//------------------------------// // The Visitor // Story: A mare named Target // by PurpleArtist //------------------------------// While there's a month left until she can go back to work when her suspension is over where while reading a book on the couch she took a sip of her latte she made where she took a sip where there was a knock so she answered the door where it was a sapphire blue mare in a business suit and her secretary where Target told her she isn't interested in buying anything. The mare told her that she isn't a salespony but a friend of Purple Artist who she found who lives here but they met at the hospital where Target doesn't know who she is but told her that Purple isn't here well he lives here but he's at the Ponyville Police Department. The sapphire blue mare and her personal assistant a Pumpkin Orange pegasus left and walked into town to the police station where in the lobby the unicorn asked the officer behind the desk for Purple Artist where Officer Delta Dagger the pegasus mare called Purple via intercom. Still at home she would read or either change or feed Dagger (unicorn filly baby), Battle Axe (earth pony colt baby), Mace (alicorn baby mare), Bow (Pegasus baby mare) or Arrow (unicorn baby mare) where she wondered on what the mare wanted where she quickly got it out of her mind. She just assumed an old friend of Purple's and she wants to catch up with a old friend or trying to steel Purple away from her but just went with her gut that it's an old friend where she decided to go to the police station herself. At the police station she asked the same mare for Purple Artist where the mare told her he must be popular for having a mare and stallion visit him and how another mare to visit him where Target told Officer Delta Dagger that she hasn't come down here to make out or bang her husband in a public building. She did the same and called for Purple Artist again where he came out of a door that says "AUTHORIZED PONY-ELL ONLY" and bought his wife back to his desk where he introduced Target to his old marefriend Blue Sapphire whom she couldn't believe that Purple had a marefriend before her but he does have own life. Due to it's cold in the precinct due to some kind of AC where the secretary was robbed and she doesn't trust anypony in the MPD (Manehattan Police Dept) but she was told that the PVPD has no juristiction in Manehattan but her assistant told him he lives here in Ponyville. Purple asked on what was stolen where Typist Processor he told Purple his typewriter and notes he had were written where a police pony had it registered where Purple went to the officer's desk and gotten the book where his typewriter it's number is "7785" where he'll look at it but it'll be tough. Target heard her husband say to them that he don't know where to start but he'll try but he'll have to think on where to start first where Ponyville only has one pawnshop but don't know why a criminal would pawn a typewriter where like the purple alicorn said he'll do his best. Blue Sapphire told Purple that the notes he had are secret where it's a lot where if it falls into the hooves of her competitors they'll have everything to take her business contracts and she has a lot of them to fulfill and has 38 other ponies that work for her to do the work not adding a shipyard she owns and the ponies and creatures that work there and need to be paid. He told her that if he recovers them then he'll have to bag them as evidence where for her they'll get them back. She heard Purple on what he'll do for an old friend to get those papers also that typewriter back but told Typist Processor that not to think big where he begged Purple he'll do anything to get that typewriter back even if he has to suck Purple's hoof or flank where she heard him say that he'll find it but don't expect a lot. The 2 left after Purple half flanked reassured them he'll do his best but Target told him he's a good friend to do this for them where he told his wife that it's going to be hard where he doesn't know what the papers look like or what's written on them where it might as be any ordinary piece of paper or the papers on his desk. She kissed him on the head and asked if he needs a civilian help where he told her no but then heard him whistle over to Officer Blue Badge who sitting across from him at her desk using her magic using a pen to write but moving her right hoof under her desk where she looked up to Purple and asked what where he told her they got a burglary case. Outside she asked Purple if she can tag along with them where he told her no where it's police business and she'll be interfering where she asked on how she would be interfering where he told her like they are now talking. She went on home where she placed the coffee cup into the sink where it was empty anyway where she went back reading her book then she just hummed where it was just peaceful but she wished she could be out helping her husband and his partner where she doesn't know a lot about police work. Her niece Scalpel asked on what she's doing where Target told her she's reading Daring Do and the Ring of Destiny but told her to get back out and play but she didn't want to where Target used her magic and kicked Scalpel out to go out and play. She just sat there and read where it was 11:00 AM where she got into the kitchen and made lasagna homemade where she made it with love where it was 12:00 PM Purple and Blue Shied walked in where the lasagna was already sitting on the stove top already pre cut where Target doesn't want to intrude on there job but asked on how's the investigation going so far where they told her it's fine. They said fine modestly where Target knew that Purple was lying where she took her magic and moved Purple's plate to her and asked him again where he told her the truth that they visited every place in town that sells, buys and fixes typewriters but none bought a royal blue typewriter and the papers are even harder where he and Blue Badge can't break in every house and search every square inch. He gotten his plate back where the 2 mares looked at him where to them it looks like he's about to drool over it where Target explained to Blue Badge that lasagna is Purple's favorite food and loves it and it's the 2nd thing that Purple loves the first thing he loves is his family besides his brother. Blue Badge she was going to decline the lunch but didn't where she's lactose intolerance but she didn't say anything but after lunch Blue Badge's belly grumbled where she burped un lady like but apologized for it where when she burps it's usually more quieter or not as loud where they forgive her. She continued with reading but she started with humming again but there was a knock on the door again where Blue Sapphire she was at the door where she asked Target on where's Purple at where she told her that she was just here where he left about 3 minutes ago with a stuffed belly of lasagna . Target explained that lasagna is Purple's favorite food where Blue Sapphire told her that Apple Pie is also his favorite where Target told her thanks for the information where the 2 made an apple pie but let it cool on a window still where Target asked on how she knows or guess if Purple likes Apple Pie where Blue Sapphire told her that he talks in his sleep where Target told her that he sleeps normally every now and then he'll snore. Target told her that she loves her husband who nickname she's giving him is her "Little bed bug" even though he's taller then her where he's a inch shorter then Big Mac but she's tall about Rarity/Twilight Sparkle where the 2 cuddle a lot mostly at night where Target sometimes sleeps in a ball with her husband wrapping around her to keep her warm. She told Target it must be nice to have somepony to cuddle with at night where Target told her it is nice to have somepony to cuddle with at night especially when it's cold out to stay warm where to wake up nice and warm also cuddly as well especially with Purple who she called nothing but a "Fuzz ball" but he has short fur. They just talked getting to know each other better and better especially on how they treated Purple when they were dating where Target told her that they weren't even on there 3rd date when she found out she was pregnant with here love foal but Blue Sapphire told her that the 2 made out all the time even though the 3rd time was the mistake the one got her pregnant where Target asked that she has foals. Blue Sapphire told her she and Purple does where they were only late 16 early 17 when he accidently knocked her up but she then moved away before she could tell him where she wants to tell him that he has another family which he doesn't know about of having a son and daughter in Manehattan where now they have to tell him to meet his 5 year old son and daughter. Target told Blue Sapphire told her she'll tell him where she told Target that they would really like there father but she tries to avoid that question where that's always a hard road for her to answer to her and Purple's 2 love foals who he hasn't heard or seen of where she hasn't told him where it's hard for her to say to him or well she had some ponies to find where he lives across Equestria even paid them overtime by 4. One of her ponies said he lives in Ponyville and that's how she ended up on there doorstep but it is a nice place nice and quiet where she told Target she might buy a house here in Ponyville for the summer or spring where Target told her it is a nice when it's spring and summer where every now and then it's hot and unbearable but mostly nice and the fall is lovely when the leaves change colors. Blue Sapphire she was now in love with the town where she told Target if she knows any houses for sale where Target she shook her head no where she told Target she'll get a permit for to build a house in town maybe on the town outskirts like her and Purple live on the outskirts of Ponyville and maybe her and Purple's foals will finally be able to meet there father for once in for all. Blue Sapphire she finally left with her secretary in tow but Typist Processor begged Target to have her husband to find his typewriter where it's the only thing he had since a foal where Target told him that she can't motivate her husband to work any harder without causing a heart attack but she'll do what he can. It was night where Purple wasn't home yet where Target her mother and wife sense went off that her husband was in danger so she got out of bed where it's nearly midnight but followed where her sense was telling her to go, On a medical slab in a damp place Officer Blue Badge was laying on the table strapped down and can't use her magic where a unicorn magic suppression ring was on her horn and had a ball gag in her mouth and Purple he had rope tied around his wings,and a magic suppression ring on his horn. A sadistic earth pony said to them "You 2 will be the perfect brides to me and mother me a lot of foals so i can have sadistic foals." the sadistic earth pony said to them that the 2 will bring him foals where Purple said while tied to a wall with chains on his legs on a wall where Purple said while gagged with a gag ball "I'm a stallion you loon i can't mother foals i only can father foals you damn idiot!" he said to the sadistic stallion while gagged. Officer Blue Badge said to the sadistic earth pony even though gagged "Please don't do this i though i would bear my partner foals not a earth pony that belongs in a mental institution and be castrated with a rusty steak knife please let us go and we won't come back i swear. Please... please...please." she said begging him to let them go and they will leave and won't come back. He took a knife and sliced her police uniform off runining her uniform and pants then took off her hat where he placed the knife on the table and said to Purple "Hope you can deal and take a lot of pain were going have lots and lots of foals and you won't catch a break only break you'll get is after giving birth but after birth i'm going to knock you up again." he said to Purple on what's going to happen to him for now on. There was a voice where the Canterlot like voice said "That purple alicorn you got tied up to the wall i'm the only one who's going to bear his foals maybe other mares might bear his foals either intentionally or by accident where Target was not there to save her husband. The sadistic earth pony said "Another mare i'm just going to grow my sadistic family by 3 fold this ought be fun to gave lots of foals with 2 mares and a stallion soon to be mare to produce foals." said the sadistic earth pony on seeing Target that he's going to grow his family 3 fold. Target used her magic where around a metal chair was a light cornflower blue magic aura where Target used the metal chair and struck him knocking the insane earth pony out but helped Blue Shield then Purple down but Blue Shield covered herself of being naked but Purple told her that there ponies and they usually don't wear clothes. The 2 thanked Target for saving there flanks litterly where Target told them it's no sweat where Purple told them on let's go where Purple invited Blue Badge to crash on there couch which she accepted where she wasn't in the mood of going home. She told her anytime she wants to spend the night well Purple will keep him company but Target told her she don't care as long it ain't romantic but told Purple his ex came to talk to him earlier. In the morning back at the police station Blue Badge typed the report but wore Purple's jacket where she doesn't have a spare uniform but has a spare trousers but she sleeps in them and every night for dinner she has beans which makes her toot like Target with garlic. At his desk Target was talking to Purple when Blue Sapphire and Typist Processor came for an update where he gave them the typewriter and the papers she was talking about where Blue Sapphire couldn't thank him enough where Typist he told Purple he can't repay him not even romanticly where Purple told him he's straight not gay.