All Roads Lead to Friendship: A Friendship is Optimal choose your own adventure story

by hamster wizard

>Stick around

You stay and watch the pony work for about an hour. She doesn't seem to mind your presence too much.

You wonder to yourself what a robotic pony would be working on a farm for.

Eventually, satisfied with her work, she walks over to you and starts speaking.

"Howdy there. Name's Applejack."

You greet her and introduce yourself.

"Nice to meet ya ####. What are ya doing all the way out here sugercube?"

You tell her a bit about your recent travels. She listens with interest, nodding her head.

"Sounds like you've been busier than a honeybee in springtime there partner! Maybe ya ought to take a load off. Ya got time to stop over for suppper?"

You are rather hungry. It's been a busy couple of weeks for you.

>Dinner with Applejack
>No time to rest