//------------------------------// // 23 // Story: Applejack Falls Down the Stairs - CYOA // by Good Christian Ethesto //------------------------------// Applejack has always hated this stupid orange horse. She was orange like Applejack which filled her jealous heart with envy and hatred and despite being her mother and orange, Appleblum preferred to hang out with this one instead of her. She reached out and grabbed Scootaloo's neck with her orange hands and it was hard to tell where her orange hands ended and the orange neck began. She squeezed with all her mighty strength, and Scootaloo wasn't able to breathe air in her brain and died of air loss. Where does she go next? Fluttershy (1) Twilight Sparkle (2) Go back to sleep (6) Flush the Toilet (7) Disappear into the woods (28)