113 Extremely Short, Incredibly Horrible, & Shamelessly Bizarre Slashfics, Plus 1 That's Just Plain Insane, Not to Mention a Character Uprising, a Bomb Threat, a Few Optional Stable Time Loops, a Foalnapping, & Additionally Saving the World

by Super Trampoline

Elton Bon/Rarity (suggested by Bicyclette)

Bonny, darling, I love you, but you are now on your 17th play through of “Tower of Neighbel”. Do you think there’s aaaaaany other song you could play? Don’t get me wrong, I love when you perform for me. Just... maybe not that song anymore today... perhaps for a few years.

Bon Bon looked up. “Rarity, when we hooked up, I warned you: if I’m not making sweets, I’m playing piano. Do you recall that?”

“Frankly, dearest, if you’re going to keep on that dreadful tune, I recall saying I’m leaving.”

Bon Bon sighed. “She shall be leave on-ed.”