//------------------------------// // Chapter 6: Valley of the Damn Part 1 // Story: (NEW TITLE: STOLEN WILL) Will You Ever Be Mine: Just Went Up to A New Stage (Re-write in progress) // by zodia //------------------------------// Chapter 6 Sunday Night same day midnight you still getting used to sleeping outdoors since You, HeartyFan and Zack are in the middle of nowhere so rounded by tall grass and large trees, when you look around the window the moon was really bright you can almost see everything. You went outside to walk for a while since you can't really sleep and maybe a walk can help to tire you out, when you got outside the RV a really cold breeze pass through "It's quite cold tonight hug!" You said. You looked up and you saw the moon and it's quite big and bright the stars are shining all around the sky "I wish Rainbow could see this right now but knowing her... She's probably asleep by now" you said. You sat on the grass and lay down and took a breath of fresh air then you didn't notice that you fell asleep... When you woke up you saw Zack sitting right next to you looks like he puts a blanket on you while you were asleep "Rise and shine sleepy head... Or grass head" said Zack while taking a sip of his coffee. You touched your hair and it looks like there is some grass on your hair "So how long you've been there?" You asked while removing some grass on your hair. He yawns "About an hour go I always woke up at 5 am so yeah it's now 6 I already made some breakfast if you wanna eat" said Zack. You smiled and pat him in the back and then you went back inside the RV the moment you got inside you smelled some delicious toasted bread and some fresh homemade strawberry jam you saw Hearty Fan having a cup of tea while reading a book. Hearty Fan noticed and gave you a soft smile "Morning I can't believe that you actually slept outside" said Hearty Fan, you smiled and sat in front of him. You took a piece of bread then you spread some strawberry jam and took a bite "Well I couldn't sleep last night then I decided to take some fresh air last night I didn't notice I fell asleep" you said. Then you heard a familiar laugh "It's because your an animal that's why your more comfortable outside" said Lazuline, you got shocked when you saw her. You looked at Hearty Fan "When did she get here?" You asked, Lazuline took your bread then she just went outside. Hearty Fan giggled "We'll she showed a couple of minutes ago her car broke down while she was driving that car over there" said Hearty Fan then he pointed Lazuline car. You sigh "Huh I see... So did she already called a mechanic?" You asked. Hearty Fan shook his head "No not really since I offered that I will fix it for her after I ate my breakfast" said Hearty Fan. You just took another piece of bread and just had some breakfast while, you were eating your phone rings and when you look who it is you answered it immediately "Hey good morning Rush... Did I woke you up?" Asked Rainbow, you smiled. You stand up and went out side "No no I'm actually already awake" you said, you heard her sigh out of relief. Rainbow cleared her throat "Hey umm... I miss you... So how's everything there back in town?" Asked Rainbow. You suddenly got nervous since your not even close "Umm well everythings good actually" you said, then you suddenly heard Sunset on the phone. "Come on Rainbow we don't want to be late for are concert" said Sunset, concert there having a concert. You got confused "Umm... Concert... What is she talking about?" You asked. You heard Rainbow gulped "Well yesterday we got a call from an agency that they want us to play for a charity so we accept it... I wish you could join us" said Rainbow. You smiled "No it's okay just go ahead enjoy your girls out" you said, you maybe can't see her but you know she's smiling. "I love you babe I'll see you soon..." Said Rainbow, then she hang up. You sigh "looks like there having tons of fun" you said, Zack pat you in the back. Zack smiled "You know... We will reach the Glimmer city in the next hour of driving who knows maybe that's where they are" said Zack. You raised eyebrow "Why do I have a feeling that you know that, that's where they are" you said. Zack giggled "To be honest for once I have no clue who do you think I am a puppet master" said Zack. You sigh "Puppet master your not making any sense... I think you should have gone for who do you think I am god since he can see everything ya know" you said. Zack smiled "Huh... Noted well I'll just get the toolbox so that Hearty can finally start fixing up Lazuline's car" said Zack. As Zack went back inside the RV, Lazuline starts walking towards you, you felt nervous since she might just start annoying again "Hey can I ask you something?" Asked Lazuline. You gulped since she looks serious "oh what is it?" You asked. She smiled "So can I... Take Zack place since he's going to Crystal prep and all" said Lazuline. You scratch you head "His going to Crystal Prep for what?" You asked. Then Zack suddenly pops in and pat you in the back "Thats because there will be a charity for the children of an orphanage I founded so I have to be there too bad though when all us just getting together for an adventure a collection of OC's as secondary characters except you your the protagonist" said Zack, then he just drop the toolbox and head to thee nearest bus stop. You sigh "What the heck is he talking about" you said. Lazuline also looked confused "I have no idea and plus you being a protagonist your the most secondary character there is" said Lazuline, then she just started cracking up. Then Hearty Fan just took the toolbox and pat you in the back "So where stuck with Lazuline now huh" you said. Then Lazuline put her arm around you "Come on it'll be fun you and me and Hearty we will have some extreme fun" said Lazuline, while making a smug face. You sigh "could this day get any worse" you said. Then an hour later Hearty Fan was finally done fixing up Lazulines car. Lazuline smiled "Wow Hearty you got it fixed that incredible" said Lazuline. Hearty smiled "We'll I know a thing or two about cars" said Hearty Fan, Then all of sudden a helicopter showed up and picks up Lazulines car and just flew away. Your jaw drop "What the heck just happened?" You said. Lazuline puts her arm around you again "Well if I'm tagging along with you I could just stay in the RV with you guys" said Lazuline. Hearty let out a sigh and looked at Lazuline "You know me fixing it is very unnecessary if your going to tag along with us" said Hearty Fan, and he sounded very disappointed. You noticed that Lazuline is shaking a bit "Well you know... He he ill just go inside" said Lazuline, then she just went back inside the RV again. You gulped "Man remind me not to mess with you" you said. But Hearty Looks confused "What I'm not doing anything" said Hearty Fan, looks like he didn't know that he just intimidated Lazuline just now. Hearty Yawns "Anyways lets go to the Glimmer City so we could do a little resupply since our trip is still quite a long way" said Hearty Fan. Then you two just went back inside the RV and Hearty Fan just went into the driver sit, so that all three of you can finally get to your destination. While you guys are on your way to the city, you noticed that Lazuline was taking nap right in front of you she looks very peaceful the sun is shining on her face and it just shows her beauty even more, her pink tender lips, her beautiful white skin and her long black hair... Wait what the heck are you thinking you just looked around and took a book to entertain yourself a bit. After reading for a while you decided to step away from the table since that where lazuline is, and you just went to the front sit and sat beside Hearty Fan. Hearty looks at you "Your being distracted by something are you?" Asked Hearty Fan. You gulped "I guess so" you said, then he just giggled. Then he just pat you in the back "If Rainbow saw you on how you just looked at sleeping Lazuline back there your gonna be in big trouble" said Hearty Fan. Hearty Fan pointed at the front mirror "But to be honest I can't really blame you on how you just looked at her just now, she is quite a beauty after all" said Hearty Fan. You smiled "Beautiful but a total pain in the ass" you said, you looked back to see if she still asleep but when you saw her she's already awake and looking in the window with bright red face and she pouting got some reason. Hearty Fan laughed a little "Looks like she overheard you" said Hearty Fan. Then a couple hours later you finally reached Glimmer City you and your friends drop your jaw on how beautiful the city was, You parked on a public parking lot and walk around the city. While you two are walking around a girl in a beautiful outfit approached all three of you "You three must be Zackodia talking about since he sent me your pictures so we'll know what you look like" said the girl. Lazuline start looking all smug "And you are?..." Said Lazuline. The girl smiled "Oh sorry I'm Starlight Glimmer the Mayor of this city Zack told me that you three will need a place to stay in he already arrange a special pent house for the three of you" said Starlight Glimmer. Hearty scratch his head "Zack never ceases to impress me with his advance plan that we never know existed *sigh*" said Hearty Fan. When all four of you got to the pent house you saw two people sitting on the couch "Alright here we are also this two lovely people here and I will assist you to your mission on collecting the artifacts" Said Starlight Glimmer. Wait... What is this some kind of a mission impossible sh*** "Okay I'm starting to get confused now" you said. Then one of the person that is standing in the room approached you "So sorry dear Zack sometimes just likes surprising people... I'm Pear Butter by the way and that over there is Bright Mac my husband" said Pear Butter. Hearty Fan gasp "Wait does that mean you two are Apple Jacks parents?" Said Hearty Fan. You had the same reaction as Hearty Fan "Okay seriously what is going on here?" You asked. Starlight sigh "I guess Zack never went to the other details like he always do that little piece of radish okay I think it's finally time for you three to know what is exactly going on here" said Starlight Glimmer. [Starlight telling the story] A few months ago our magic radar detected some disturbance on one of the ancient structure's built in this planet and when we went there to see what was going on one of the magical artifact was gone. Stolen from the one of the statue and now creatures that has an ability to change there form is now roaming around in this City so we develop a device that can reveal once true self and now we need your help to find it. You scratch your head "I'm sorry how could we possibly help you?" You asked. Lazuline stood up "This is stupid and crazy how on earth the three of us could possibly do" said Lazuline. Pear Butter giggled "We'll how about we say that we have three magical artifacts right here that has chosen the three of you to be there owner" said Pear Butter. Bright Mac pat you in the back "We know its Crazy but we have to send you to the valley of damn to retrieve it only the one who has magical abilities can enter that place" Said Bright Mac.