the two heroes were thrown into a giant cage. “Oof!” They both said at the force that sent them in there. They both got up, only to find they were trapped, as Ravi strained, trying to break the cage free. “Oh, man! We’re trapped!” He said in shock. They heard laughing as they turned to see Twilight had already opening the chest, and getting the second star out. They were both shocked. “TWILIGHT! YOU GOTTA TAKE THAT DARN STAR OFF! IT’S MESSING WITH YOUR MIND!” Applejack shouted to her. “TWILIGHT, YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU’RE DEALING WITH HERE!” Ravi shouted as well. “DON’T DO IT!” But, it was too late. Twilight had already got the second star out, and was ready to execute her part of the plan. “Sorry, guys.” she said to them evilly, as she started to walk away. “But, I do believe NOW, I will talk to Celestia.” She cackled as she left. “Twilight, Stop!” Applejack cried out, upon seeing her like this. “Don’t do this, Buddy!” Ravi shouted, as she left. “TWILIGHT!” But their friend was already gone, and God only knew what she had planned with Celestia. With our two heroes trapped like a caged animal, it looked like things would get grim for them. “Applejack slumped down on the ground. “Oh, Horseapples!” She said sadly. “Ravi, What are we going to do?!” “We’ll have to get in contact.” He said, as he started to contact his teammates on his morpher. “Devon, can you hear me?” There was no answer. So, he tried someone else. “Nate? Ben?” Still no answer. “Anybody?!” So far, no one was contacting them. And, they were probably with busy looking for the rest of those stars, or the heroes were too deep in the castle to communicate. Either way, it would have to take an epic breakout to fix this problem, as it was about to get worse for our friends!