Simply one hell of a pony

by discordandcelestia16

Chapter 3

The girls came in and got the introduction out of the way. “Okay, I think we should bring in someone who knows about interdimensional travel,” Twilight said. “Fluttershy, do you know where Discord would be right now?”

“I’ll call him. Discord, we know you’re listening!” Fluttershy yelled quietly, confusing the visiting ponies. Discord appeared out of thin air.

Lizzie gasped. “Lizzie, are you okay?” Ciel asked, thinking she might be traumatized.

“He’s adorable! I have never seen a creature like him,” she squealed in happiness, making Discord blush a little bit.

“Discord, these ponies are from another dimension. Can you tell us which one they are from? Please,” Fluttershy asked.

Discord nodded and squinted his eyes. He gave them a very intense stare. “It's a little difficult to tell, but they are from a human world. Plus, the stallion alicorn next to the colt and the naked earth stallion are demons and a demon hound. The red, grey, and white stallions are grim reapers, and the clothed earth stallion has an oddly strong soul. Oh, and the other alicorn is just royalty,” he said.

“Well, that explains why Pluto is acting like a dog. I don't understand why you didn't tell us,” Twilight asked.

Ciel bowed his head to the princess of friendship. “My utmost apologies to your highness. You see, we thought that knowing that my butler was a demon and Pluto was a demon hound, you would be afraid of them,” he explained.

“Come on, we’ve faced way worse threats than a well-dressed demon and demon puppy. Trust me,” Rainbow Dash said with a laugh.

“It’s getting late, you all can stay at my castle. I have three bedrooms with one bed each and three rooms with two twin beds each vacant at the moment,” Twilight told them.

“Elizabeth, the prince, and I will take the rooms with one bed and the others will have to room together, right, Sebastian?” Ciel told them.

“Yes, my lord, I will room with you, Angi, if that is acceptable with your master, of course,” the demon stallion asked the caramel earth pony.

“It is fine with me,” Prince Soma said.

“I will room with the demon pup, I am sure that it will be quite the laugh,” Undertaker said.

“I suppose that will mean that Sutcliff and I are rooming together,” William rolled his eyes in disgust.

Grell came closer to his fellow reaper. “I’m sure we find a way to deal with this arrangement, Wil, Darling,” he said as he gently leaned on his fellow reaper before William stepped aside and letting Grell fall to the ground. “You will be mine, someday,” he said with gusto while still having his face on the ground.

Twilight got up from her seat. “If you all follow me, I will show you the way to your rooms,” she said before they left her office and made their way to the castle of friendship.