//------------------------------// // The Town // Story: Project Gateway // by DeloreandudeTommy //------------------------------// After hours of walking, you finally reach the town. “Okay, now surely I’m in Germany.” You look at the buildings, they all look exactly like German cottages. However, they’re a lot brighter colored than the cottages you’ve seen in pictures. “HEY THERE STRANGER!” says a bright pink pony. You’d nearly jump out of your shoes if you had any on. “MY NAME’S PINKIE PIE AND I’D LIKE TO BE YOUR FRIEND!” says the pony in the most high pitched voice you have ever heard in your entire life. “Woah, slow down, you’re talking at a million miles a second.” “Sorry. What’s your name?” “Mine’s Nero…what’s your name?” “P-I-N-K-I-E PIE!” “Oh…well that’s definitely…” “Hey, is that an leg-mounted telekinesis module and computer?” “Uh…Ma’am how did you know that?” “Well I…wait…OH NO, I HAVE TO GO RIGHT NOW! See ya’ later alligator!” says Pinkie Pie as she bolts off at the speed of a speeding bullet. “Wow, that was interesting.” you say to yourself as you continue exploring the city. So many ponies of so many different colors, it’s like looking at a little kid’s coloring book. There’s red ponies, green ponies, blue ponies. “See DJ PON-3 LIVE! Marech 20th at the Manehatten theater!” says one poster on the wall of a building. “This DEFINITELY reminds me of something, but WHAT!?” You see another poster “Watch and be amazed at the Great and Powerful Trixie live in Canterlot, April 1st at the Canterlot Castle Ballroom” says another poster. “These names…these ponies, why do they seem so familiar. It’s as if it was something my father used to show me when I was a kid.” You pull down the two posters, fold them up nicely into your arm computer’s small built in paper hatch and continue exploring. You decide to start window shopping to get a taste for this city’s economy. You pass by a pottery shop, a beauty parlor, a bakery. It’s all like some idealistic children’s cartoon. Children’s cartoon. You now remember, this looks exactly like a place from a cartoon your father used to watch when he was in his teen years. What was it called, “The Small Pony”? My Tiny Horse? You’ll look into it when you get home. “Atlanta, I’m going to see what I can find out about this place.” “Certainly, just remember to be careful since we can’t exactly send an EMT team to you if something goes wrong.” “Right.” You go up to a yellow pony with pink hair and wings. “Uh…hello. I was wondering if you could point me to a library or courthouse or somewhere where knowledge is kept.” “Oh…well you could…um…” says the yellow pony in the most timid voice imaginable. “It’s okay, ma’am, if you don’t want to tell me that’s fine.” “OH! I’m so sorry…so, so sorry…I uh…D’OH! Twilight’s Library, it’s the tree over there!” she says as she flys away in a nervous fit. “Wow, she’s like that girl I met in college only a million times worse.” You go up to a tiny orange pony who also has wings and purple hair. “Hey, could you point me to the Twilight Library?” “Sure, it’s right there, you can’t miss it.” Says the tiny pony, pointing at a gigantic tree that you can’t believe you didn’t notice in the first place. “Somebody lives in there?” “Some what? Uh, I’m going to guess you have some bizarre accent and meant to say ‘somepony’ but yeah, Twilight Sparkle lives in there. You should pay her a visit she’s very smart and nice.” “Thanks.” You say to her as you walk towards the gigantic tree.