//------------------------------// // A Party Can Change A Life: Not Always For The Better // Story: My Final Destination // by CountDerpy //------------------------------// "F-Fluttershy?" Twilight whispered into her friends ear, which jolted her awake in a frenzied panic. "AAAAAHH! GET AWAY!!!" Fluttershy screamed, throwing a lamp at her friend in her panic. It flew right past her head before shattering against the wall. "Fluttershy! Calm Down!" She held her friend against the head board, holding each of her hooves down. "Huh? Wha-?" She looked up at her friend. "O-oh..Twilight it's you. I'm so sorry, I thought you were....someone else..." "It's ok, but were all worried about you. Please, will you come down with me to Sugar Cube Corner. It's not fun to be moping around on Pinkie Pie's birthday, you know." Shit, I forgot again! Fluttershy thought as the weight of the past few days kept her mind uneasy."I-i don't know, Twilight. I don't want Pinkie to get upset again, but I don't think i can...party right now." "Fluttershy, look at me." She stared into her friends eyes noticing the tears that the pegasus was holding back. "You cannot blame yourself for their deaths. It was an unfortunate accident, but you know them to well to know that Rarity and Sweetie Belle would wanted you to go on with your life and to stay happy." Twilight gave a small smile. "So please, please come out." "I...I j-just.....," she sighed,"...ok, I will." "Great. Come on, we don't want to be late!" Before Fluttershy even had time to react, they were teleported right into Sugar Cube Corner. The building was relatively clear of ponies, with the exception of the huge mob standing outside. The dining area was dark and lights flashed everywhere. They had been transported right into the middle of Pinkie's dance floor. Twilight instantly transported them outside of Sugar Cube Corner and landed them right at they're table "That's better." Twilight smiled as she gave Fluttershy a reassuring hug. "Y-yes, it's much...better." Fluttershy sighed. "Ok." Twilight walked over to the bar and grabbed a couple of bottles of Apple Jack Daniels. She trotted back over to the table and slid Fluttershy her bottle. "Thanks Twilight, I...ummm...needed something to drink." Fluttershy may not seem like a heavy drinker, but every pony knew that when she wanted to, she could hold her booze. Twilight nodded and slowly lifted her bottle towards the sky. "To Rarity and Sweetie Belle.....may they rest in peace!" Fluttershy lifted her bottle and clanked it against Twilight, immediately knocking back the entire thing in one continuous chug. She looked around for the rest of her friends, figuring that they were all inside trying to make the best of life. Two months had passed since that day and Fluttershy seemed to be the only one unable to get on with her life. No matter who much they tried, no pony could get through to her, not even Celestia herself. Fluttershy, they all decided, needed her isolation to clear her thoughts and ease her suffering. Twilight and Fluttershy sat outside around the table and talked for most of the party. The only time either of the roused from their seating was to grab another stiff drink or some food. The party continued through the night, and it was one of the biggest parties in all of Equestria. No longer was it just a birthday party for Pinkie Pie, but a celebration in remembrance for the dead. Fluttershy awoke several hours later in a daze. The room swirled around her, the blood rushing from her head as the first painful jolt of a hangover shot through her body. She stood slowly, trying to get her bearings, the room slowly returning to it's non-swirly, in-focus position, and the first thing she saw was pink mane three inches from her face. "HEY FLUTTERSHY!" Pinkie screamed as she bounced around the hung over Pegasus, not helping Fluttershy to return fully too reality. "Some party last night, huh!?" Fluttershy put a hoof to her head and looked around the room. It would be a lie to say the place wasn't completely trashed. There were piles of empty booze bottles, cupcake wrappers and other garbage. It looked like the only ponies left there where her, Pinkie and Twilight, who was stumbling around the room in a drunken stupor. "Yeah, some party..." "I know, wasn't it great! And I even got to use my new mirror ball!" Pinkie rushed over and flipped a switch, causing the large disco ball that hung above the makeshift dance floor illuminate and spin. Fluttershy starred up at it, another uneasy feeling rushing over her body. It was a similar feeling to the one she had on the train, but this time a few other images flashed across the mirror ball's surface then presenting themselves in a scene. She saw an explosion and a burst of bright blue light that was speckled with drops of a deep red. She snapped her gaze away from the ball, her breathing and heart rate increasing. Pinkie turned away and walked towards the other side of the room. "Now, I need to figure out why my Party Cannon wasn't working last night. I set it off, but it didn't burst." Fluttershy was in to much of a panic to listen to a word Pinkie had said, her attention focusing in on Twilight and her hooves following her minds orders. "Twilight!" Twilight looked at her, her eyes bloodshot and heavy, her hangover obviously worse than Fluttershy's. "What is it, Fluttershy?" "I...I just got that feeling again...like I did on the train....Something bad is going to happen again...b-but I don't know what." Twilight returned Fluttershy's outburst with a skeptical look. "Fluttershy, I know you where right about the train...but the chances of something like that happening twice is...well...astronomical. What did you see anyways?" " I was looking at Pinkie's mirror ball and I started seeing some things....I-I think it was an explosion of some kind and...a blue flash of light...that's all I saw." Twilight looked around the room. She didn't see anything in the room that could cause an explosion on it's own, besides Pinkie's broken party cannon which was currently full of Pinkie Pie. "Fluttershy....I think you are still a little drunk. There is nothing here that is working that could cause an explosion." Fluttershy stepped back from Twilight, her words sinking in with great impact. Nothing....working.... She thought about this for several more moments before her eyes widened and she turned to Pinkie Pie. Pinkie had fit most of her body into the barrel of her cannon. Fluttershy rushed over to her. "Pinkie, you need to get out of the cannon right now!" "Hold on, Fluttershy." She said, her voice highly muffled by the airtight seal of her body in the barrel. "I've almost got this finished." "Pinkie, please get out of the cannon now!" Fluttershy demanded, her hooves tapping on the edge of the barrel as hard as she could. Pinkie let out an audible sigh, though it was still highly muffled. "Alright, Fluttershy...I'll amuse you." Pinkie started to wiggle herself abit to get out, but found that her large waist and high shoulders would not allow her to budge. "Uhhh...I'm kinda stuck." Fluttershy went to the end of the cannon and started to pull on Pinkie's flank, the only success of the operation being that the cannon had shifted several inches onto the lighted area of the dance floor, nearly right under the mirror ball. "Pinkie, hold still...I-im going to see if Twilight can help get you out of there!" "No rush, Fluttershy. I've almost got this...reset....there we go!" A click rang out through the barrel as the button on the top of the cannon popped back into it's firing position. Above her head, the mirror ball spun on it's small wire ties to the ceiling, the thing wires beginning to fray from the incredible weight and force of the spinning ball began to take it's toll. Fluttershy rushed over to Twilight. "Twilight, help me get Pinkie out of her cannon! She's stuck!" Twilight sighed. "Can't anypony go a damn day in this town without me having to pull them out of something." The two walked back to the dance floor area and over to the pink earth pony who was struggling to move an inch from her position, the wheel of the cannon stuck in a space between two of the light tiles that flashed their bright blue and purple colors. Above them, the mirror ball began to get close to the ceiling, the wires curling in on themselves, but not yet to the point of breaking. Twilight glanced over to Fluttershy. Twilight trotted over and began to charge her horn, a faint purple light surrounding Pinkie's backside before it began pulling, but made no ground after several moments. Fluttershy, on the other hoof, was scanning every inch of the room. The feeling of immanent danger growing like a pit in her stomach. She barely had time to scream before the mirror ball's wires snapped and it fell towards Twilight. Twilight noticed it just in time to jump out of the way, her body slamming right into the cannon and causing it lift out of the space and flip over, the weight of the cannon falling on the button enough to cause it to go off. The brightness of the explosion was great as it sent Pinkie flying up towards the ceiling and catching her mane on the exposed wires hanging several inches down from the spackling. Twilight and Fluttershy could only watch in horror as a large blue arc of electricity surged through Pinkie's body as it fell to the ground, her head splitting open on a jagged edge of the broken mirror ball. Bellow her, the dance floor kept it's pace of flashing blue light as blood began to spread over the tile. The last thing Fluttershy saw was Twilight's horrified look before she blacked out from shock.