A mare named Target

by PurpleArtist

Old Habit

It was 1 Am where while sleeping Target she was tossing and turning where her husband was facing away from her but she went for a quick stroll throughout the town to tire herself out but she then talked to a shady pony in a trench coat and fedora where she's clean.

Back home she enjected a needle into her arm where she had a sad face where she's reigniting her narcotic habit where Purple scolded her when he came down and got a cup of water to drink where he's feeling that he went through hard work to help her to kick her drug habit and well it'll be weeks until there little pride and joy will form in her stomach and well he doesn't want there daughter or son to be born prematurely or dies from an narcotic use.

She felt ashamed of herself where it was one of those things where she may have been out of an addiction but it reignited in her somehow where that's the main reason she got up and trotted off where she tried to fight herself but she didn't want to restart her drug addiction.

He used his magic and made her to come back to bed and covered her up and placed the pink cover on her and he kissed her on the forehead and the 2 cuddled up.

She was a bit jumpy while sleeping but it was almost 4 AM when she gotten up again but she then went downstairs and made herself coffee and sat on the couch jittering a bit where she then used her magic and levitated a picture of her and Purple before she was first pregnant of when the 2 were first dating before they gotten married.

She accidently dropped her coffee cup which it shattered when it hit the hardwood floor and some of the hot blistering coffee jumped and landed onto her lower back right hoof and she let out a scream as the hot coffee hitted her hoof.

She just cleaned her hoof off then mopped up the puddle and threw the shattered coffee cup up and threw it away but made herself a garden salad for breakfast where she know's that Purple is right of that she needs to be healthy for the foal that's going to be forming in her soon enough and she doesn't want to either have a stillbirth or a miscarrage of narcotics abuse again of her abusing narcotics where last time she gotten herself clean and wants to stay like that.

She then teleported to work and went to her office of head security mare but she just scratched her leg on which she injected the needle into her leg last night where her old habit of wanting another drug fix where she knows her somewhat intelligent husband will give her an ear full of a list of reasons why it's bad to do drugs expecially while expecting a foal.

It wasn't until 12:00 PM where she was about to go on her lunch break where she had to finish multiple reports until there was a knock on the door and she asked on who is it where the voice said it was her brother Sgt Green so she told him to enter where she was in somewhat of a shock only for it was for her husband to open the door where he took the liberty of buying lunch for them and they can eat in her office.

The 2 sat on a sofa and had there lunch on a coffee table and they ate using there magic to hold there forks where he told her that he has better speed then magic so if he was more or less a pegasus if he didn't gain his father's unicorn horn where she told him he could suffer from less magicitis where a unicorn have weaker magic then a normal unicorn and has fasters wings making him fly faster and better then a normal pegasus.

To him he just doesn't care about what he would've been and he doesn't care if he's an Betacorn or what it's called when there not purebred Alicorns like Celestia and Luna and he may not be a "Purebred Alicorn" but he's fine on who he is where he gotten over it on when Target called him a Betacorn and a non purebred Alicorn.

She tried to eat his asparagas where he blocked her using the fork but the 2 looked into each other's blue eyes but still used there magic arouras to hold the fork where she complimented his moderate cobalt blue and he complimented her very light cornflower blue and the 2 kissed.

She then used her magic and close the window shades and time passed as an hour and 1/2 where it's now 2:00 PM where she lied on her husband's torso taking a nap and using her husband as a pillow where the 2 are tired out.

At 3:30 PM she left work a tab bit early where at night after eating dinner it was dark out Target looked at a needle where she took a gulp sound then stuck it into her front right leg again where she just letted out a sigh of relief again where she knows Purple well if she was another guy or if Purple was a woman and if they were lesbians then Purple would've kicked her flank already but Purple Artist is a gentleman and he won't harm a mare.

She then trotted upstairs and climbed into bed where she was shivering even while under the pink covers where unintentionally she gave her husband a charlie horse but it didn't help that when he went back to sleep on his back Target placed her head onto his chest again to sleep better but she started to drool where his eyes opened where he doesn't want to be drooled on all night by his wife but he been through worse.

She ate breakfast with her family, then brushed her teeth with her husband, then the 2 kissed then each went to work where she would scratch her front right hoof/leg a lot even though she wasn't itchy where her brother came and talked to her where he asked if she's back using drugs where she lied and told him that she's just itchy where when she get's home she's going to wash the bed sheet and blanket also the pillow cases and place new ones on when she get's home.

He asked on how she been where she told him everythings fine but she said it nerve wracking where he asked on what's wrong and if Purple hitted her then he'll fight him where Target told her brother that Purple will kill him where he told her he'll fight his brother in law in mixed martial arts, boxing, wrestling, kung fu, judo, Brazilian Jiu-jitszu and/or Taekwondo where to each one Target told her brother that Purple will kill him.

He told her to give him a little credit where she told him that he would use his magic to pick him up using his wings or hooves and body slam him at a angle that would break Sgt Green's neck at the same time killing him.

She just hummed her mind to get through the day where at lunch time Purple visited her for lunch in Canterlot where where Sgt Green intercepted them wanting to fight Purple where Purple placed his brother in law in a most unfortuinate way of placing his legs around his neck and he was about to break it but he didn't where he told Sgt Green that he won't ever hurt Target and if he keeps coming at him like he is then he'll be in a cast for the rest of his life.

The 2 went out for lunch then where back home after work she looked through the lock hole of the door knob and seen Purple cross dressing again calling himself a petite stallion where he would be a sexy mare where Target she tried to hold back her laughter and giggling but couldn't where she can't believe she married a stallion who likes to cross dress mostly into dresses.

She rolled on the floor laughing onto the hardwood floor where Purple heard her laughing where he didn't care but she then fell down the stairs hurting herself so he quickly took off the dress and he went and checked on her where she's fine where she just hurted herself not badly but just she'll walk it off where she didn't hurt herself badly.

He used his magic and helped her up but the 2 sorted through the mail together where she told him that she's done with dieting where she's making lasagna where while he paid the bills she placed on a pink apron which says "KISS THE BEST WIFE, MOTHER, COOK BUT DON"T DISTRACT THE BEST WIFE & MOTHER" says the pink apron that she more or less made by hoof and magic which resembles an 1950's apron.

While placing noodles into the layers Purple surprised kissed her on the mouth where she told him don't distract her where she isn't a perfectionist but wants everything to be even and it's hard to make a even layered lasagna.

She then placed it into the oven but before she teleport home she went to a liquor store and bought a expensive malt bottle for 2000 bits that was exported from far away lands where they enjoyed the expensive drink but they had a timer out and it was set for 25 minutes for them until the lasagna was done.

He told her expensive but good tasting malt whiskey but the timer ringed so she sat there as her husband turned the oven off and placed the lasagna onto the stove where he cut the lasagna and placed each into ceramic plates but let it cooled where Target called the foals, step foals and her husband's niece and nephew for dinner where they all came running.

She took a bite which she burned her tongue but she didn't have nothing to drink but she did tell her husband he could've left some back in the pan where she gotten a response that his adoptive parents were the type of get what you want now because there's a good chance when you want seconds it won't be there.

She couldn't believe of seeing her husband eat it while a majority of it is scalding hot where when his nephew Flyer asked on how he can heat very hot food where they only heard Purple say "I don't want cold food i want warm food and one day you'll be in a position where you'll have to eat cold food and wanting hot food." he said to his nephew on why he's eating hot food.

She just blew on hers to cool it down a bit but her husband gotten up where he walked over to sink and washed his plate where she gotten surprised smooched again as her husband went back into the living room and to read the bi-weekly town newspaper starting with the sports section and the weather.

Target was the last one to finish where she told the kids to get out where they all made an mad dash for the front door but she yelled at them not to gallop or trot in the house where it's more easier to break things so just walk.

All but Scalpel and Flyer just asked there father if they could run in the house this one time to get out of the house quick where Purple just said "Kid's listen to your mother." he said shortly for them to listen to there mother.

Target read the newspaper the sections Purple wasn't reading well got done reading where she told him she's proud of him of eating a lot in the contest of eating 50 blueberry pies, 32 apple pies, 12 banana cream pies, 11 apple pies and 4 cherry pies.

He told her that was last week and his stomach still hurts a tab bit but mostly gone but it hurted awhile but he just ran around a but to keep him in shape where he ran about several miles out of town and back home to keep in shape.

While everypony slept she jabbed her front right leg again with an needle where she just told herself that this is the last time but she then trotted upstairs, jumped into bed actually jumping sending her husband flying out of bed, and stole the blankets leaving her husband in the cool air shivering where she wouldn't let him back under the blue fleece blanket but he forced his way back under the covers to keep warm where she felt warm cuddled up with her husband.

It entirely didn't help that she sneezed on his face but the 2 just stayed cuddled up.