//------------------------------// // Ch4: Bad punch // Story: Arvak's new home // by mild hotsauce //------------------------------// A/N: this chapter suggests sexual themes, but doesnt outright describe any. While on this topic, i will say that there might be a bit of romance between Twilight and Arvak. oh, and i just realized after finishing this that i cant properly write dialogue for Pinkie, so sorry if she seems a bit less like she does in other fics or in the show. Ch4: Bad Punch As Arvak and Twilight walked down the road to Sugarcube Corner, they were met with the sights of the various ponies from the night before, groggily making their way back to their respective houses. One in particular, a magenta mare with a wine glass on her flank, was snoring on top of the town hall. Arvak just stared at the sleeping mare wondering ‘how in oblivion did she get up there?’ to his amusement, she woke up, freaked out, fell from the roof, and landed face first in a hay bale that was blocking the door to the town hall. Now that he actually paid attention, random assortments of furniture and hay bales were strewn about the streets of Ponyville. Now he really wanted to know what the hay happened last night. Twilight pulled him along with her magic, not wanting to delay receiving valuable information to last night. Again, she did not notice how hard she tugged with her magic, and pulled his front right leg off. “For the love of Talos.” He muttered. He placed his leg back in its proper place, and trotted back to his current companion. They passed familiar faces, with messed up manes and tails. Arvak felt that saying that most of them looked like crap would be saying it nicely. Some of the mares had their fur matted down near their rear ends… he did not dwell on the thought. They made it to the house that looked like a giant cookie, and found out that the front door was locked. Arvak looked through one of the windows, and saw a pony shape handing upside-down by a rope. He tapped twilight on the shoulder, and pointed to the shape. She squinted trying to get a good look, sighed, and nocked three times… no response. Arvak put a hoof to the door’s keyhole, and used his fire to unlock it. Saying it was messy was an understatement. The Cakes were passes out in the kitchen, Pinkie was hanging by a rope upside-down by her hooves on the ceiling, tables were flipped and pastries plastered the walls, and he thought he saw Rainbow Dash snoring in the actual cake. He sprouted fire wings and flew up to untie Pinkie while Twilight tried to wake up Rainbow dash, who groaned and swatted Twilight away. He cradled Pinkie in his hooves as he tried to hover towards the ground, when she gave him a tight hug and licked his snout. This caused him to recoil in shock and drop the pink mare on her flank, which promptly woke her up. “who-what-when-where-how-why?” she quickly asked she saw Arvak try to wipe saliva from his face with his bony limbs, but without fur, it was difficult. “Oops, sorry, I was dreaming about candy again.” She apologized in a bubbly voice, and helped him wipe her spit from his face, which she tasted. “Mmm, cherries!” Arvak just backed away, still hovering in the air, and decided to help Twilight with Rainbow Dash, who was still out like a light. He put out his wings and poked her with a hoof, she swatted him away. He did it again, same reaction. He formed a hand with the fire and gave Twilight a look asking for permission, she giggled and nodded, He then mercilessly started tickling the cyan Pegasus. Rainbows laughs echoed loudly throughout the house, Pinkie joined in the fun by yelling “Tickle Party”, and tackling Twilight to the floor. Their laughs soon woke up the Cakes, who just stood near the door to the kitchen and giggled to themselves. To Arvak’s surprise, Rainbow Dash kicked him with her back legs and launched him across the room, face first into a punch bowl. He took a sip, and tasted some strong alcohol in it, stronger than that Black Briar crap that he tried that one time. He noticed the purple light above him flared slightly before dimming down, still burning slightly brighter than before. He felt something latch onto his face, and he pulled himself out of the bowl. He stared cross-eyed at the toothless lizard latched onto his skull, he shook his head, did not work, tried it again, nothing. He slammed his head on the table, not his best idea, the lizard let go before his head hit the table, momentarily dazing him. He swore he saw some stars when it happened. Much to his disappointment, the damn lizard latched onto his face again. He sighed, and waited for Pinkie to stop tickling Twilight and dislodge this reptile from the area known as his head. A cyan hoof entered his vision and tugged the reptile from his head, and placed it somewhere it would not bother him again, for a little bit anyway. “Heh, sorry about that.” Dash said. “No problem.” Arvak replied. He glanced at Twilight, still being assaulted by Pinkie. “Should we help them?” “Why not?” Rainbow hovered above pinkie, and Arvak tapped Pinkie on her shoulder. She turned around, and that is when Rainbow lifted her into the air, and allowed Twilight to get revenge, using feathers from some cushions lying on the ground. After a few minutes of tickling, every pony settled down. “So Twilight, how’d your night with Arvak go?” Pinkie asked with a wink. “Um, that’s just it; we don’t know what happened last night. We came here to find out if you knew anything.” Twilight replied. “Maybe it has something to do with this punch and- um, when did I get this glass?” Arvak asked, holding a glass filled with punch. He shrugged and took a sip, his flames flaring a bit as he did so. Dash and Twilight stared at him with confused expressions. “Oh wow, we still have some punch left! Wait, no wonder my head hurts a bit, I brought out the wrong punch last night!” Pinkie exclaimed. “I guess that explains why I woke up in a cake.” Dash said. “Still doesn’t explain why I woke up with Arvak lying on top of me.” Twilight mumbled. Rainbow and Pinkie snickered, Twilight just glared at them. “Well, if it helps, I may have put out the punch that the Cakes were going to bring to some kind of Party, which had some strong alcohol in it. That’s probably why you don’t remember much from last night.” Pinkie explained. “Again, still doesn’t explain why I woke up with Arvak’s pelvis between my legs.” Twilight said a bit louder, frustrated at the fact she is not getting answers, but upon realizing what she said, she blushed and covered her mouth with her hooves. Dash cracked up and Pinkie was staring at something. “Pinkie, what are you staring at?” THUD! She looked to her left and saw Arvak passed out, with at least twelve punch glasses stacked behind him. His bright purple eyes were now a bit duller, signaling that he was sleeping, but the flames that made up his mane and tail flared brightly, giving a purple hue to the room. Dash and Pinkie could not stop laughing, and Twilight face-hoofed. She looked at the kitchen door, the Cakes were nowhere to be seen, and she floated a bucket of iced water out of it, and hovered it over Arvak’s head. She dumped the water on the unsuspecting stallion, causing him to jump upwards and yelp in surprise. “I’m awake, I wasn’t sleeping, I was just resting my eyes!” “Arvak you don’t have eyes.” Twilight reminded him. “Hmm, you have a point there. Oh well, what were we talking about again?” “Pinkie, do you remember what happened last night?” Twilight asked. “Yes!’ the party pony exclaimed. “Are you going to tell us?” “Sure! It happened like this: after we got back into town from having to find Arvak, we came here to have the Party that we were supposed to have. I remember after a few glasses of punch, you and Arvak started to get all wobbly, and you started flirting with him, actually, a lot of ponies were flirting last night. After a while you and Arvak left to go to the library, I don’t know why, but I think I saw you kissing him when you left.” “What happened next?” Arvak asked, somehow holding a bag of popcorn. Twilight gave him a confused look, still blushing from what she just heard. “What?” he looked at the bag of popcorn. “Okay, this is just weird.” He threw it behind him. Pinkie giggled and continued, “Well, I don’t know about you, but a lot of ponies started getting like you two and left in pairs. After the last pony left, I tripped, got tangled up in a rope, and somehow started hanging from the ceiling… I think Rainbow Dash passed out from laughing too hard, and I fell asleep from all the blood rushing to my head.” “You know, I think I remember that part.” Dash said, hoof to her chin in deep thought. “Oh my goddess, Dash is thinking, it’s the end of Equestria!” Twilight joked. Dash just gave her a playful punch to the shoulder. “Well, with that sorted out, now I just need to figure out what happened after the party…” “Oh, that’s easy, just look through Arvak’s, memories from last night, either that or just look through your own if you can!” Pinkie suggests. “Pinkie, that’s genius!” Twilight exclaimed. “Really, what did I say?” she asked. Twilight and Dash face-hoofed and Arvak just laughed. -------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight and Arvak sat in the library lobby, well, Arvak sat, and Twilight stood, getting ready to perform the spell. “Will this hurt?” he asked. “It shouldn’t.” Twilight replied. “Ok then, let’s get going!” he said enthusiastically. Twilight charged up the spell, and a light purple hue enveloped her horn and she touched it with his head. As soon as her horn connected, the world melted away… ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Arvak was looking through his own eyes, and watched as his body did exactly what it did the night before. ‘Hmm, so this is what it must feel like being on autopilot.’ He thought. ‘Nope, just what happens when you magically look at a memory.’ Another voice explained. ‘What in oblivion was that!’ he thought. ‘Um, me, Twilight Sparkle, the one who cast the spell, remember?’ ‘Oh, yeah, sorry.’ Hush, its starting.’ With that final thought, his memory self started leaving the party with Twilight, who gave him a kiss on his bony snout when the door to the bakery closed. By the light his flames were emitting, he must have been hammered; Twilight was probably close to him in the drunk department. They wobbled down the street to the library; Twilight jumped on his back, and started playing with his mane. The two in the memory laughed. They soon made it to the library, Twilight sent Spike to Rarity’s for the rest of the night as they walked upstairs. They got into bed and… ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Twilight shook her head as the spell ended, shocked at what the memory showed. She was even more shocked to see that Arvak had actually fallen asleep sitting up while watching the memory. He snorted in his dream and fell forward, smacking his chin on the floor, but still asleep. For some reason, Twilight did not feel tired from keeping the spell up for that long, but then saw that Arvak’s flames dulled down in brightness and intensity. She must have tapped into his magic by mistake instead of using hers. She sighed and laid him on the couch as she walked to her desk. She took out a quill and her diary, she wrote down what she learned this morning, and even though it shocked her a bit, she was not entirely against what happened last night for some reason. When she finished, she heard something stir in the lobby. She put her diary, quill away, and walked over to see Arvak had fallen off the couch. “Oh, hey Twilight, what’s for breakfast?” Arvak asked. Twilight sighed and levitated two apples out of the kitchen. She floated one over to him, which he ate in one bite, causing a purple glow to emanate from his ribcage and bath the room in a light purple glow, while she just slowly chewed on hers to enjoy the flavor. This was going to be an interesting day.