A mare named Target

by PurpleArtist


Looking out of the window Target seen in snow where she has her suitcase next to her where she asked Purple if he's ready to go back to Canterlot to spend time with her parents for Hearts warming but he told her no where her parents don't like him and he don't like them.

She seen the snow blow and fall faster where she told Purple that she'll be taking Artmark, Double Eagle, Harp, Arrow, Bow, Battle Axe, Mace and Dagger so they can see there grand parents so she got up and placed on her winter jacket and asked Artmark, Double Eagle and Harp if there ready to go see there grandparents where they sided with there mother but Purple placed his hoof down and stated he ain't going.

She opened the door where a powerful winter draft entered the house where she closed the door until the colts and fillies placed there jackets on and covered up there babies so they wouldn't freeze.

He kissed his wife on the mouth and wished them luck but he didn't try to stop her but at the train station they took the last train to Canterlot where they visit Target's mother and father whom they finally met there grandchildren.

They asked on where's the stupid purple one where Target told them that he isn't coming where his niece and nephew are home and court order says they must live with them where his brother is unstable ish and there always rude to him where he's at the point on punching them in the mouth and shatter there teeth.

The lights flickered in the Canterlot house until the lights went off where the power went out and the house went cold where they were getting cold where in Ponyville Scalpel and Flyer were nice and warm sitting in front of the fireplace nice and warm not freezing drinking hot chocolate with chocolate straws that there uncle made them before heading out.

Her father Red Exciting asked on how's her husband where she told him he's fine and gotten a new job as a Police pony as somepony or some creature setted his former work place ablaze but he seems to love it but he still loves her since the day they met.

He told her that as long he treats her right and takes good care of her then he's okay in his book but she told him that she couldn't believe that last month she given birth to 5 foals and it was more painful then given birth to a single or a set of twins and she didn't use painkillers nor a c-section.

He told her she's a tough mare where she gets it from her father of him being a tough stallion where her mother she used painkillers and did a c-section when Sgt Green, Target and Bullseye were born.

She sat staring out of the window watching the snow fall hard where she thinks Purple was right where he knows it was a bad idea where he's nice and warm in front of the fireplace back home.

Back in Ponyville Purple was out walking in his police uniform but a long sleeve one not short sleeve, heavy winter jacket, scarf and beanie hat where he seen ponies hoarding and places price gouging of the incoming winter storm that'll block Ponyville via road and so cold that Pegasus won't fly.

He went into the store and bought food and drinks which was more then normal where he went home and placed the food into the cabinets, and drinks into the fridge where he seen Flyer and Scalpel sitting in front of the fire place of the brother and sister cuddling to exchange body heat but he made the 2 more hot chocolate with chocolate straws for them to drink through then eat afterwards but asked on when Aunt Target is coming back.

He told them that she's visiting her parents and there nieces and nephews are with her finally visiting there grandparents but he kissed them on the head and he then went out back into the freezing cold to continue policing.

In Canterlot Artmark told his grandma he's hungry where she yelled at him that she can't make nothing where there's no power but Target told her mother to make a sandwich where at night or what not Purple makes them a sandwich of a slice of bred, some mustard, and a slice of Equestrian cheese and that's it one slice of bread with some mustard and a slice of Equestrian cheese.

She told Target she ain't feeding her grand children primitive food where they need there Canterlot prepackaged food not primitive food that lower class ponies eat where they'll be better off here in Canterlot not in Ponyville with advanced education and better food not in Ponyville with old education and primitive food.

They'll have to deal with her mother and her anti-lower pony hate talk where she's snotty and that's one reason she and Purple didn't invite her to there wedding where Purple was right of not coming where he would have to deal with her anti lower class hate against him and other lower class ponies.

To her that her hate of lower class pony speech would get to her where there middle class ponies but choose to live in a lower class town where ponies are more friendlier then Canterlot and not worry as there children can run around and them not worry as in cities they would worry if they would be kidnapped or not.

She went to a table and wrote a letter to Purple where she used magic and teleported it to him where it went to there house where Scalpel and Flyer had it where the 2 pegasus opened the letter and read it of on how Purple was right on how rude her mother is.

She never realized on how rude her mother can be where she's starting to think on if that's where she get's her hostile side at where her hostile side is mostly mama bear mode to protect Purple and there foals where she thought about secretly getting her and Purple's foals and secretly teleport them and herself home if her mother continues her anti lower class ponies talk.

Her mother started again of her hate for her son in law especially now he carrys a badge where her ex boyfriend back in high school where he's a banker and earns 4 times more then what Purple makes a year where but she told her mother that her ex tried to kill her husband and Purple isn't a snooty pony he's not self centered like her mother and everypony else in Canterlot.

She told him that Purple that he's the most friendliest, artistic, bookwormy, green hoof, handy, athletic, brave, disciplined, light sleeper, neat, loves the nice weather, flirty, friendly, great kisser, and pony pleaser where he can make ponies happy mostly Target.

The wind picked up more and the snow came down at an alarming rate where it didn't help that they were out of power and there was no heat but after awhile there was a knock on the door where Target opened it where it was Purple where the 2 hugged but the 2 didn't kiss due to they don't want there lips to stick together.

He well his husband sences were tingling where he bought the extra blankets for them where he came in where he was shivering a bit of the tempature was dropping a bit where the gave her family the additional but when he tried to give his mother in law a blanket where she was acting like a stuck up witch where he told her fine that everypony else in the house will get the blankets and she can freeze.

She heard him that he'll be back where after a few hours it was 4:00 PM where there was another knock on the door where Target letted her husband back in where they besides Target's mother asked on what's in the basket where in the kitchen he opened it where he made Acquacotta, Barley, Noodles, Vegetable soup,Gumbo, Tomato soups, about 4 loafs of bread he made back at home.

He more or less placed it into the kitchen where all but him and Target's mother ate it where she called it "Lower class food" where she has standards where she isn't going to eat peasant food nor have peasant blankets on her neither should her husband or grand kids.

Her husband told her that there son in law was nice enough to waste his time to give them blankets and food that they bought and he made so they wouldn't starve and won't freeze so she should get off of her high horse and try some of the soup that there son in law made where it's delicious.

She didn't get off of her high horse and walked off and sat on the couch where Target sat with her mother on the couch even though it's dark but she tried to convince her to try where she wouldn't saying she isn't going to eat peasant food she may but she isn't going to eat the food that her husband or Target's mother son in law won't eat it.

Target she took a spoon and forced it into her mother's mouth and try the veggie soup where she liked it but she stuck to her high horse saying it was the worse thing she ever tasted and shoved down her throat and Target she isn't old enough to stop getting punished and she isn't lucky yet if Target does it again she's going to spank her daughter to punish her even though she's an adult.

The 2 sat with there backs to each other where there distaste for each other grew where she, her father and there children ate like nothing where her father told her to tell Purple thanks for the hearty meal that he shouldn't have to make them that meal but if his wife could get off her high horse and eat some of the food which was good and need to personally thank there son in law.

She told her father that when she goes back or when he comes back or what not but he'll get the message but she said message awkawrd enough but he knew on what she meant by saying it weirdly but he didn't care she isn't a filly anymore or a teen anymore.

At night she went to bed where in the middle of the night there was a knock so she answered it tiredly where it was her ex boyfriend where he barged his way in and closed the door and told Target it been too long and she belongs to him not to a purple pony who's tail isn't even 3 inches long where a normal pony tail is about 5-8 inches long and he did the unthinkable of measuring Purple's pecker is short only 2 inches and 1/9ths long even though there genitiles aren't visable.

She told him she wouldn't care if her husband's male area is not even 1/9th long but he should leave before she hurts him so bad he won't make it to the hospital until the snow melts but he didn't.

Her mother came into the living and told her daughter to go with her ex boyfriend and start a family he's a banker and wants to have his grand kids not Purple's grand children but Target told her mother and ex boyfriend that she's happily married to Purple and loves him more where they don't know what it's like to wake up one day to see your husband seeing next to your side of the bed with a plate of breakfast and it's still hot.

Her mother did the original song and dance routine of wanting grand foals to have money not country where to go to collage or university not working out on the field but she yelled at her mother to stay out of her love life.

Her and Purple's daughter Harp came looking for Target where she's getting thirtsty where Target told her to go back to bed she, grandma and her ex boyfriend are having a 2 argument fight where she made it perfectly clear she isn't going to leave Purple even if he dies she isn't going to leave him it's called loyalty something they don't have.

They more or less backed her into a corner of them wanting her to leave her husband until she punched both of them then stormed off where she gotten her and Purple's kids and foals and teleported back home but ended up outside but went inside where she put them in there beds or cribs for the babies and got into bed cuddling up with her husband.

In the morning she sat in front of the fire place and stayed warm drinking hot chocolate with a chocolate straw like her niece and nephew yesterday and now but Purple still had to work but he'll be on desk duty until they can go back to work in the field when they can walk again.

She made her niece and nephew also foals beside the 5 1 month old's she fed them scrambled eggs, hot coco and toast she placed into the oven on a banking sheet and had them in there for a few minutes to brown evenly on both sides and took em out when the scrambled eggs were done.

They thanked there mother also there niece and nephew thanked her for breakfast where there not like the human world where they only eat plants where there omnivores but don't eat meat.

There was a knock on the door but there's no peep hole where she seen her ex boyfriend where he asked if he could come in but she told him no and tried to slam the door in his face but he forced the door open.

He teleported her nephew Flyer to the police station where the 2 argued but she told them to go upstairs, into there room and cover there ears where they did where the 2 yelled at each other.

At the police station Flyer he was ice cold but he ran in where on the first floor he seen his uncle typing on a type writer on some reports he didn't finish yesterday or the day before where he asked his nephew on what he's doing here.

He told his uncle the situation of some stallion back home yelling at Aunt Target and threating to take her away and what not some not but he gotten his winter jacket and galloped on home.

Out on the porch the 2 seen and heard them yelling where Purple broke them up where he asked on who in the world is he where the guy told him that he's "Bank Note" and he is Target's boyfriend before she went and had an "affair" but Purple told him to get lost before he arrest him up for tresspasing.

He told Purple that he isn't leaving without Target where in Canterlot they'll have a family together especially with a stallion that can pleasure a mare where Purple told him to mate with a gym sock if the gym sock doesn't walk out but Bank Note to not to carry Bank Note's foal where he spitted on Purple.

Purple wiped the spit off of his face but gave him one final time to take a hike where he didn't but called Purple an "Ahole" where Target told him that nopony calls Purple an "Asshole" without her getting hurt and told Purple to get lunch inside or at a diner or a cafe where he told her he'll be back in 1/2 a hour.

The moderate purple alicorn trotted off to go get lunch where she had a lot of choice words not rated PG-13 or TV-Y but if it was a rated R or NC-17 movie or show where it was painful where her and Purple's foals even niece and nephew could hear through the wood and glass where they didn't couldn't unhear about there mother or aunt swearing like a sailor where they think they need therapy to get it past them.

After a half of hour Purple came back stuffed where he ate more then normal but his belly was warm but finally told Bank Note to take a hike and don't come back but he punched Purple where Target took off her locket and wedding ring where she told Purple to go inside and drink some hot coco or what not.

He obeyed his wife's command and went inside and made himself hot coco with a chocolate straw but what was Target doing to Bank Note isn't friendly but extreame violence where after awhile Purple gotten done drinking his hot coco and Target came in with her locket and wedding ring in her magic aura.

Through the door she heard her husband say to Bank Note "You have the right to remain silent anything you say will be used against you in a court of law if you cannot afford an attorney well that's life being unfair." said Purple while arresting Bank Note but she decided to walk with her husband wearing a heavy winter coat and scarf.

The 2 walked in the cold where Bank Note asked if this is "Police Brutality" for making him walk in the freezing cold where Target took Purple's nightstick and whacked him with it where Bank Note told him that he's pressing charges for assault where Target seen Purple take the nightstick with his magic and whack him again.

She told him that's the reason well a reason she married him for his intelligence and so and his bravery also for standing up to his mare to defend her where he told her that he loves her but called her his "honey bun".

She told him that when he get's home they'll make a batch of honey buns where at the police station she sat in a chair to wait for him to return where in the holding cell area Bank Note told Purple he's going to sue where Purple just said "If this was an NSFW i would let you suck my 2 1/9th inch pecker now get in there and go yourself!" he said hostily to Bank Note if this was a Not Safe For Work setting then well on what he said was mean.

In the lobby he told Target to go home where he teleported her home after a quick kiss on the mouth where he went back to his desk and filed the arrest report.

At 4:00 PM she made spaghetti but wondered why Purple isn't home yet but just thought he was busy or what not or on the way home now fighting the strong winds where he is a strong pone and almost impossible to mind control him and only pone that's allowed into his head is Target and if it wasn't for her he wouldn't ever meet his real parents via dream.

There was a knock on the door where she opened it where it was a police mare who told Target that Purple is in the hospital and not for hypothermia but from strangulation and so from fighting with Bank Note where he jumped onto Purple's back and strangled him with the blanket and bed sheet.

She offered Officer Blue Badge (unicorn mare) the only petite mare in the station and the only mare during the day shift but has romantic feelings for Purple Artist where officers Parish Farm (earth pony stallion), Spotter Map (unicorn mare), Blue Cloaker (Officer Blue Badge's brother), Grouch Planter (mare stallion) and Capt Delta Logic (stallion pegasus) where nightshift of Green Shield (mare unicorn), Delta Dart (mare pegasus), Delta Dagger (mare pegasus sister of Delta Dart), Star Fire (mare earth pony), Thud Rapier (mare zebra) and Lieutenant Crusading Skyray (mare pegasus).

They don't care where they think that Purple is a soft stallion needing his wife to fight his battles for him where his first impression to them wasn't the best one.