//------------------------------// // New Roommate-Facebook // Story: My Roommate is a pony? // by Meh121 //------------------------------// "No, I don't want to go to Equestria for college, besides, Earth is much better." I told my old roommate, David on the phone. "Come on, it’s really not that bad." David told me. "No, there is no way I'm going to some freaky place with magical talking ponies, it's bad enough we have some here." I said. "Well fine, but don't complain when I become famous and stay in Equestria." David told me in a mocking tone. "Yea, you have fun with that." I told him. “What if I told you they even have jobs and places to eat for us and everything?” David asked me. "No, I’m perfectly fine here. Well I have to go, my new roommate is here, let's just hope he’s as good as you were." I said hanging, up the phone. I then parked my car, a two thousand and four black Mustang that really needed an oil change, closed the door and started on my way to the apartment. It was pretty spacious since I was the only one there and the second bedroom was never used since David left. "Hey, what's up Tyler?" I heard Jay, my neighbor, ask as I was making my way towards the apartment door. "Nothing much, I got a new roommate, I just hope he’s as good as David was, he was always funny as hell." I said, unlocking the door. 'Oh this must be my new roommate! I hope he is nice' Twilight thought to herself as she heard the door unlock. "Hey what's up ma.....um I think you got the wrong apartment." I said. I was looking down to see a purple pony starting back up at me. "No, I think the paper says this is the right apartment." Twilight told me. "Let me see those." I said, grabbing the papers. I read the address only to find that it was correct. I ran out of the apartment and called David again. "You'll never guess what just happened." I said, getting back into my car. "What is it this time, does your roommate smell or something?" David asked. "No....it....it's....it's a...." I kept mumbling. "A what, spit it out for goodness sake!" David said, a bit annoyed by my mumbling. "A freaking pony!" I shouted, slamming my face on the horn. "You're kidding right?" David asked with a bit of a laugh being hidden. "No I'm not, it’s like purple or lavender or something, and it has a horn on it’s head!” I shouted, with my face still smashed on the horn. Then someone knocked on my window, and I looked up to see Jay looking at me like I was crazy or something. "Why are you face horning?" Jay asked. "I have a freaking pony as a roommate!" I shouted, with my face still smashed on the horn. "You're kidding me, didn’t you say that those ponies creep you out?" David asked on the phone. "Oh, hey David." Jay said. "What's up?" David asked. "Nothing really how is that Equestria place you're at?" Jay asked. "Hold on, I’ll just put you two on speaker phone while I go check my room to see if it was a cardboard cutout or something" I said, opening my door, only to slam it shut with tremendous force. I ran into the apartment and saw that the pony wasn’t there. I sighed as I walked into the kitchen and still didn’t see it. I grabbed a Dr.Pepper before leaving the kitchen. The moment I opened the can I heard a noise from inside my room. “Jay come here, I think someone is breaking in.” I said, motioning for him to come inside. "Really, why would anyone break into your apartment? It's only got a laptop, an xbox, a huge TV, and like forty games. Okay you know what, I see why some people might want to break in." Jay said. "It's funny though, why would someone break in during the middle of the day?” David added over the phone. "They must have some crazy need for a thrill I guess" I said, pushing open my door.Only to see that purple unicorn looking through some of my stuff. I screamed and shut the door in Jay’s face, leaving him in the hallway with David on the phone. "What the hell was that?" David asked. "The pony’s in his room." Jay said, laughing, soon to be joined by David. Hearing Jay and David in the hallway, I opened the door back up. “Ok, time for you to go home, and time to hang up on you.” I said, grabbing my phone and then closing the door again. I turned around and the pony was just looking at me with this look of absolute confusion. “Umm..hi?” I said, not really knowing how I should talk to it. "Are you going to run away this time?" she asked, walking up to me. "I don’t think so, but you shouldn’t be going through my stuff." I said, scolding her. "I'm sorry, I didn’t know” she said. 'Really? There are only two people here and she can’t tell who's stuff is who’s?' I thought, facepalming. "It's alright." I sighed, forgetting that I really didn’t even show her much hospitality to begin with. "Well my name is Twilight Sparkle, I'm from Equestria. I used to live in Ponyville, and was born in Canterlot, and Princess Celestia, the ruler of Equestria, was my personal teacher in magic school. It's very nice to meet you, though I haven’t gotten your name yet?" Twilight said to me with a huge, goofy smile on her face. "My name is Tyler Abbott and I'm from Macomb, Michigan, the state we’re in right now.Other than that there’s not much to tell about me other than I’ve had a lot of different jobs." I said, looking down at her. "Oh, I used to work as the Ponyville librarian." Twilight said, trying to start a conversation. "Hmm, that sounds kinda cool." I said trying not to sound so harsh. "Thank you." Twilight said, not noticing my sarcasm. "No problem, but there is your room." I said, pointing to the other bedroom down the hallway as we walked out of my room. "Oh alright. I guess I'll talk to you later then, roommate." Twilight told me, walking into her room. "Great, a pony as a roommate, this is going to be fun." I sighed, pulling out my laptop. I logged onto Facebook and did what most college students do, post mindless crap on Facebook. However today was different, today I had something decent to post. “Well this is crazy but I got a pony named Twilight Sparkle as my new roommate.” I set as my status, before seeing Twilight walk out of her room. "Oh you have a laptop too? I got one when I signed up for college, but I have no idea how to use it." Twilight told me, with a hint of sadness in the last part. Have you ever seen the old cartoons where there is an angel and a devil on the character’s shoulders telling them what to do? That’s about what happened to me here. 'Come on help her..' I thought. 'No, you know that these ponies freak you out, she needs to just figure out things on her own.' I thought, ready to have a mental argument with myself. 'Who knows, maybe you'll even think she’s a good roommate.' I thought. 'No, she is a pony, not going to happen, you're better off just moving out.' I thought again. 'Just look at those eyes, she is asking for your help, so just help her.' That thought hit me straight in the heart, and caused me to be way softer than I wanted to be. "Go ahead and grab it. I'll show you how to use it." I told Twilight. She quickly darted into her room and pulled out a brand new laptop. "Hey your’s has HP on it, just like mine!" Twilight squealed with joy. "Hey look at that, it does." I said, trying to be nice. "Ok then Twilight, do you even have anything set up yet?" I asked. "Well the guy at the store said it has Windows on it, and that it was ready to go, but I was looking, and I couldn’t find any windows." Twilight said, looking over the laptop just to make sure she didn’t miss the windows. "Windows is the name of the technology that runs the laptop, there aren’t any windows on it." I said, chuckling lightly. “Oh I see...I feel kinda dumb now..” she said, looking rather sad. “It’s okay, I’ll help you figure it out.” I said, reassuringly. “Okay, to start you just have to open it up, and turn it on, you might also want to plug it in whenever you can so the battery doesn’t die.” I said, opening the laptop. "Thank you very much." Twilight said to me, her frown starting to shape into a smile. 'That is so adorable’ I thought. ‘No, come on, it's weird having a pony as a roommate and you know it.' I thought. “Really, it’s no trouble at all." I said, putting on a smile. "Alright, so to start you need to choose a username and password." I told her, after I had done any other necessary steps for her. "Username?" Twilight asked. "It’s like a name that yo-, actually, just put in your name." I said, as I watched her horn glow as she typed in her name. "Ok now what?" Twilight asked. "What.....did you....how...what did you just do?" I asked. “I used magic, have you never seen that before?” Twilight told me, giggling at the jaw-dropped expression on my face. "How though? That’s not possible magic, isn’t real." I said, still with a dumbfounded look on my face. "Really, watch this." Twilight said, grabbing the drink out of my hand with her magic. "Ok I'm not going to lie, that’s a bit creepy, I've seen other unicorns around here but they never used their magic." I told her, standing up to grab my drink. "Heh, your face sure was funny when you saw me do it." Twilight told me, still giggling. "Alright, hit enter and there you, go your laptop is now ready to use." I said, jumping back onto my laptop. I looked and saw my status on Facebook had already received forty likes and sixty comments. “Pictures or I don't believe you.”, “Pictures now.”, “Need Pictures of pony show them!”, “Pictures of pony please.”, “Ha you got a pony as a roommate oh yea pictures though or no proof.”, “Really I thought you were not a big fan of ponies btw can I get a pic of the adorableness.”, Is what most of the comments said, I chuckled when reading them. "Who do they want a picture of?" Twilight asked. "Oh what the!" I shouted in panic and threw my soda at her in self defense. "Really." Twilight said, with an angry look on her face. "Sorry but, didn't your parents ever teach you not to sneak up on a man who’s reading Facebook comments with a can of soda at the ready?" I asked. I looked at her and started laughing until she used her magic to dry herself off. "What's a Facebook?" Twilight asked, licking up the taste of the soda. "You're kidding right? I thought with the joint world thing that ponies had the internet, at least that is what my friend told me." I said, looking up at Twilight. "I've never used the internet in Equestria just because, well, just because I never used it." Twilight told me. "Ok well, Facebook is simple, all of your friends are on here, and all you do is add them to your friends list, and then boom, you got a friend on here. Then you can tell people what you’re doing, like this." I said scrolling up to my last status. "Well this is crazy but I have a pony named Twilight Sparkle as a roommate." Twilight read out loud. "See? Then people can like and can comment on it, like how they all want a picture of you." I said. Then a chat screen from David popped up. What’s up David? I asked. Nothing, I saw how much attention that status you posted earlier is getting you. David typed in. You think? I typed in. Well I just wanted to say gl with the roommate, talk to you later. David typed in before he logged off. "Then you can chat to your friends." I told her, pointing at my conversation with David. "Oh, can I get one?" Twilight asked me. "I don't care, you’re an adult after all." I said to her. "Oh ok, can you help me again please?" Twilight asked. "Sure, but first so I can prove I'm not lying, let me take a picture of you." I told her. She nodded, and stood there as I aimed the webcam and took a picture of her, then uploaded it to Facebook. "Alright, here you go." I said, handing her laptop back to her after setting up an email and Facebook for her. "What’s a profile picture?" Twilight asked. “It’s a picture of yourself so people know who you are when they view your page. Here I’ll show you how to do it.” I said, taking a picture of her and I with my webcam, then setting it as my profile picture. "Oh, I see." she said, running over to her laptop. She took several pictures, some goofy, some were just Twilight being Twilight, one was her using her magic, and several more of her doing something else. "Which one should I use?" Twilight asked, bringing her laptop right up to my face. I scanned them and then pointed to the one with her using her magic while she was standing on one leg. Then I looked back to my Facebook and saw more comments on the two pictures I had uploaded of her. “Dawwww that is so adorable I'm so jealous of you having her as a roommate.”, “Holy crap you were not lying you really do got a pony as a roommate!”, “Bro you should totally let me live with you because of the adorable that pony has is to much for a single man to bear.”, “I'm coming over tomorrow after class.” The last one was from my best childhood friend. I replied to her saying that she is always welcome here. "How do I add a friend?" Twilight asked me, bringing her laptop right up to my face again. "Type in the person’s name." I told her. "Ok." She said, before setting down the laptop again. I saw a friend request from: Twilight Sparkle. I looked at her and she smiled up at me. "Will you please be my friend on Facebook?" Twilight asked me, giving off a smile that would make Chuck Testa cry. I felt my heart melt from the dawww she was giving me. I knew I wasn’t a big fan of ponies but that smile was just too much. I clicked accept and watched her eyes grow wide with excitement, she came over and gave me a bone crushing hug. "Oh thank you thank you." Twilight told me hugging me tighter. "It's no problem, but..I..can't..breathe." I coughed out. "Oh, heh, sorry." Twilight told me. "It's fine, but are you really that happy I added you on Facebook?" I asked. "Of course! That means we are going to be BRFF’s" Twilight told me. “BRFF’s?” I asked. “Best roommate friends forever!” she explained. “Oh I see..” I said, feeling silly for not getting it. I then looked back to my Facebook and saw Twilight had put a post on my wall. “Hi roomy thanks for the help.” I immediately saw fifty likes on that wall post and almost seventy on me just adding her as a friend. "I guess it does, kid." I said to Twilight who only looked up and looked confused.