Applejack Falls Down the Stairs - CYOA

by Good Christian Ethesto


Yes, Applejack is really dead for real. But wait, is she?

Scootaloo, Appleblum, and Big Macueltosh turn around only to see that Applejack isn't dead but is actually a zombie making her living dead!

"Well shucks, ya'll, I feel right as rain." She explains, tipping her hat.

Big MAcueltosh gets the shovel out of the barn and hits her in the head and kills her. They put the body inside a shoebox and bury it in the backyard using the shovel. Appleblum and Scootaloo go to their clumbhouse and play with crayons and Big Macueltosh goes to his room to have alone time.

BAD END: Applejack was buried and is dead.
She's not dead (37)
She is dead (17)