//------------------------------// // Go say hello // Story: All Roads Lead to Friendship: A Friendship is Optimal choose your own adventure story // by hamster wizard //------------------------------// You came to Philly to meet new people, and you're not about to be scared off by some frilly unicorn. You find a nice spot for your 2008 Honda Civic and walk up the steps to meet the unicorn. She greet you with a smile and a flick of her mane. "Hello there darling, I'm Rarity. A pleasure to meet you." You're not certain you can say the same, but politely introduce yourself. "So darling, what brings you to this fine city?" You tell her that you're exploring, searching for more humans. "Well if that's all you're looking for, you need not go far. There's plenty of them gathered over in Fairmount Park. Although, it may not be the best idea to pay them a visit." You ask her why. "Oh, well they're positively ruffians I'll tell you! No idea how to treat a lady! If you are going there, you'd best have something valuable. That's all they seem to care about!" She bats her eyelashes at you in an uncomfortable manner. "But enough about that, this museum happens to be one of my favorite places in the city, I'll have you know. Perhaps I could show you around?" >I love art! >Go somewhere else