Adagio needs some love

by PinkCandy559

The Date

Adagio was sitting in a fancy diner, wearing a red cocktail dress with a ruby necklace. She had been forced into this by her two best friends, Sonata and Aria. Adagio didn't know why they were bothering, though. Sure, seeing all of these lovey-dovey couples around her every fucking time she left her house had her just a little on edge. But it wasn’t that noticeable, right?

At least, so she thought. However, Aria and Sonata were getting sick and tired of Adagio scowling at the couples or making angry comments about their public displays of affection every time they had to go out together. In the end, they took matters into their own hands and hooked her up with a blind date.

Adagio was about to fall asleep from boredom when she felt a new presence staring her down. She blinked to refocus her vision and recoiled in shock at the girl with red and yellow hair standing before her in a lovely blue dress with a deep v-cut. “YOU’RE MY DATE!?!”

It was Sunset Shimmer, and under any other circumstances, Adagio would have been pissed to see her. Instead, she never thought she could have been so spellbound without any magic, especially by the girl who'd cost her and her friends their own magic.

After a long moment of awkward silence, Sunset sighed. “Look, I only came because your friends...”

“We aren’t friends!” Adagio said, cutting Sunset off and earning shushes from nearby people.

“Alright, well, your... colleagues or whatever asked me to go on a date with you. I tried to say no, but they stole my journal and wouldn’t give it back until I said yes.” Sunset gave a short chuckle. “Kinda have a hard time believing you three are—!”

“Not...friends...!” Adagio said with a growl.

“Whatever! It’s hard to imagine you three together. So, why did they want me here, anyway?”

Adagio opened her mouth to say some sort of rebuttal, but nothing came out. She couldn’t tell her enemy that she was just a lonely lass that has been angered at the cutesy couples that surrounded her everywhere she went. While Adagio was coming up with something to say, Sunset just looked off to the side with a sad look on her face. “It’s because you’re lonely, right?”

Adagio closed her mouth at that, looking at Sunset with a confused face.

Sunset laughed bitterly. “I get it.”

Adagio scoffed and rested her back on her chair, placing an arm over it and looking away from Sunset’s beautiful face. “Please, as if I’d ever be bothered by such a thing. Of course you know that feeling. But me? Never.” Adagio expected Sunset to roll her eyes or come up with some sort of rude comeback. But she didn’t. She just looked at Adagio with a knowing smile.

“Alright, I believe you.”

Adagio blinked. “What?”

“I believe you. You’ve got people in your life who want to help you find love. They care about you. ” Adagio couldn’t fight the chuckle that left her lips, even if she tried.

“Well, don’t those Rainbooms care about you?” Sunset smiled sadly and looked down, staring at her hands.

“Well, yeah. But aside from Twilight, none of them really care about boys. Or girls. Or dating in general. When Flash Sentry and I dated, it was more for me to become popular. I never really gave love the time of day back then. Then again... I really wasn’t a fan of love or friendship when I was mean.” When Sunset looked back up at Adagio’s face, she had a look that Sunset could not decipher. Was it pity in her eyes? Or understanding? Maybe Sunset could go so far as to call it yearning.

But Adagio was quick to replace that look with a glare. “Hmph, I knew you went soft, but I honestly didn’t expect you to be this kind-hearted,” Adagio said with venom.

“What’s wrong with going soft?”

Adagio rolled her eyes, but she didn’t answer.

Sunset shrugged and sat down. “You know, I used to only believe in ambition. I just wanted power. But there is more to life than evil magic,” she said with a sweet laugh.

Adagio really had to bite a small smile back, and she almost couldn’t help but think that Sunset had the most adorable laugh. It certainly sounded more pleasant than Sonata’s witchy cackle. Regardless, Adagio knew she had to think of an excuse to get out of this. But before she could think of something, Sunset spoke.

“By the way, do you have... any idea why your... colleagues wanted me to walk you home?” Adagio choked, making Sunset panic a little. She was quick to ask a nearby waiter for a drink. But Adagio growled as she caught her composure.

“I’m FINE!!!” But the next thing she knew, Sunset handed her a cup of water. She scowled. “I prefer wine, for future reference...” Adagio said, taking the drink regardless.

“Aren’t you too young to drink alcohol?”

“I’ll have you know that I amolder than you. Besides, sirens like wine.”

“Really? Wine?”


“I’ll have to add that to my notes.”

“Notes, you say?” Adagio questioned with suspicion.

“I may live in the human world now, but I still like to research magical creatures and phenomena. You never know when another creature from Equestria could come along to try and take over the world again.”

“Oh? You mean like how you tried and failed?”

For the first time in the evening, Sunset glared at Adagio. “Do you want to be the pot or the kettle?” she said in a monotone voice. Adagio growled and a waiter came along to take their orders. Once their orders were placed, the waiter left and there was an awkward silence that followed. But then a question popped into Adagio’s head.

“Sunset. Why did Sonata and Aria approach you to go on a blind date with me?” She asked with genuine curiosity. Sunset couldn’t help but blush a little bit. This did not go unnoticed by Adagio, but she was quick to disregard it. Rationalize it even.

She wasn’t expecting that question. That’s all it is. That has to be all it is...!

But, little did Adagio know, Sunset was attempting to rationalize her own thoughts.

There’s no way. There is literally noway she would like the answer to that question. Oh, sweet Celestia, she would freak out like crazy if I actually said it. But then again, should I say?

Sunset thought on her feet and just said the first thing that came to mind. “They, uh... thought it’d be funny, I guess?” Adagio’s brow furrowed.

Granted, she wasn’t able to come up with a plan to take over the world. But she was able to figure out that there was something Sunset wasn’t telling her. But if that were the case, what was it that Sunset could be hiding from her? Adagio held Sunset’s gaze for what felt like years to Sunset. It eventually became too much, causing her to look away.

"Come on, Sunset. I'm not stupid.Why did they want you to go on a date with me?" Adagio said with vicious venom. Sunset shimmer sighed. No point in trying to hide the truth. She just hoped that Adagio wouldn't be too pissed.

"I, uh... I wanted to see you again. Cause I wanted to... see if we could make amends." Sunset sighed in relief when their orders finally came. When the waiter left them in peace, Sunset began eating while Adagio sat there, shocked to the core. Sunset Shimmer wanted to make amends with her? But what could have possibly compelled her to do that!?

She had to ask. "What could possibly make you want to make amends with me?" The question came out much softer and sweeter than Adagio would have wanted. Sunset looked nervous when she was asked that question.

"I understand what it's like to not care about friendship. To want the power to... take over a whole world. But I learned that there is more to life than getting power. Because even if you have power, you will still be alone. It will still only leave you with the same exact problems." Sunset felt her eyes become glossy with tears, but she shook back the urge to let them fall. "Whether you're a pony or a human or a siren, life is meant to be spent with others. But I see myself in you if you will. I don't want you to have to go through what I went through. Not if I can prevent it. I guess it worked out pretty well because right when I wanted to see about finding you, I bumped into Aria and Sonata. They told me you were going through something, and I wanted to help. Plus, I need that journal..." Sunset laughed at that last comment she made.

Adagio struggled to digest all of this. Sunset seemed to pick up on this. She took out her purse and put some money on the table before saying quietly, "I kinda figured that you wouldn't want to try and be friends. Or anything beyond that."

Adagio opened her mouth to make a biting remark, but before she could say anything, Sunset stood and quickly left the restaurant.

Adagio sat there for a few moments, before she felt a self-satisfied smirk fall upon her face. “Hmph. Serves her right," she said to herself before finishing her meal and paying with the money Sunset left behind.