All Roads Lead to Friendship: A Friendship is Optimal choose your own adventure story

by hamster wizard


Your name is ####. Several years ago, an artificial intelligence known as CelestAI began emigrating humans into her digital world of Equestria Online in order to satisfy their values through friendship and ponies.

Since then, nearly all of the Earth's population has been uploaded to Equestria Online. You live in the ruins of Miami Florida, a city which in your own opinion, is much more peaceful when there are no people.

Although it is rather lonely.

You are currently standing in the middle of the street. On your person you're carrying your Glock 19, and you have several days worth of food and water packed into your vehicle.

You look down the road into the horizon. The freeway stretches off into the distance, far beyond your view. It is littered with abandoned vehicles, as all roads are in the apocalypse. You shoulder your doubts and hop into your 2008 Honda Civic. The gas tank is full, and you habitually turn on the radio, only to be greeted by the all too familiar static you've come to know.

You turn it off and drive north on Interstate Highway 95, beginning your long journey.

After driving for a few hours your car is nearing Boca Raton. You know there are ponies prowling around everywhere, searching for new friends, and you never know when they could be watching.

You glance in your mirror, but don't see anything unusual.

You could use a bathroom break, and some extra supplies. Now might be a good time for a pit stop.

>Pull over in Boca Raton
>Keep driving