Minecraft Ponyhunt

by PPEF1

Chapter 1: An Insane Clutch

The two earth ponies surrounded the rainbow pegasus, ready to attack. After a good ten seconds, Rainbow Dash flew over the two mares, dashing to the closest tree to gather some wood.

“Hey! No fair!” exclaimed Applejack.

The two earth ponies quickly rushed to Rainbow Dash, who seemed to finish collecting wood from the oak tree and zoomed off.

“Dang it!” Applejack said in a frustrated manner. “Okay, I’ll go after Rainbow Dash. Pinkie, you get us some wood.”

“Okie dokie!” Pinkie replied as she went to get some wood. Applejack then rushed to find Rainbow Dash.

“This should be enough for a crafting table.” As Rainbow Dash assembled the wooden planks together, giving her a crafting table, she realized that she didn’t have enough materials to make weapons or utensils.

“Great. It’s okay. I’ll just get more wood so that I have enough to make a sword and maybe a pickaxe so I can get better minerals.”

As she flew off to get more minerals, three critical hit  punches got her from behind.

“Aaaaaaahhhhhhh!!” Rainbow Dash screamed after taking six hearts of damage.

It was Applejack. And she had a wooden sword. Rainbow Dash started to panic due to her lack of weapons. She had no choice but to get out of there.

“Come here Rainbow!!” Applejack said acting like a serial killer chasing the rainbow pegasus.

While on the goose chase, Rainbow Dash spotted a ravine. This gave her an idea. The rainbow pegasus swiftly flew to the bottom of the ravine. Applejack followed by jumping in.

When Rainbow Dash got to the bottom of the ravine, her plan clicked in. She quickly started placing her remaining blocks on the ravine floor.

“OH SHIT!!” Applejack shouted as death was going to happen in a blink of an eye. The country mare had hit the wooden planks, ending her life and setting her back to her spawnpoint.

“YESSSS!!! Let's go!” Rainbow Dash cheered in excitement. She quickly left the ravine and headed out to get more materials.