//------------------------------// // The Secret // Story: A mare named Target // by PurpleArtist //------------------------------// Target she teleport home where it's 4:00 PM where she used her magic to open the door knob where the house was a tab bit quiet where she just assumed her husband was out getting wing or hoof exercises like cardio or what not but she walked into the kitchen and made herself dinner. She heard a poorly done Southern accent doing a mare accent where she carefully walked up the stairs and opened the door without a creek where she seen her husband looking at himself in a mirror wearing her spring dress that's a pink sundress with a red ribbon on it. She heard him say that if anypony found out his secret hobby then he'll be a laughing stock of the whole world and his brother will hate him more but he does look cute in his wife's dress but Target cast a spell and more or less took a picture of her husband and she then startled him. He told her that it isn't on what it looks like where he seen mares in his whole life wearing dresses and want to know on how it feels where she told him she won't tell anypony where sometimes she wears his clothing mostly his military uniform but she won't eat uncooked garlic before only after she takes it off. Before he took off her dress and hid his face in shame he asked her on why she eats uncooked garlic where she knows it makes her fart but she only said "A mare doesn't fart but toot a stallion farts when we eat certian food but i don't know i like doing so." she said to him that a mare doesn't fart but he told her that a toot is just another word for a pony or creature to fart. He then went to save what remaining masculinite he has and hid under the covers where she just left and continued to make dinner where after it was done she called Purple Artist down for dinner but he didn't come so she made him a plate placing the dinner onto a blue ceramic plate and took it up to him where she just placed it onto there dresser and told him to eat dinner and it won't kill him. After she ate her daffidoil sandwich and garden salad where she thanked Purple in her head for him having green hooves where she then went upstairs to check on Purple where she noticed the plate licked clean where he ate his wedge salad where she's going with a healthier eating for the month. She placed her and his plate into the kitchen sink where she told Artmark, Harp and Double Eagle to go out and play where the 3 foals did where she then went back upstairs to check on Purple where she seen him place her dress back into the closet where she wanted to talk to him. He wasn't in the mood to socialize where she reassured him that nopony but them will know then gave him a smooch on his mouth but told him to guess on why she want's to talk to him urgently where he asked if her brother is going to get married and there going to be the best ponies where she told him not in a million years that he would ever get married. He guessed that her snotty parents are in the hospital but wants comfort where she told him no but he got one more guess where he guessed that he needs to sleep by the window where she laced her salad with shredded down uncook garlic where she told him not entirely that but close enough where she told him he's out of guesses. She asked if he's ready for the news where well lately she been feeling sick where during her lunch break she went to an urgent hospital and after a few test but before she could say there news there son Artmark came running in that he got thorns in his right front leg. After the 2 removed the thorns out of there son leg she kissed him on the head and then he ran back outside to play after Purple told him to get back outside. After there son left she was about to tell him something where Harp entered there room and she asked for a drink like Kool Aid to drink where she's getting thirsty where the 2 walked downstairs and gave her a cup and after she drinked it there daughter went outside. She sighed and hoped that is the last destraction where she finally told him that well she's expecting where he asked if it's a package and he needs to sign for it tomorrow or what not where she told him no where he told her that she and he are going to have another foal where she told him yes. She told him it's well 10% of it being a earth pony, 80% being a unicorn, 40% being a pegasus and 10% being a betacorn where he asked on what's a "Betacorn" where she explained that a betacorn is an alicorn that doesn't have royalty in there blood and have an genetic mutation of having 2 parts of there parents i.e Purple Artist is an Betacorn where he inhertied his mother's wings and father's unicorn horn. He looked down but told her that she can call it whatever she wants but an Alicorn is an Alicorn no matter what even if ponies like him has a mutation of having 2 things like him having wings and a horn which he gotten from his parents and he isn't a purebred Alicorn. She hurted him where he and other's always seen him as a alicorn and now she's telling him that he has an genetic mutation where he more or less accidently obtained a piece of his parents either his father's unicorn horn or mother's pegasus wings where he just said in his head "Heck i could be an earth pony and just obtained both of my parents there wings and horn." he said to himself that he could just been conceived by a unicorn stallion and pegasus mother but could actually be an earth pony who obtained his parents wings and horn. She just doesn't know on how much she just hurted him of saying that where he doesn't care about being an alicorn but being use of it since he was a colt and now that he now has a new way of thinking on how his life could've been if he was born as an earth pony, unicorn or pegasus. Only reason that his 7x grand cousin she married a earth pony and had 2 mares an earth pony and a pegasus they gotten married and so on but due to an world war back before FIM started before the Mane 6 were born his grandfather he was an unicorn and his wife had an affair on her husband and had an earth pony son and well he came back and there was an Equestian baby boom and that was that and more behind to it where he isn't going to explain. His grandfather from his mother side was an earth pony who was always grouchy and rude but Purple he's 95% Friendly, 4.999999999% neutrual and 1% hostile but mostly friendly, sweet and kind. While sleeping Target she tried to cuddle up with Purple only for him to slide over more and more until there was an thud sound where Purple fell out of bed where he doesn't want to cuddle up with his wife where unbeknown to her she's the first pony ever to break his mind on what she said earlier. In the morning she couldn't find Purple so she checked at where he works at where his boss told her that he came in where his Aunt Sonata is sick where he well the only one that's going to take care of her where he gave him the week off to look after his sick aunt where unbeknown to his boss that was an lie. In Manehattan outside of a 1140 square foot house where Purple walked up to the door and knocked where his aunt Sonata a charcoal black mare with chocolate hair and tail she opened the door where she has an headache of dealing with her brat son she never wanted. Inside she gave him a cup of coffee where she asked on what he wants where he asked if he can stay with her for awhile where things aren't running smoothly back home so she set him up to take her bed while she'll take the couch. She told him that she and another mare with the same name well ponies say that she and her look alike besides Purple's aunt has blue eye's and 2 diffrent cutie marks but besides that there mane, hair and tail color are black and brown but she never worked for anypony who blackmailed other's for there own gain where he told her that she hasn't tried to get any attorney and the annoying pink pony named "Pinkie Pie" arrested only to take it back. He kissed his aunt on the head and she went to work where he took care of her house while she was out. At the war dept Target was sad where her brother Sergeant Green asked on why she's sad where she told him that she broke Purple and she's the only one to fix him but don't know on where he could've went where he got extended family besides his brother who hates his guts where he got 4 uncles Wolf, Ace, Chef, Fisher and aunts Barracuda, Sonata and Pointy Spear and Barracuda she lives on a small island in the Lunar Sea and there all spread out. He told her he'll find out which one he's staying with and will track him down where there's 7 and he'll check in Alphabetical order starting with Ace,Barracuda, Chef, Fisher, Pointy Spear, Sonata, and Wolf but she'll have to repay him and she told him the usual 2 crates of cider each one with 29 bottles. They shook hooves and went there seprate ways where she worked and he tracked down his brother in law where it was tough especially with Wolf who lives in the forest and almost killed Sgt Green on why he was there thinking he was there to kill him.. While sleeping it was 1:55 AM there was a knock on the door so Target she answered it where he told her that nopony of his aunts or uncles saw him not even his brother and Purple's brother Base not even him seen him and the ice blue pegasus male gotten his feathers all ruffled up. She looked at him with uncertinty where he told her that nopony was at his Aunt Sonata's house where it was unoccupied but he check back in the morning or afternoon where he asked on where she works at where Target doesn't know where her aunt in law works at especially when Purple gotten her fired for beaten the snot out of her ex boss for raping her and giving her a foal she never wanted and she believes in abortions as unethical like chemical warfare. She then went back to bed and had a picture of her and her husband in her legs/hooves and silently cried where she driven her husband away where if she didn't say anything about him not being a "Purebred Alicorn" of not being a decendant of royalty or being a decendent of Luna or Celestia but having somekind of genetic mutation of him taking his father's unicorn horn and mother's pegasus wings where he now thinks that he could just be an earth pony having pegasus wings and unicorn horn. She told herself that she broke him and she's gotta fix him. In the morning Target gotten up and flipped her pillow over where she gotten her and Purple's foals there breakfast and sent them on there way to school and gave them there home lunches so where they thanked there mother and trotted off to school where she teleport to work. Outside of the house Sgt Green he seen Purple Artist come out of his aunt's house where he was going to walk with her to the bus stop and the 2 just socialized on the way where instead of family it's like there friends. At the bus stop 3 blocks away Sgt Green startled Purple Artist of appearing behind him without warning where he told her to go home and it's an order where he told him no until he get's his mind back in one mindset but tell Target he's sorry but he want's to spend time with his favorite aunt even though she's 7 years older then him. He told his brother in law no where he needs to go home now but Purple told him that he isn't a baby and won't listen to him even if he beats him up he isn't going to go home until Sunday evening where he told his boss that his aunt is sick but let that ruse play out a tab bit. Sgt Green told him that his sister or Purple's wife is home alone dealing with there foals, his first 3 triplet foals from him and his first wife and niece and nephew and dealing with them is like a nightmare but Purple told him that Target faced worse then that where it's not like there going to try to rotisserie her and eat her where if that was the case he'll leave and teleport right now. At the war dept in the head security office Target was on a typewriter typing where her brother entered where he told her there's good news and there's bad news good news Purple he's with his aunt Sonata in Manehattan bad news is he isn't coming home until Sunday evening if not early Monday morning. She told him alright where unless if she apologizes on what she said on making him do on what he did but before he left she asked if he would like to know a secret where he told her sure. She told him that Purple loves to cross dress into Target's clothing and she heard him say that he would look better in this if he was an mare he would look adorable where she has photographic evidence of it and he actually laughed of seeing a stallion in mare's clothing especially in a sunpink dress with red ribbon around the torso where if it was human around the belly button. She told him to keep it just between them where after he left he told everypony in the building where she didn't find out that everypony was told about it until a stallion in the building told Target on how it feels to sleep with a mare in a stallion body where she told him to shut up and she loves Purple even with all of his flaws of having weak unicorn magic but better flying of his genetic mutation of having both of his parents things mother's wings and father's horn. She couldn't believe that everypony in the building knows that her husband likes to wear mare's clothing where she told herself that if Purple ever found out then his self esteem will be lowered more then on what she did if not completely gone and he wants to remove himself from society and lock himself away from everypony and he think's that Target's and his foals also his and Dr. Healing his ex sister in law then ex-wife who's deceased foals would be picked on if not shunted and something like the Foal Free Press would've love to hear if Diamond Tiera was still in charge. She more or less just shammed her husband and kids but what is she gonna to do she can't teleport them all to the moon where she ain't in royal to do so and ain't going to waist the princesses time with that trivial matter for something she did by showing and telling her brother then he spreaded like an wildfire where she caused it and she's the only one to fix it. When her brother came back and asked on what is she doing where she only said "I've been sitting here and thinking i'm the one who more or less told everypony else and ruined my husband's public image and i'm the only one to fix it where i broke him and i'm the only one that can fix him. Last time i broke him i fixed him with good Ol' fashion love making but that won't work in this case i broke him calling him a "Betacorn" a Alicorn that has an genetic mutation or not a purebred alicorn. That got to him good and i broke his mind and i'm the only one that can fix it." she said while staring at the ceiling that she been thinking on how to fix her husband but really gotten to her husband with that he likes to dress like an mare and calling him a Betacorn and not an Alicorn. The week went by slowly but when it got to Sunday evening she heard the front door open and close where she was making home made bread and making a cake where she wanted to apologize to Purple but he told her to save her apology where he's the one who walked out and he's the one who needs to fix it where instead of socializing with his wife to fix it he just walked out like a big baby. She told him that well everypony in her workplace knows about his secret of dressing like an mare where he told her that they can laugh at him or not he doesn't care anymore and about the "Betacorn" thing he's completely over it and he don't care about if he's an purebred alicorn or not. She asked him if his aunt was really sick where he told her no just an headache with her brat son. She heard him say that he doesn't care about his public image and if ponies and creatures are going to judge him where he don't care about what they think but he only cares about his wife's opinion about him and she's the only one he thinks about and she told him the same.