//------------------------------// // Episode 2 - Scavengers Part 3 // Story: The Doctor and Whooves // by Landpower //------------------------------// As soon as the door opened Whoove's world became a blur. Dust choked his lungs causing him to cough violently. Before he could shield his eyes, the red dust blew straight into him. Through closed eyelids tears began to well. Wherever the dust would touch him, his body would burn. He felt helpless as he stumbled around blindly. I'm going to die. I'm never going to see home he thought, defeated. A hand grabbed his neck and pulled. Even through the pain and confusion, Whooves remembered that only one thing had hands and it wasn't going to hurt him. Keeping his eyes shut he let himself be led away in the knowledge that no place could be worse than this. Even through the raging winds and the clash of metal crashing into metal, the confused pony hear a familiar buzzing sound. Squinting for a fraction of a second he saw a bright green light. Almost beyond hearing was a strange sound. Is that screeching? No it must be the wind. As quick as it had happened it was over. The wind had stopped but he could still hear it, muffled behind solid iron. Opening his eyes he saw a fine layer of red dust on the floor. He looked around and saw they were in a similar room to what they had just left. A dull iron door protected them from the storm. The floor was grated metal and the walls had the familiar patchwork of metals. Standing above him stood the Doctor. His skin was covered in red spots where the dust had burnt him. One hand was raised with his sonic screwdriver in it while the other covered his mouth while he coughed into it. The screw driver buzzed away causing a clicking noise to come from the door. "It's deadlocked but it won't stay shut for long. We have to get out of here," the Doctor managed to say in between coughs. He focussed his attention to the opposite door and went at it with his screwdriver. "What happened?" asked Whooves. "Think about it for a second. What ship only has one entrance on it?" "But won't they notice that we came back aboard? They'll just throw us out again and this time they'll make sure we stay out." "That would be true if we weren't the only things boarding the ship," said the nervous Doctor. "What do you mean?" asked Whooves. As if to answer his question, a loud thump sounded from outside. Both timelords looked to see a dent the size of a fist on the door leading to the outside. The Doctor hit his screw driver in frustration and once again refocused on the other door. More thumps came, all in the same spot. "Doctor how thick is that door?" The Doctor never took his eyes of the door that lead to freedom. "Well since this is a ship built for interstellar travel, I'd say no less than 10 cm of solid iron." Another thump came from the door and this time was louder than before. A small gust of wind blew at the back of Whooves' neck. A thin stream of sand blew from the coin sized hole in the door. Two things happened at once. First the door the Doctor had been working on opened up and second a scaly mass of muscle punched through the door that lead to the outside world. Whooves bolted for the door but the doctor turned for a fraction of a section. Claws extended from the arm and swiped at the Doctor. Falling backwards, the longest claw just missed his chest but sliced his right hand. As his sonic screwdriver began to fall from his hand the claws smashed it into the wall. The Doctor looked on helplessly as his screwdriver shattered in front of him. With blood flowing from his hand he ran towards Whooves in a desperate attempt to leave the room. As soon as he was out he slammed a switch on the wall and the door shut closed. Both of them looked at the door as thumping and the tearing of steel came from behind it. "Run!" the Doctor shouted. *** Two ponies were in the control room. One sat on the middle seat while the other stood behind her. The screens displaying information had been lowered. Gem stared at a screen filled with static. Rougher stood behind her looking at it. "Not that surprising boss. The storm wiped out the cameras but I sent down some of the crew to fix them up." Gem just looked blankly at the screen. "What if they didn't die?" she asked. "We both know that nopony could survive anything like that, you'll see, they'll be dead." "They better be," her voice took on its familiar firmness. "And if they aren't then they'll wish that they had died." A noise started to come from one of Rougher's packs. He fished around in it and bought out his radio. A faint voice came from it. "We're outside the door but it's in lockdown. We need you to unlock it from central control." Rougher moved over to the screen and pressed a few buttons. "Should be opened for you now," he said. Ten seconds passed with no reply. Then a shrill scream came from the radio and was followed by static. Rougher's primal instinct to flee flared within him but he kept himself still. He raised the radio too his mouth. "What was that? Is anypony there?" Static was the only answer he got.