A Dashed Shade Of Red Part 2: Close Encounters Of The Cosmic Kind

by TheSuperTransformerFan

Part 2: Gathering The Team

Have you ever seen someone ruin their life? Well, it wasn’t pretty...not even for Discord as he was running away from Cosmos, who wanted to keep spreading Chaos with him. She was chasing him, and he was scared. “Now, Cosmos. Just...give me a moment, and I’ll go see what ELSE you can destroy!” Discord said nervously, as he was running in fear.

Cosmos was chasing him, eager to know what else he had planned for her. “DARLING!” she called out in her demonic voice. “WAIT FOR ME!

Discord was frightened from her, as even he had to admit that his partnership with her was not...ideal. It was more like...unlikely!

“Daaaaarrrrrrling!” Cosmos sung out from above him. “Come back! I have the most marvellous idea of turning the ponies into piñatas and finding a big stick!” Discord just yelped in horror, as he tried to run from her.

At that moment, he saw King Aspen and King Cat and was relieved. “Ah, the Calvary!” He said, happily.

But, the reactions were NOT what he was expecting as the two ruler thought he was the one causing all the chaos, as they saw him. “Discord!” King Aspen shouted in alarm. “There he is! Grab him!”

The two rulers both grabbed him, and were very mad at him for what was going on! “You’ll pay for what you’ve done!” King Cat scolded him. “You’ve gone too far this time!”

Discord tried to tell them. “No...it’s not...nevermind!” He pleaded. “Take me to Celestia! NOW! PLEASE!

“Oh. You’re going to Celestia!” King Aspen said, as he moved him by the back with his antlers. “...and you will FIX THIS!” Discord did vow he would help them.

And, that was his plan! He just couldn’t handle all the trouble from her anymore! Which makes you wonder...where are the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles when you needed them?

Hey! You’re not allowed to make that reference! We’re not even in the story!

Oh, sorry! I just made a nod to you guys, since I thought YOU’D be the ones to stop Cosmos, and...

Well, we don’t even know who Cosmos is, and we team up with the ponies in an entirely different crossover series by Wildcard25!

And, besides...this isn’t a TMNT crossover fanfic! This is a Power Rangers Beast Morphers X MLP FIM fanfic! Not Dino Fury X G5, Not TF X FIM (though, I admit that does sound cool), and especially NOT TMNT X EG!!!

So, please stop referencing us in this crossover. This is a Power Rangers crossover, even though Leo said it first, and it’s really annoying when you mention the wrong show, so CUT US SOME SLACK, OKAY?!

Okay! Okay! Geez, what a bunch of backseat drivers. Now, where were we? Oh yes!

That moment Discord had long ago with his crazy ex girlfriend was a long time, thousands of years ago! I bet you would’ve gotten it, if you had read the prologue of the story. Did you read the prologue? Or part 1 of the story? You probably should read those two chapters first, or else you’d get confused. If by chance you are confused, please put down your iPad, and go watch some Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...


Okay! I’ll stop talking, and take you back to the story! Already the second chapter in, and I’m already going off track! If that’s bad enough, I’m already mentioning an 80s cartoon that doesn’t even have anything to do with this crossover at all! How stupid, yet silly of me! Anyways, back to the story...and the present time in 2020!

Twilight had met the other Rangers, as well as the rest of the elements and a few of their friends outside of her Castle of Friendship. She had already given them a few sheets of paper and maps, containing detailed descriptions of how to find the stars.

“Now, I’ve given every group a map, your scheduled mode of transportation, protein bars, a detailed timeline, a drawing of a star gem you are looking for, forms for you to get reimbursement for any travel expenses...”

“...and, that’s about it.” Devon finished, as he put the stuff ready for his team in his knapsack, as the others did the same with theirs.

A few of them were flipping through the books, a little confused at all this, but they seems to get the message. “Does she seem a little...more intense than usual?” Applejack asked.

“Nope!” Steel said, confidently. “Knowing Twilight, this is a normal level of smartness for her.”

“Yeah!” Ben added as well. “I bet she gets her knowledge from Wikipedia!” The others shared a laugh at that.

“I bet she reads so many books all night, that she doesn’t even BOTHER to sleep!” Rainbow added, as they continued to laugh.

Twilight shot them a look. “We’re here to find the stars.” She told them. “Not to make jokes at my expense!” The others, shot a civil tongue, stood up, backs straight, and gave serious eyes to get back on track.

“And, since Starlight has to stay in Ponyville to oversee final exams, I’d like to thank Big Mac for stepping up to help us out.” She turned to Applejack’s big brother and handed him a book & knapsack as well. “You too, Zecora, Girls.” She even said to the following, who had also showed up to help.

“I’m so excited to be included in one of y’all’s adventures!” Applebloom piped up in excitement. “And, with the Power Rangers too!”

“We’re in the big leagues now, Ponies & Rangers!” Scootaloo said in glee, with her knapsack armed. “Watch out!”

“Next stop, our own chairs at the weird map-table-thing or gear at the base!” Sweetie Belle added as Zecora finished packing her knapsack.

“...and a shelf in the fridge with our names on lunch bags that say, “Do not eat my lunch.” Scootaloo finished for her.

Nate saw the others who were there and was shocked at the group. “These guys?” He asked. “Three of them are foals! They ought to be in school!” He gasped and continued, “And a zebra? I can’t remember the last time we even saw one zebra in coral harbor!”

Twilight just giggled. “I admit they look unusual,” she said. “But I have it on good authority that they are quite capable.”

Nate saw them, and sighed. “If you say so.” He said calmly.

Twilight was ready to direct the teams to their designated areas. “Okay...Pinkie, Big Mac, Nate, you’re all headed for Klugetown.” She told the, first team.

Pinkie got excited as she hugged her two teammates. “Oh! You two have never BEEN!” she squealed. “Get ready fro some SEEDY UNDERBELLY!

Big Mac & Nate got nervous as she squealed in their ears, as it was loud. But, they adapted to it. “Errr...yup.” The stallion replied.

“Whoa, calm down, Pinkie!” Nate said, calmly pushing her away. “We’ll still be able to find those stars along the way, today.”

“Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Devon, Zoey, & Steel...you’re headed for the Crystal empire.” She told the second team.

“Alright!” Steel raised his arms in excitement. “We get to go to where we first met you!” He jumped up and down.

Twilight saw his reaction and blushed. “Yeah...” she said, smiling. “I guess you do.”

“Oh! Oh!” Spike said in excitement, upon hearing this. “Can I go, too?”

Twilight was confused. “But, I already color-coded your paper work to match mine.” She told her assistant.

“And, I’ll stay behind for a little bit, testing our weapons for anyone coming after our Morph-X again.” Zoey said, confidently. “I’ll catch up with them, later. It would be a better idea if Battleforce was left unguarded...if you know what I mean.”

“Please, Twilight?” Spike asked. “Can we?”

Twilight looked at their excited faces, and sighed. “Oh, all right.” She said, giving in. “It’s probably for the best, since you both can page me if anything comes up. The other two both smiled, and did a thumbs-up sign.

“Yes!” They both said silently in excitement.

“Zecora, you will be in charge of getting the Star gem from Griffonstone.” She told her Zebra friend. “Do you think you can handle all three fillies on their own? I’m sure I can find someone else to help you.”

Zecora just smiled, upon hugging the three fillies. “With these young ones? I’m sure their talents will make our group shine!” She said happily, as she nuzzled with them.

Twilight sighed, and went to Fluttershy. “Are you sure you don’t want a partner?” She asked her shy friend. “I don’t want you going into the Everfree Forest alone.”

“Oh, he’s back at my house feeding Angel for me.” Fluttershy said to her. “I’ll go get him before I head out.”

Twilight nodded. “Perfect.” She turned to all the teams. “All right, everyone! You have everything you should need for the trip!” The teams nodded, and started to go to their respective locations. “Let’s get out there, find the stars of the Andalusian Constellation, and then...” her eyes turned pink, and her voice became demonic again as she finished her sentence. “Bring them all to me.”

Ravi, and Applejack both noticed something was rather off about Twilight. But, they just couldn’t put their finger on it. “You okay, Twilight?” Ravi asked. “You’ve been acting a little strange and demonic.”

Twilight shifted back to focus. “Yes, I’m fine, you guys.” She said to them. “I’m just...so excited about the prospect of solving an astronomical mystery!” She let out a chuckle. “See what I did there?”

Applejack groaned. “You aren’t going to do that the WHOLE train ride to Canterlot, are you?” She asked, deadpanned.

Twilight just giggled again. “How about this one?” She said, as she fouled up another pun. “The rotation of the planet really makes my day!”

Applejack felt like she wanted to switch partners, as she tried to escape, while Twilight was happily dragging her along. “DOES ANYPONY WANT TO SWITCH PARTNERS?!” she asked, in shock. “TRADE YA’LL AN APPLE! PLEASE?!

“Nevertheless...” Ravi said, as he dragged the two ponies along the trail. “We’ll go if only to make sure that the Storm King doesn’t get his hands on it. Let’s roll!” And, with that, they went to the Friendship Express to board the ride to Canterlot.

However, Twilight was indeed acting strange. But, strange was natural...at least for her. And, they would find the stars of the Andalusian Constellation, and send them into the sky. However, plans can change. And for the strong team, this might change in a very powerful way. But, they went to the station to start the search for now.

Unknown to the teams, Tempest Shadow herself was watching them from afar in the bushes, hoping that the heroes would win as she plotted her chance for revenge against her replacement.