Applejack Falls Down the Stairs - CYOA

by Good Christian Ethesto


Applejack doesn't want to die in this hole.

With a resolve to live she never knew she possessed, she bites and tears her way through her arm, tears staining her face as she bears with the immense pain. Her blunt teeth are the worst possible tool for this job making it slow going as she practically chews off her own limb. It takes hours, during which Applejack blacks out multiple times, until she finally gets down to the nerve-wrapped bone.

Blood and tears and snot cake every inch of her face as she breathes deep, trying to build up the courage for what comes next. "I'm not going to die in this hole," she states, and then bites the bone and squeezes with all the strength her jaw can muster sending flashes of which across her vision as she digs into the nerves. Unfortunately for her, she normally eats her food whole and doesn't chew much, so her jaws muscles are pathetic and small. Regardless, with a herculean effort she crunches down on the bone, snapping it in two with a loud 'clack'.

She lays still for a few minutes, breathing deep after having performs such a gruesome task. She stump gushed blood making her a bit light headed, but she was finally free!

She laughed to herself despite the pain and horror she felt inside. "Looks like I win this time, world..." she verbally counted her chickens. Pushing herself to stand up so she could return home, she wasn't able to budge herself one inch.

Looking down, she realized her mistake as she'd chewed off the wrong limb. "Aw heckies..." she said, defeated, before slumping down and allowing the horde of onlooking rats to eat her alive. They climbed up her asshole and down her throat, tearing her apart from the inside out.

Honestly, I can't think of a worse way to die.

BAD END: You didn't tell her which limb to bite off.
Also, she shouldn't have counted them before they hatched.
Maybe you should go lay down and try again later...