//------------------------------// // Distractions // Story: Distractions // by yourlocalhetheydisaster //------------------------------// The stack of papers on Twilight's desk was daunting, to say the least. There were quite a few and, deep down, she knew that it was most likely going to take longer than she wanted. But it had to be done. She shut the blinds, knowing that she would most likely be distracted if she left them open. After lighting a small candle and shifting around a few items on her desk, she deemed herself ready to begin. She picked up her quill and began the first segment of paperwork, the scratch of the quill on the paper being the only sound that filled the small room. Twilight couldn't help but feel comforted by the quiet of the room and the small cozy light of the candle. It reminded her of late nights studying in the library. After what seemed like only a few short minutes, the door to her study flew open, a pink blur bursting into the room. Before Twilight had all that much time to say anything, she was squeezed into an incredibly tight hug. "Twilight! There you are, silly!" Pinkie Pie giggled brightly. "I've been looking all over for you!" She said, with an exaggeratedly long pronunciation of the 'a' in 'all.' Twilight sighed, returning the hug slightly. "Hi, Pinkie." She looked up to nuzzle her marefriend's face gently. "Y'know, thinking about it, I probably should have checked the study first. You're pretty much always in here when I can't find you." She giggled, causing Twilight to roll her eyes just a little. Pinkie then quickly hopped away to open the blinds. Twilight winced at the sudden intrusion of bright light into the study, mentally noting that more time must have passed than she thought. "What're you doing with the blinds closed, silly! It's a really nice day outside!" Twilight groaned, closing the blinds once more. "Pinkie, I love you, but I really need to get this paperwork done. Distractions are not going to help." Pinkie gave her a confused look. "How's sunlight going to distract you? Sunlight's good for you!" Pinkie then moved to open the blinds thoroughly once more before being stopped by Twilight. "Sunlight's not going to distract me, yes. However, if somepony walks by, or if something crazy happens, I'll end up focusing on that instead of my paperwork." Pinkie tapped her hoof to her face a few times before perking up. "I've got it! We can just half-open them so that you still won't be distracted, but you'll get the sunlight that you need!" Twilight opened her mouth to object, but seeing Pinkie's cute little smile had her sighing. "Alright then. But only half opened, okay?" Pinkie nodded and opened the blinds halfway. Twilight had to admit, the warmth of the sunlight was pleasant. Pinkie then nuzzled back up to Twilight. "So... How long do you think this will take you?" She asked, poking the large stack of papers. Twilight shrugged, grabbing another chunk of paperwork. "Probably a while." Pinkie groaned, planting her face onto the desk. "Sorry Pinkie, unfortunately, duty calls." Pinkie sat for a while longer before jumping up and leaving the room. Twilight watched her leave with a slight shrug before returning to her paperwork. She smiled as the sunlight warmed her. She continued to scratch away at her paperwork, getting through around half of the paper stack before her bright pink marefriend returned, a small tray in hand. Twilight looked up, a questioning look on her face until she noticed that her lunch was on the tray. She also noted the two cupcakes deliciously frosted in a mix of pink and purple next to the food. She smiled warmly, taking the tray from her marefriend. "Thank you, Pinkie. This looks delicious." Pinkie hopped up and down in place ever so slightly. "No problem Twilight, anything for the prettiest mare in all of Equestria!" Twilight blushed, hiding her face ever so slightly. Although she and Pinkie had been together for a while now, she couldn't help but blush at her partner's compliments. Pinkie had giggled, hopping over to press a small kiss to the top of Twilight's head. Pinkie then pulled another chair up next to Twilight's, watching as Twilight filled out more paperwork. It had only been a few mere moments when Twilight felt Pinkie lean onto her. Twilight adjusted so that her wing was wrapped around Pinkie but continued to go through paper after paper. The purple alicorn then felt her marefriend shift again, moving Twilight's front hoof with her muzzle as though she were a dog. Twilight looked down at Pinkie. "Alright, what's going on?" Twilight said a small smile spread across her face. Pinkie smiled mischievously. "Nothing! Just getting comfy!" Twilight rolled her eyes fondly and continued to work. Pinkie then moved up and pressed a kiss to Twilight's cheek. Twilight hummed, pressing Pinkie closer to her. One kiss, however, was followed by several more. Finally, Twilight gave up and put down her quill. "Come on Pinkie, what do you want?" Pinkie nuzzled her again. "I don't know what you mean Twilight? I'm just sitting here ever so patiently waiting for you to finish your work!" Twilight shot her an unenthused look, which was met with an equally playful one. "You're distracting me from my work." Twilight stated. Pinkie gasped in mock hurt, putting her hoof to her chest. "Me? Distracting you from your work? I would never!" Pinkie sarcastically cried out. "Although, if I was, would you be distracted enough to maybe spend some cuddle time with me on the couch?" Pinkie smiled wide, batting her eyelashes up at her marefriend. Twilight then looked back to the, still large, stack of papers on her desk. It would definitely still at least be a few more hours before she finished. "Pinkie, I have a lot of work that I need to get done..." She trailed off. Cuddling with Pinkie sounded really nice right now, but she still had quite a bit of work that needed to be done. When she looked back down at Pinkie, the mare was giving her puppy dog eyes. "Please Twilight! You've been working for hours. You need a break!" Twilight looked to the stack before looking at Pinkie again, biting the inside of her cheek. "Just five minutes, that's all I ask!" Twilight tried her best to defy the sad little look on her girlfriend's face. Five minutes wasn't all that long if she thought about it... "Alright, five minutes then," she sighed. Pinkie squealed happily, bouncing up from where she was sat at the desk, heading for the living room. Twilight smiled fondly, following soon after. The paperwork could wait just a little bit longer.