A mare named Target

by PurpleArtist

Going back to Canterlot

It's spring time where Target and Purple went to Canterlot where outside of Target's parent's house he knocked where the door opened where it's Target's mother where she heard Purple let out a yelp where he used his magic and placed Target in front of him where the 2 don't see eye to eye where her mother and Purple have a hate for each other.

Inside after wiping there hooves the 2 sat on the couch where Target asked her parents on how they were where there fine but like normal her mother kept her high horse where when she walked off to make herself a cup of tea she spitted onto her son in law and it doesn't help he's wearing a purple hoodie that says "PVPD" short for Ponyville Police Department.

She seen her husband get off the couch and sit at the window looking out where Red Exciting asked his daughter on what's wrong with him where Target explained on that her ex nearly killed him by strangling him and that her mother won't get off her high horse to treat Purple with some dignity as a normal pony where she told him that the house he, Base and Blue grew up in when they were foals or kids is on the other side of the city and his parents were rich but supported Purple's decision on living in the countryside.

His adoptive parent's didn't care about his wealth or his social class or what not if he was happy then they were happy where they didn't care about what he did or not even when he ran away as a kid but was brought back his adoptive parents weren't mad but worried about his health and so where Target's mother just said "Whoopie doo nopony cares."
she said not caring that one time her son in law ran away when he was younger but his adoptive parents weren't mad at him but were worried about it.

They just heard Purple say "I'm just going to leave see you back home honey i'm going to see you back home." said Purple before letting himself out where at the front door he told Red Exciting it was nice to see him again where he told Purple the same where Target's father maybe rich but he doesn't hate Purple where he likes him where he's a nice guy and will father a lot of healthy foals to Target but as long he doesn't hurt her he doesn't care.

Target told her father that last night she hogged all of the pink covers so Purple rolled over on top of her crushing her to take her body heat so he could be warm where it didn't help that he drooled all over her head and unicorn horn but she kinda expected that as payback on what she did to him several months ago where she was expecting payback where she told her father that several months ago she had 2 pizzas covered with garlic and tooted on him throughout the night.

Her father told her that he thinks he just wanted to be warm and cuddle up with his "Cutie Pie" wife not payback but he could be wrong but next time don't hog all the blankets so he wouldn't have to end being crushed by her husband but doesn't care where she can ask him when she decides go home later.

Her mother came out of the kitchen with 2 cups of tea one for her and one for her husband where Target asked on why she doesn't have a cup where her mother told her that she married a hick and have hick foals where she told her mother to stop picking on Purple where he decides to live in the countryside but he lived in the city where it's his decision to decide to live if they want to live in a city they would pack up and move to a city like Manehattan or back to Canterlot.

Her mother hardly talked to her calling her a "Canterlot traitor" where she told Target she isn't her daughter due to she married a nopony where she could've married a somepony who came from wealth or power or even both but she chose a nopony and mother and bear his foals.

She told her stuck up mother that when she first met Purple she thought he was royalty where he's an alicorn not from a mutation like of both gaining his mother's wings and father's horn but he's a nice stallion that she isn't giving him a chance to show her where she's stuck up and won't give her son in law a chance.

Target told her mother that well she's going to leave and never come back here where she doesn't have a mother anymore where they both agreed to not to see each other anymore where her father told her to wait and don't go where it's nice for these once a month visits but don't go but she left anywhere where Red Exciting scolded his wife for driving away there daughter where she can't be happy on who there daughter married.

Red Exciting galloped out to go to his daughter where Yellow Happiness the yellow coated mare closed the door and went to drink her tea as her husband went to go and talk to there daughter where Target the cream coated mare told him she isn't going to come back and visit anymore where she'll come back to Canterlot to work but not going to visit them.

He told her that for now on he'll visit her in Ponyville where she told him no where he told her it'll be no sweat.

Next Saturday Red Exciting knocked on the front door where Purple opened it where the purple alicorn was wearing a coat that says on it's back "PVPD PATROL" where he greeted his father in law and bought him in where he gotten his father in law a cup of coffee black no sugar, no cream and the 2 got to talking while Target slept where Red Exciting asked on where's Target where he told him that Target is getting her beauty sleep on which she been doing since she was suspended.

The 2 just talked and had a grand old time of father in law and son in law getting to know each other where it's 9:40 AM when she gotten out of bed and walked down stairs where she was shocked to see her father where she just went into the kitchen and gotten herself a cup of coffee with 2 sugar cubes with 1 tablespoon and 1/2 a teaspoon of cream into her coffee and stur it but sat down next to her husband.

She and her husband talked with her father where after awhile her father placed his hoof onto his chest where he complained of tightness in his chest where Purple was a volunteer fire pony where he told him that he's suffering from a heart attack so he tried to help his father in law.

She stood off to the side until Purple told her to go get help where she asked where so he told her either the firehouse or the hospital and the fire station is closer so she ran as fast she could to the fire house and gotten help but she teleported back home where when the FF/EMT ponies got there they took over from Purple where he did enough to keep his father in law alive until help arrived but a familiar mare firepony remembered Purple but last time he was tied to a chair and was about to be baked alive.

They did there job until a hospital wagon arrived where at the hospital 2 hours later where on a bed well due to his old age, stress and only retiring almost a week ago but she and Purple told him there goodbyes where his heart monitor thing flatlined where Target's final words were to her father was "I love you dad." which was her final words to her father where her father was always reasonable and friendly but supported on whoever she dated as long they treated her fairly as long but his family was poor where his father worked from 5 AM to 7 PM working hard to earn Bits to feed his wife and 7 other kids.

Purple comforted his wife as she cried onto his jacket where he placed his right hoof onto her and moved it up and down her back and told her not to worry anymore where he's in a better place where it's kinda sad he didn't get a chance to enjoy retirement but as long she remembers him then he'll never be gone.

They went to Canterlot and got Bullseye and Sergeant Green and told them that there father passed where on how to tell there mother where they all looked at Purple where he just said "That crazy old broad she hates my guts just being alive not adding marrying Target but she isn't going to believe me if i told her anyway and probably gallop after me trying to kill me with a knife." he said to them that he isn't going to tell her where she hate's Purple deeply and won't believe him.

They all looked at Bullseye where the other cream coated mare she gotten cold hooves but told her mother that her husband or Sgt Green, Target and Bullseye father is dead where after a few days in Canterlot there was a funeral for him where Purple went for support for Target so she wouldn't cry her eyes out where outside Yellow Happiness and Purple Artist had a argument where he tried to save his father in law where he's the nicest one of them all.