//------------------------------// // >I love art! // Story: All Roads Lead to Friendship: A Friendship is Optimal choose your own adventure story // by hamster wizard //------------------------------// The Philadelphia Museum of Art is known for having some fantastic exhibits, so you cautiously accept her offer. "Wonderful! Let's begin the tour, shall we?" The unicorn; Rarity, leads you throughout the museum, tutting at various pieces of artwork and gushing over the beauty of various pieces. She certainly has a detailed knowledge of the arts, which you could expect from a robot. You see a great golden statue of a woman, paintings by Renoir, Monet, and Degas, who you vaguely remember are really famous, and even a set of horse armor that looked very expensive. You're not sure how much you really care about what she's saying, but listening to Rarity talk is rather relaxing, so you try to enjoy yourself as you gaze at what were once priceless works of art. Now you could walk out of here with them and nobody would bat an eye. Well Rarity might. "And this here is another Renoir, The Great Bathers." You note once more that Renoir seemed to specialize in painting naked women. "Renoir was most well known for the female nude, representing them in candid and sensual positions. Note the vibrant colors and the emphasis on light; common traits of Renoir, and the impressionist movement as a whole. The thin, delicate brushstrokes create such soft contours, as though one could reach out and grasp them." Rarity looks back at you with a sly grin. "What would you do, if you could have anything you desired?" The question catches you by surprise, and you're not sure how to answer. "If you'd allow me, I could give you something right now..." Her voice is breathy, like a whisper. She's getting closer, and by the sway of her hips, you're fairly certain you know what she's implying. >We're not doing that >We're doing that