The Tale Of Shadow 2 Worlds Apart

by Enigmatic Brony

Chapter 7: Hide and Seek

Chapter 7: Hide and Seek

Karl was shocked at the sound of the shack door being slammed against the shack
“Ah oh” I say looking around for somewhere to hide
I search around the kitchen and I couldn’t find a single place to hide that was an obvious spot to hide
“Oh come on” I whisper trying not to speak to loud, “fine I’ll have to hide in the cupboard
I jump into the cupboard and shut the wooden shutter doors softly against the pine wood
“Who the hell has a cupboard in an abounded shack” I whisper to myself in the darkness
I could hear footsteps walking around the shack slowly as if they were looking for something, I could hear the roughing of papers and the shuffling of books coming from the room behind me
“Who is that” I whisper to myself
I could hear the footsteps becoming closer and closer as each second past as I stood within the darkened death box.

I noticed the person had dark ginger hair which was spiked and wore a navy blue jumper and blue denim jeans.
“Ha, that’s not Phantom” I say in Confusion of who it was
I decided to continue to hide in the cupboard just in case it was someone as dangerous as Phantom but when he turned around and showed his face I could tell that I wouldn’t come to any kind of harm.
I Jump out of the cupboard and tackle the brown haired figure knocking him to the ground with a shoulder barge that I learnt from wrestling and MMA

*Flash Back*
When I was a kid I used to be picked on at school a lot, beaten day in and day out never had a day that I didn’t come home without a new cut, bruise, or scrap. I tried everything from hiding at school, getting myself intentionally in trouble or even staying home faking I was sick or something but one day I just snapped and went into some kind of crazy frenzy and fought back as hard as I could but that proved to be to no avail…so I made a promise to myself to learn to fight back and never be beaten ever again…so I did I joined martial classes of various kinds of styles learning abit of each one and using them to create my own arsenal of techniques and manoeuvres…I took the fancy of MMA and Wrestling at the time and learnt the moves they used against their opponents….Then came the day I had to use them…Since I disappeared from school for a couple of weeks the people that had the daily agenda for beating me into a pulp decided that the best thing to do was beat on my closest friend Alyssa so when I found out about it from another kid that attended the school that h was planning to ambush her after school…I snapped I ran to that school as fast as I could and when arrived…. I was too late…. She laid there beaten pretty bad blood covered her face along with cuts and bruises, they broke two of her ribs and her left arm…but that was completely nothing to what I did that day….I ran up to the kid and drove his face into a steel pole and smashed repeatedly for about two minutes then I proceeded to lift the kid above my shoulders and throw him face first onto a the steel steps of the local playground close by…but that wasn’t all after I stomped his chest repeatedly and broke each rib in his body and I left him for dead there in that abandoned playground and I took Alyssa to the hospital. I vowed to never get out of control like that again but I that was thrown out of the window when I met Phantom.

*End of Flash Back*

“Get off me you freak” yelled the brown haired kid, “It’s me Karl”
I let go of the figure as soon as I realised that the kid was a good friend of mine named Kyle
“Oh im sorry” I say releasing my grip from around his collar, “Why are you here?” I say helping him off of the ground
“I saw your car out front as I drove past bro” smiles Kyle, “Im not going to miss your dark blue Mazda RX-8 for a long time you’re the only guy that seems to have one that I know of in this part of Haven City so I had to see what you were doing out here”.
“I guess that would explain it but you do know that curiosity killed the cat right” I laugh
“Yeah I know but I have seen you for ages since you got back from visiting you dad and when I do your always too busy working on something else” mutters Kyle
“Yeah Im sorry about that…So….” I say nervously
“Wanna go and hang out at the Mall….Im supposed to be meeting Alyssa and everyone there” smiles Kyle.
“Yeah…I guess that would be fun” I say
We walk out of the abounded and head back to where both our cars had been parked.
“Ha I see you still drive the same piece of crap you had years ago” I laugh noticing the little bubble car that he had, “You may as well pain that thing pink”
“Oh come on…You do know this used to be my sisters car” says Kyle
“Yeah….But that doesn’t seem to help your case now does it” I say continuing to laugh
“Just shut up” says Kyle angrily as he opens his car door and sits inside
“Yeah whatever” I say getting inside my own car
We both turn the ignition of the cars and hear as both cars roar to life…well as my car roars back to life. I could tell Kyle was trying to rev his car up to show off its inner beast hidden inside….So I decided that I had to show him up *RRRRAAAAHHHH* goes my car as I give the smallest rev possible. I could tell it ticked him off as he quickly drove off in a huff
“Time to go see the peeps” I smile to myself as I back out heading to the mall to see some of my old friends.
I drive alongside Kyle as he lead the way to the mall….I admit since I have been back in Haven City I had completely forgot about where the mall was located the main street shops where I lived had everything I needed and I needed very little just food and occasionally a newspaper to read…I was far too busy trying to find my way back home…in Equestria.
I finally got sick of the depressing atmosphere of my car and turned the radio on and set it to the CD player setting…I forgot what CD’s I had inside the CD player so I was wondering what music would come on. The CD player finally begins playing and a favourite song of mine came on called I Cry by Flo Rida
“Man I Missed listening to this music” I say rocking out to the song in the car”
“I know…Caught up in the middle…I cry, just a little…When I think of letting go…Oh no…Gave up on the riddle…I cry, just a little…When I think of letting go” I begin to sing driving a little faster than the usual speed limit and cutting in front of Kyle
I finally arrive at the mall even though it took me a little longer to get there because I missed the first turn off
“I see you finally arrived” Laughs Kyle
“Yeah…I know I kind of missed the first turn off” I smile in embarrassment
“Why did you even zoom off for” laughs Kyle, “Are you Rainbow Dash or something”
Yeah Kyle was a brony as well as me but he didn’t like people knowing it since he was one of the popular kids at school
“Na im no Rainbow Dash” I smile secretly remembering the times we both spent together flying around performing tricks in the air, “Just got pumped from listening to Flo Rida”
“Oh my god Karl…you and your passion for good music” laughs Kyle placing his arm around my neck “we better go find the others….they probably think something’s happened to me”
We walk through the entrance of the mall and see Alyssa inside a clothing store.
“Hey Bro” Whispers Kyle, “why haven’t you asked her out yet…I’ve seen the way she looks at you and the way you both act when you are together”
“I don’t know…just haven’t” I say trying to avoid the conversation with Kyle…But I knew that wouldn’t happen
“Why not” questions Kyle
“Well….I…It’s complicated” I say softly
“Come on bro, it can’t be that complicated” adds Kyle
“Hey Alyssa” I yell trying to break the convocation
“Oh Hi Karl” says Alyssa as she places the shirt back on the rack and runs over, “I thought you were busy working on an assignment” says Alyssa as she gives me a hug
“It didn’t look like you were working on a assignment when I found you” laughs Kyle, “Cause last time I checked when did assignments involve looking around abounded shacks in the forest”
“What where you doing in the forest?” questions Alyssa
“I was….Doing a science assignment…getting some fresh samples from the forest and that’s when I stumbled upon the shack and I guess curiosity got the better off me” I lie nervously still not liking lying to Alyssa
“Oh Okay…that would explain it” smiles Alyssa not questioning me for a second
“So…how about we get something to eat” I say changing the subject
“Yeah sure that would be nice” smiles Alyssa
“Yeah if you’re shouting…just let me get tiffany and Jak” says Kyle
“Yeah cool I’ll meet you in the food court” I smile
“Yeah no worries bro” adds Kyle
Me and Alyssa walk of over to the food court and seat down as we wait for the others

A/N: the whole driving scene bit came to me when i was rocking out to some Escape the Fate earlier this fair mourn and I have noticed how I have begun to speed when rocking out to certain songs that get me pumped for the up and coming SoundWave 2013 (even though it is 6 months away)