Their First Adventure

by Storyteller64

The Stranger

The Stranger

“Hey Derpy, what do you think of this one?” Carrot Top asked as she looked at herself through her bedroom mirror. The pale yellow pony wore a dark blue dress that speckles whenever the light hit it. The grey pegasus who was idly sitting on the earth pony’s bed reading a comic book looked up to inspect the dress.

“Wow, Carrot Top you look great.” Said Derpy truly admiring it. “I bet all the colts at the festival are going to ask for a dance with you.”

The orange mane pony slightly brushed at her friend’s praise. “Thanks Derpy.” She said moving towards the closet to put the dress away. “So, what are you planning on wearing?”

The grey pegasus didn’t respond to her friend’s question at first, she just remain where she was pretending to read the comic before her. In truth she wasn’t planning on going to the Harvest Festival this year mostly because of what had happen at the one the year before. The events of what had happen that day were still fresh in her mind and she did not wish to relive it again.

The winged pony was brought back to pleasant by the sound of Carrot Top’s voice. “Hello, Equestria to Derpy is anyone home.” She said waving her hoof in front of grey pegasus face. “I said what are you wearing for the festival?”

Derpy thought for moment if she should lie but thought better of it, she was a terrible liar and even if she wasn’t she couldn’t lie to Carrot Top. They had been best friends since she had moved to Ponyville from Cloudsdale all those years ago. To even think of lying to her made Derpy feel a little shameful.

“I… I don’t actually plan on going this year.” She said keeping her eyes on the comic.

“What!” Carrot Top yelped in surprise. “But why not? We always go to the festival together, it’s a tradition.”

“I know.” The winged pony said still refusing to meet her friend’s eyes. “It’s just that with what happen last time…”

“Oh, Derpy that was a year ago I’m sure everypony had forgotten it by now.”

“I’d crashed into the Mayor while she was giving a speech in front of the town. Ponies don’t forget something like that.”

For a moment an awkward silent settled between the two friends with Carrot Top trying to find the right words to change Derpy’s mind while she sat there skimming over the comic. When the silent became too unbearable the grey pegasus cleared her throat and added. “I also have to deliver the mail the next day so I need to get a good night rest anyway.”

It was a horrible excuse they both knew that but it was logical none the less. Carrot Top sighed deeply, Derpy was a good friend, kind, loyal, and always there when you need her but she can also be quite stubborn at times, epically when it had something to do with past embarrassing situations. She remembers one time at Sugarcube Corner when the pegasus accidently tripped onto a table full of sweets making a very large mess. It took three whole weeks for Derpy to build up the courage to go back.

“Okay Derpy.” Carrot Top said suddenly putting on a reassuring smile. “If you don’t want to go then I won’t force you but promise me something.”


“That next year you will come.” She said putting a hoof on her friends shoulder. “Otherwise it wouldn’t be worth going to without my best friend by my side.”

The grey pegasus could feel her cheek getting hot, she felt truly flattered by what Carrot Top said and a little guilty. “Okay.” Derpy said. “I promise.”

After that Derpy said goodbye to her friend and left for home. It was late noon and the sun was half way through setting turning the once blue sky into a blazing orange. It was truly a magnificent sunset, However the blonde mane mare was the only one who seem to be paying it any attention. All the other ponies were too busy with putting up the decorations for the festival or going home after a long day of work.

Looking at the setting sun Derpy remembered warm memories of her mother and how they would sit on the front porch of their house with a plate full of muffins and just watch the sunset. The winged pony stoped for a moment to allow those memories to flow through her mind. For a brief second she actually thought she felt her mother’s warm, welcoming forelegs around her.

Suddenly the happy memories turn sour as she remembered the day when her mother wasn’t there anymore. When the one fateful afternoon when she was coming home to school she found her mother’s boss Mr Ink Spot waiting for her to tell her that her mother won’t be coming back.

Derpy violently shook her head. No. Don’t think about that. She told herself fighting against the tears that wanted to so badly to be set free. After taking a deep breath the grey pegasus manage to regain control of herself and continued home.

Her home was a large white building which also doubles as Ponyville’s post office. The first floor was the post office itself while the other two floors which were originally for storage has been coveted into a well furnish apartment.

After eating a light meal the grey mare went up to the third floor to sleep. But sleep wouldn’t come to her as her mind wondered if she should go to the festival. Carrot Top looked so upset and disappointed when she told her she wasn’t going and it would be the first time that they wouldn’t go together. Maybe she should go.

Then the memory of her crushing into the mayor came rushing back like the tidal wave. The look of surprise and anger on the mayor’s face, the roaring laughter from the crowds and the feeling of unbearable embarrassment filled her head.

No. this is for the best. She thought turning onto her side to look out the window at the star filled sky. This way I won’t do anything else embarrassing. Besides I’m sure Carrot Top will have a better time without me there messing things up.

With that the grey winged pony closed her eyes and drift off to sleep, hopping that the next few days pass quickly and without incident.


In the hills overlooking the town, a strange creature stood watching the town as its citizens slept soundly. The creature was three times larger than a pony and stood on four crab-like legs, it’s golden metallic skin gleams in the moon light. Its single large eye scans over the town, searching for guards or other defences.

Once it was satisfied there was no immediate danger of discovery it moved closer to the town. Despite its large bulk the creature moved quickly and quietly to the nearest house, barely making a sound as it glowing eye looked through a window.

Inside was a young blue pony sleeping soundly in its bed, for a moment the creature thought of taking her back to its lair but decided against it. The chance of the pony waking up and calling for help was far too high and it cannot risk detection, at least for now.

Turning around the metallic creature retreated to the hills empty handed but it didn’t mind. It had all the time in the world to acquire a suitable specimen and once it has what’s its needs nothing in this world will stop it.



Derpy Hooves flew across the sky at lightning fast speeds as she tries to deliver the mail on time. Usual she wouldn’t be flying so fast but the young winged mare had slept in and now she was incredibly late with the mail. Even with the speed she was traveling at she was still far from halfway done.

Oh, why did this have to happen? She thought as she dropped off a package in front of a house without checking if it was the right address or not.

After an half hour of frantic flying Derpy had manage to deliver almost all of the mail for the day. Now the only ones left were for Sweet Apple Acres which was located just outside of town.

She allowed herself to fly in a more moderate pace then before seeing how the apples family were much more laid back in when they got their mail.

As she flew at this slower pace she noticed that more decorations had been put up since yesterday. They even had the stage where the school hosts its play commemorating the towns settlers up. Derpy felt a small ping of regret in her heart but ignored it and continue flying to Sweet Apple Acres.

After a couple a meters outside of the town the grey winged pony decided to land to give her wings a short break. She sighed in relief when she felt her feathered wings folded on her sides, after today she might not be able to fly for a week.

Walking through the small forested area that separated the Apples family farm and Ponyville, Derpy couldn’t help but notice the transformation from winter to spring. The trees were full a bright green leaves and birds singing in their nest while the ground was covered in colourful flowers and small animals. It reminded her of how she helped Carrot Top with planting the seeds during Winter Warp Up.

Suddenly all of the animals who were just going about their usual business became frighten of something and began to ran away. Strange. Thought Derpy. Wonder what got them spook?

As if to answer her unspoken question a loud humming sound suddenly appeared causing the grey mare to almost jump out of her skin. Turning around Derpy grasped in surprise by what was happening before her.

There in the middle of the path a small blue barn was slowly fading into existence. The humming noise became louder as it became more solid causing the winged pony to cover her ears. When at last the strange barn became fully solid the noise slowly faded away leaving behind a confuse and slightly frighten pugasus.

Where…where did that come from? Derpy thought as her mind tries to register what had just happen. The grey pony remain where she stood trying to come up with a logical explanation as to why a blue barn would just appear like that.

Maybe it’s some type of magical device. She thought. Or maybe it’s some type of space ship from another planet.

The idea of making first contact with an alien race excited the grey pony, at least it did before she remembered what happen in one of her comics. In the comic a young filly like herself came across a space ship and met several little green aliens. At first the aliens seem really nice but when the filly got on to their ship they all turn out to be evil and wanted to eat the filly.

Derpy gulped down a lump in her throat as the excitement she was feeling before turns into fear. What if the blue barn was a space ship full of evil pony eating aliens and they chose to land here to make her into their next meal.

With a shaking hoof Derpy grabbed a nearby stick and held it out towards the barn. If they want to eat me then I won’t make it easy for them. She thought as she tries to be courageous.

Taking very small steps she slowly approached the barn. “Hel…hello.” She called out to it when she was a couple meters from it. “Is anypony in there?”

Nobody answered.

Taking a deep breath Derpy closed the gap between her and the barn by another few meters. “My…my name is Derpy Hooves and I…I welcome you to our…our planet.”

Again the barn remains motionless.

Seeing no immediate danger the grey wing pony took the last couple of steps towards the strange space ship. Now being in front of it she began to wonder why aliens would make their space ships look like barns. Maybe it’s some sort of cloaking device. She thought as she gently tap it with the stick.

When nothing happen she then proceeded to find the door which didn’t take a long time with it having only four sides. Once she found the door Derpy wondered if she should try to open it. For all she knew the aliens could be waiting for her on the other side, ready to snatch her and make her their dinner.

She shook her head to get rid of that thought, if these were pony eating aliens they would have try to capture her by now, wouldn’t they?

Reaching out with one hoof while the other held the stick tightly Derpy was about to open the barn’s door when suddenly they open by themselves. It was too dark for her to see anything clearly but she could clearly make out a silhouette of some sort of creature standing just inside of the door’s threshold.

For a brief moment Derpy stood there looking at the shadowy figure before her, her eyes widening in surprise and shock. Then acting on pure instinct the grey mare closed her eyes and started to pummel the alien while screaming at the top of her voice.

Even though she had her eyes closed she knew she was hitting the alien from all the yelling it was producing when the stick made contact. She couldn’t exactly hear what it was saying because of her own terrified screams but she imagines it was along the lines of ‘resistance is futile.’ or ‘prepare to be eaten.’

With those thoughts, plus the image of a hideous slimy pony eating alien stuck in her head Derpy redoubles her efforts to beat it into submission. After a series of blows to what she could only assume was the alien’s head there was the sound of something heavy falling onto the floor.

For a moment Derpy continued swinging the stick but when it didn’t make contact with anything solid she realize that the alien must have been what had fallen onto the floor. With slight hesitation she slowly opens her eyes to see what the unconscious alien look like. What she saw before her left her completely speechless.

Instead of it looking like the small green scary looking pony eating alien from her comics the alien before her look more like a normal earth pony. It had a chestnut brown coat with a dark brown mane, it wore a bright red bowtie around its neck and had a hourglass for its cutie mark.

“Wow.” Derpy said as she started to poke the unconscious alien with her stick. “I didn’t expect an alien to look so…pony like.”

While she poked the pony looking alien she began to wonder what she should do with it. She couldn’t leave it here, it might wake up and call for reinforcement or it could try to kidnap another pony. The only thing she could think of was to take it home and hold it prisoner, at least until she was sure it wasn’t a threat to anyone. But first she’s going to need some rope.


One of the first thing doctor Whooves notice when he regain consciousness was that his entire body felt as if it had been stomped on by an rampaging dragon. The second thing he notices was that he wasn’t in the TARDIE he was instead laying on a small bed staring up at a white ceiling.

Confuse, he tries to lift himself off the bed but found his legs were bound together by rope. “Well, this is interesting.” He said. “I can defiantly say this have never happen to me before.”

Looking around the room for any indication as to where or when he was the Doctor found that the room he was in was obviously somepony’s bedroom. The walls were a light shade of blue and had several pictures hanging off of them. Beside the bed there was a night stand which had a lamp, a couple of comic books and a picture of a grey female pegasus hugging a little grey filly.

Before he could continue his investigation the door on the other side of the room opened to reveal a grey pegesus. The Doctor couldn’t see the pegesus face on the account of the tray of muffins blocking his view but he was fairly certain it was one of the females form the photo.

The pegasus placed the tray on the night stand then turn to face the Doctor. She was young being only two years or so behind him with a golden mane that was kept in a simple style, she also had a pretty face that most mares her age would kill for. All in all she was quite an attractive pony, if only her eyes weren’t so weird.

Her eyes, while a beautiful shade of sunny yellow seems to look away from each other. For instance right now her left eye is looking up at the ceiling while her right was staring straight at him. It was amazing that she manage to place the tray so neatly on the night stand let alone walk in a straight line.

Must be a genetic defect. The Doctor thought.

The pegasus cleared her throat then said in a very slow, very clear voice. “Hello visitor form the stars my name is Derpy what’s yours?”

The Doctor didn’t answer at first, he was far too confuse by the pegasus ‘visitor from the stars’ comment. Well that and as to how he got here with a pain stricken body.

The pegasus or Derpy as she had called herself must have thought that his lack of an answer meant he didn’t understand her because she repeated the question again slower and clearer than before. “I said, what is your name?”

“Why are you talking like that?” the Doctor asked in return.

Derpy gasped in surprise as if the very notion that he could speak was some sort of divine miracle. “You…you can speak our langrage.”

“Of course I can.” He said. “I can also speak draconic, griffon, several ancient unicornions derelicts and a little bit of Zebraas.”

“Wow, you must have been spying on us for long time.” Derpy said frowning in deep thought.

Spying? The Doctor thought. Why would this pony think I’m a spy?

Before he could continue this line of thought the grey pegasus asked him another question. “What planet did you come from?”

The Doctor’s eyes widen by the unexpected question. For the first couple seconds he was left speechless then after collecting his thoughts he finally manage to utter. “What?”

“I said what…”

“No, no I know what you said. It’s just… what in the name of the princesses make you think I’m from another planet?”

“Well, I saw you land your space craft and…”

“Space craft? I don’t have a…” Then a sudden surge of memories came rushing back like a tidal wave. He remembered being on the TARDIE as it ‘landed’ in another time zone, he then remembered opening the doors and being attack by something with a stick. After the memory surge it didn’t take him long to piece two and two together.

“You hit me with a stick!” he yelled louder than was necessary causing the grey pegasus to flinch slightly.

“Oh, you remembered that, huh?” Derpy said as she turns her head away from his angry gaze, scratching the back of her head sheepishly.

While the Doctor was angry at the pegasus he was also panicking over the fact that she saw the TARDIE ‘landing’. If she finds out that it’s a time machine instead of a space ship she was going to asks more questions, questions that could course an inconceivable amount of damage in the space-time continuum. He had to get away from this pony before then but how.

As he was pondering on how to escape Derpy was going over the events of how she saw the TARDIE land and how she thought he might be a pony eating alien. “You don’t though right?” she asks hopefully. But the Doctor wasn’t even listening; he was still trying to figure out how to get away from her.

“Hey.” she said poking the Doctor in the ribs which got his attention. “I said you don’t eat ponies do you?”

For a moment he was about to ask where that absurd notion came from but realize that she had been talking the whole time he was planning his escape. “No I don’t.”

“Well, that’s good.” She said with a sigh of relief. “And sorry about hitting you with a stick. It’s probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do when meeting a visitor from another planet.”

“No.” the Doctor said slowly as an idea slowly formed in his head.

“No it wasn’t.”

The idea while it would keep her from asking any awkward questions it was also going to involve lying and going along with the ‘Visitor from outer space’ thing. This didn’t make him happy as he was a terrible actor.

“It’s also not a very good idea to have your ‘visitor’ tired up like this.” He said as he swayed his legs back and forth slightly.

Derpy stayed where she was at first as she was clearly trying to determine whether or not she could trust him. Hoping it would help, the Doctor gave her his biggest reassuring smile that he could manage. After what could have been a life time the grey pegasus finally untie the ropes around the Doctor’s legs.

Raising to his feet the brown earth pony stretches his legs, sighing in relief for being able to move his stiff muscles. “Thank you.” He said giving her a warm smile. “Well, I’ve got to go now and do some alien stuff.”

“What?” Derpy said as he turns and walks towards the door. “Bu…but you can’t leave yet. I got so many questions.”

The Doctor didn’t stop though in fact he was now moving faster to the door. The grey pegasus realizing this quickly flew over the brown pony and blocks it with her body. The brown pony came to a screeching stop, almost crashing into her. The wing pony gave the Doctor an angry and somewhat hurt glare. Hanging his head in defeat the Doctor gave a slight sigh. “Okay, what’s your question?”


After several gruelling hours of answering the pegasus’s questions the Doctor has come to the conclusion that this young mare has read far too many comic books. Most of her questions revolve around if he had some special powers or if his ‘space craft’ can take on other shapes or forms. He could swear he can hear his brain cells slowly dying from this unintelligent conversation but he knew he had to put up with for the sake of the universe.

“So, what’s your planet like?” She asks as she sat on the bed slowly eating a muffin.

“Oh, it’s not anything special.” He said in a bored tone. “It has the same things you have here. Water, Trees, an atmosphere, a sun and a moon.”

“Wow.” Derpy said completely amaze by the Doctor’s fake planet. “I wish I could see it.”

“So, is that it?” the Doctor asked silently hoping that this is the last question. “Is that all the questions you wanted to asked me.”

For a moment the grey mare sat there looking thoughtful or at least as thoughtful as one could look with her eyes. “Well.” She said taking another bite out of her muffin. “There is one more thing I wanted to ask.”

Blast. The Doctor thought as he prepared for another tedious question. “Okay, what is it.”

“What’s your name?”

For the first time since meeting the pegasus the brown stallion was stunned. Not by the question itself but by how he should answer it, telling her his name could put the space-time continuum in jeopardy. He would have to make one up which would be an easier task if the grey pegasus would stop looking at him with those googly eyes of hers.

“My name is…” he said slowly trying to stall for time. “Is the Doctor.”

“The Doctor?” Derpy questioned.

“Yes, that’s my name.” he said trying to sound as convincing as possible.

The wing mare didn’t look convince, she leaned in until their faces were inches apart. This sudden breach in personnel space made the Doctor very uncomfortable, if she had moved any closer they would be kissing right now. Which wouldn’t be such a bad thing he suppose, she was after all pretty even with her eyes being as they are and it had been a long time since he had been with somepony.

Don’t. The logical part of him said pulling him back to reality. You know you can’t have relationships. It wouldn’t be fair on them… or you.

“Is that really your name?” Derpy asked suspiciously, looking deep into his aqua blue eyes.

It took a moment for the Doctor replied. “Yes.” He said backing away slightly as to avoid any awkward situation that could be cause by being so close to a female. She remain where she was with both of her eyes now staring into his soul.

“Well… maybe it’s not my actually name.” he said looking away from her suspicious glare, yet for some reason felt compel to look into those molten gold orbs. “But it is what you can call me.”

“But why can’t I call you by your real name?”

“Oh, it’s a long name and very hard to pronounced so I decided to go by the Doctor.”

“I see, that makes sense I guess.” The grey mare said returning to her original position. The Doctor blew a sigh in silent relief. That was a close one. He thought. If she had kept pushing who knows what could have happen.

“So, have I answered all of your questions now?” the Doctor asked.

Derpy nodded “Yeah that’s everything I wanted to know.” She said finishing the last bit of the muffin she had been eating. The chestnut coloured stallion quickly jumped off the bed, not wanting to stay to see if the grey pegasus decides to change her mind and move towards the door. This time however there was no flash of grey jumping over him to block the exit.

“Oh, hey wait.” Her voice called out causing him to stop just at the door’s threshold.

Groaning silently in annoyance the Doctor turned around to the wing mare who had been wasting a great deal of his time and was for the second time since he met her, stunned. There she was sitting in the exact same spot she had been sitting in throughout the Q and A, with both of her golden eyes staring at him. The afternoon sun light shines through the window casting long shadows across the room and making her different somehow.

She was no longer the pony who knocked him out and held him prisoner, she was instead the young, beautiful mare she could have been had fate not be so cruel and made her eyes the way they were. For a brief moment it had seemed all time had come to a standstill, all there was, was him, her and her bedroom.

“I just realize you don’t have a place to stay.” She said completely oblivious to how her chestnut brown guest was mesmerized by her. “If you want you could stay here with me.”

For a second the Doctor was serious thinking of saying yes but manage to regain control of himself. What just happen? He thought as he took an unconscious step backward. Where did these feelings come from?”

“Th…that won’t be necessary but thank you for the offer.” He said as he turns away from her. Before she could say anything else the Doctor closed the bedroom’s door and half ran, half walk down the stairs. He needed to get out of here fast before these strange new feelings take hold of him.

After racing down several flights of stairs he finally reach the bottom floor of the building and much to his relief the grey pony wasn’t following him. Walking over to the door he turns his head to the stairs one last time before opening it. With his head still on the stairs he failed to notice the orange mane pony standing on the other side of the door.

“Well, hello there.”