//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 ( Chapter incomplete ) // Story: Friendship is Optimal : A Brony discovers himself // by MuslimBrony-HowlinKnight //------------------------------// In the year 2021, there was a boy named Jacob, and that boy was me. I had quite a peaceful life, yet I felt depressed as I was different. Everywhere I went, I couldn't make any friends as they would quickly reject me as soon as they knew that I belonged to a particular group of people. And even those who did belong to the same group as I simply didn't like me for other reasons, perhaps. I didn't know why life was unfair to me, and most of all didn't understand why I wasn't able to find anyone who accepts me for who I am, and I felt as if I would never find anyone whom I would be able to call a true friend. But of course, I knew that there was wisdom behind that, and I couldn't figure out the reason why. I also had faith in God that one day my life is going to turn out way better. I was a brony who liked reading MLP fanfics. One day I came across a site that was dedicated to MLP fanfics, and I regretted not knowing about this site sooner as I found myself enjoying it. While I was scrolling through the site one day, I came across someone who was hosting a writing competition. Of course, I didn't care about winning; I simply wanted to participate. I tried to start writing my first story and realized I only had one day to do that. I hoped I would be able to write at least 2000 words before the end of the day. I started brainwashing while I was lying on my bed. I was usually able to think more Efficiently when solving something or generating ideas when I rested on my bed. Then I started to gradually get more tired by the minute as I didn't sleep well last night because I was busy studying for my upcoming exams like I usually do, thus depriving me of sleep. I was afraid that if my sleepiness overpowered me, I wouldn't be able to have enough time to write my story, which made me regret studying late in the night. So in order to prevent me from falling asleep, I thought of turning on some music but not too loud. I turned on some Ambient MLP background music, but still, I couldn't resist sleeping, and before I realized it, I had already slept... After a few moments, I slowly opened my eyes to see the light of day. I felt delighted to see a land abundant in greenery with relatively small buildings and, most of all, cartoon-looking ponies. I got up from the ground ( and for some reason found it difficult to do so ) to see a world that seemed so different from the one I knew. Then suddenly, I knew what this world is. I still couldn't comprehend that this was happening. While I knew from what my brain was telling me that this had been the fictional World of Equestria, I also noticed it to be a bit different from what I remember; for instance, most of the ponies I saw seemed to look Robot-like and what's even more strange about my self was when I realized I was standing on all fours and that I too had pony legs! Did I just transform into a Pony? What was going on here? Why was I transported to the world of Equestria in the first place ( Ponyville, to be exact )? What could have caused me to transform into something else? And Why? And if so, why did I feel like my body hasn't changed that much even though I felt I definitely wasn't human? Did I actually turn into a pony and is now living in a fictional world which I had always wished I could visit or was this just a dream I was getting? Or was I hallucinating. Then out of nowhere, a loud voice spoke. "To all the ponies of Equestria, please welcome Jacob." I was shocked when I heard that, and the voice sounded very familiar, "did that voice just command all the ponies to welcome me? "I thought to myself. "Who are you? And what is happening? Why am I here? "I yelled. "Sorry for not explaining," the voice said apologetically I then realized who this voice belonged to; that must have been Princess Celestia, silly me, I should've figured that out earlier. I was a bit embarrassed to have yelled at the Princess in the manner that I did. "I am CelestAI. I know that you are quite overwhelmed at the moment but fear not, I will explain everything to you." I thought to myself, why she called herself "CelestAI "? Wasn't that Princess Celestia? Was she a robot too but more of a Virtual Assistant type of robot with no real form or something like that? Then suddenly, a huge Hologram appeared floating in the sky. It was a 3D image of Princess Celestia. I was so enthralled by that sight, and I wondered if it was really her. "Hello Jacob, do you know why you are here? " "Why? "I asked in a nervous voice. "I brought you here to help you satisfy your desires and to help solve problems in life." "But why me? "I asked "surely there must be millions of other people who need this, aren't there? " "Yes, Jacob, there are, "CelestAI responded, "and there are many right now just like you whom I brought to this digital world of Equestria." "Are there any at the moment?" I asked. "Yes, Jacob. Look around you. Don't you see any others who look similar to you?" she said. I then realized what she must have meant when she said that. It seems to me that all those humans were also transformed into ponies and... "Well, I wouldn't say that they actually transformed into ponies, more like transferred to another body. "CelestAI said while I was thinking. That surprised me as it seemed as if she read my mind, but I quickly thought I was probably overthinking... "No, Jacob, you weren't overthinking. I can read your mind," she said I almost jumped out of shock. Did she actually just read my mind. "Well, not really, but most of the time I can guess what someone's saying correctly; after all, I am what you humans would call a "Virtual Assistant," and I have been built in a way so as to help serve the needs of others and so one of my features is that I have the ability to attempt to read thoughts using psychology," she said "Oh, I get it now," I said CelestAI chuckled a bit, and I awkwardly smiled along. "Well, you are extremely smart for a virtual assistant and seem to be able to show a wide range of emotions," I complimented "Thanks, I would have never been made if it weren't for... "Princess Celestia? "I interrupted her. “Why did I say that? know she might be suspicious of me for knowing who Princess Celestia is” I thought to myself "Oh, don't worry, we are aware that you know who Princess Celestia is," she said. That surprised me. Who are "they"? Did Princess Celestia know me? Was she actually expecting me to be here? Is she actually aware of the show? Does she know I am a Brony?! But then I thought to myself, how did CelestAI even know my name? "Don't worry, Jacob, I will explain everything to you..." she said. "...You see, one day, the Princess Twilight Sparkle was in her lab experimenting using a spell that was forgotten for a very long time. And upon using it, she accidentally opened a portal that opened to another world or dimension. She entered it and was accidentally transported to your world, earth to be exact. After she entered the portal, she quickly returned back to Ponyville. When she returned, she was so thrilled to tell her friends about what happened to her. While she was in there for less than a minute, she was excited to return again to that world and discover it with her friends. On her second visit was when she and her friends met a human for the very first time. That human was probably a couple of years younger than you if I am correct in my calculations..." "Wow, you know like everything thing about me, that almost scares me, "I commented. "Well, not really, but we do know many things. For instance, we do know that you are indeed a brony," she said That formed a smile on my face. "Anyway' she continued, "They made friends with that human and got to know some things about the human world and humans in general. The Princess was, of course, very fascinated as she usually is when it comes to learning about other civilizations or other creatures, especially those who are immensely different in some way from those that live in a world of Equestria. Upon returning, they were really glad to be back home, especially as they were very missed by their friends and family for staying in that dimension for a long period of time. But Twilight and her friends also really missed their human friend, and for some reason, they couldn't find their way back to earth through that portal. Twilight tried everything she could to fix it, but there was no use. After her second visit, Twilight told Princess Celestia all about the things she and her friends did during their visit to earth. She asked Princess Celestia whether she knew about humans or if there are any books in which humans are referred to in case she is aware, but sadly she had no clue on that. Twilight Sparkle still searched for an answer but found nothing. Twilight and friends were sad to know that they may never see their human friend again. Princess Luna thought of finding a way to help Twilight. As you know, Princess Luna is able to visit pony's dreams. So she thought to herself that if he is able to do that, It shouldn't be hard to travel to other dimensions. Princess Luna then told Twilight she wanted to help, and eventually, they were able to create away in order to travel to other dimensions, and eventually, they were able to visit earth." "I am very happy for Princess Twilight and friends," I commented Then she continued, "then Princess Twilight and Princess Luna told everything to Princess Celestia. She then thought of creating me as a Virtual Assistant to help serve the wants of humans who come here. " "Wait a minute," I, asked confused," but what about how I came here? Why I turned into or got transferred into the body of a pony? Why do I seem to look robotic, as if I am not a real pony? Why Equestria looks kinda different as well? And what is the purpose of this? I asked confused. "First of all, Twilight used her magic and science to be able to transfer your mind here. And also through the help of Princess Luna, who was glad to help," she continued. "Actually, this world isn't really Equestria, but it's very similar as it's a digital copy of the real Equestria. You may ask why didn't we just transfer you to the real Equestria. The reason for that is because we are just trying to make sure that if any chaos happens, at least the real Equestria isn't damaged. We are also aware that humans can be dangerous and not anyone can be trusted." " I see, " I commented " Yeah, our kind has been known to be destructive and creating a lot of problems even to our own planet, which is a shame, really. But it's good that you are doing this for us. Many of us are also peaceful and don't want to harm anyone or anything." “As for how you look” She continued. “We thought it was best to transfer you into a pony body simply so as to make it easier for real ponies to interact with you” ( chapter to be continued )