A mare named Target

by PurpleArtist

Getting help

After a week after having a son and losing her uncle to cancer she finally came clean about her narcotics use but begged Purple not to leave her or place her in rehab where she thinks there's going to be a record and she'll be out of a job where she loves her cozy position at the war dept not on dangerous missions due to of getting pregnant and having a foal.

In the living room the front, back and house/garage doors are locked but he turned some music on where no pony can hear them from the outside if they were spying in where the 2 just spent time together where they just talked where she knows the road is going to be tough ahead of being in withdrawal but she did it when she had a bun in her oven aka pregnant.

He told her that no detail is too small where she told him yeah right where he told her that he may not have a degree is psychology but does has a BS meter due to from his brother who's a major jerk and gotten to see through his lies.

He had a clipboard where he just wrote down what she told him and he gave the best advice he could but he has no experience working with addicts before but professional help wouldn't want her to lose her career and he disowned from her family where he told her it'll just be between them no pony else.

She told him that it's going to be hard to get clean where he told her that when it gets hard he'll be there for her how a husband should be there for his wife when it get's rough or not and he'll be with her to help her when she wants to turn back and so where it's going to get tougher for the following days if not weeks or months.

It would be rough where when school ended there session ended where she wouldn't want to have her step foals hear that she's an addict where he would end it at 3:00 on the dot.

At night while sleeping she was twitching wanting another shot of drugs where she accidently kicked Purple with her behind right hoof leg where he had to use his magic and turn Target over onto her other side so she wouldn't kick him but he cuddled up with her placing his right hoof around her.

He told her while sleeping that she's the best mare in Equestria and placed his chin on her head and kissed it but placed his right behind leg around her and there was a smile on the 2's face where he kept her nice and warm where there house has no insulation where it gets warm sometimes hot in the day and cool at night but the house creaks when it settles.

While sleeping she's a light sleeper she told him thanks for helping her and she loves him very much where she backed into him pressing against his under torso aka belly and chest and the 2 would transfer body heat to keep'em warm where it was nice and cozy.

They heard a loud breaking sound where he told her that he heard a shattering sound but he's going to go check it out but she said "Don't worry love my husband he's a soldier and he'll deal with it." she said while sleeping where she's sleepy.

He just looked at her and said "I'm your husband you better not be cheating on me if you are we're going to have a serious talk." he said to her that he's her husband but if she's cheating on him they'll have a serious conversation where he did go and check it out.

His niece and nephew also his and deceased ex-wife foals were playing baseball but don't know why there playing baseball at 2:00 AM where he just scolded them and get back inside then go to bed right now not in 2 minutes not 10 but right now.

They did do due there father isn't the type of stallion to mess with where joking around is one thing and conversation is another but trying to brainwash him or attack him or convince him of betraying his home country he would die first where it's impossible to get inside of his head and mess with his mind.

He then looked at the window and said quietly like "Damn it well i got to punish them and lose hard earn bits just to fix it. Gonna give em a punishment that my adoptive parents always gave me and that's a tannin." he said almost whispering that he's going to give em a tanning and lose hard earn bits to replace the window.

15 minutes later Target felt the bed move a bit as it was her husband getting back in bed where she asked on what took so long where he told her that the kids broke the kitchen window playing baseball in the middle of the night and he had to give'em a tannin and well that was that but he did tempoaraly sealed the window so bugs won't get in.

In morning she and her husband kissed where he walked off to work and she teleport to Canterlot to go work at her desk where she started to see things while in the archives room that wasn't there where she started to rub her right frontal leg with her left leg really wanting another fix but fought it.

At home after work she sat on the bed twitching fighting herself wanting another fix of drugs that are in syringes where she's craving for a fix but she started to fight herself to stay clean from not getting another fix but she was having trouble where she doesn't want it but her addicted side was telling her yes.

Purple came home a bit late with a new window where he fixed the window and he went to go find Target where he found her shivering and fighting herself where he did the unstallionly thing and he slapped his wife across the face a few times and told her to snap out of it where she unwilling hit him telling him she needs a fix but he used his magic to suppress her to hold her down.

She peacefully asked him to let her go and un-restrain her where if he doesn't she'll castrate him where he told her it's for her own good if he keeps her from getting drugs where he wants her to heal up and be fine and not an dependent on drugs where she yelled at him to release her where he told her she wants help and he's giving her help even if it's magical to hold somepony down.

She asked for something to drink where he quickly teleported away and teleported right back where he reused his magic to restrain her but let her use her own magic to hold the plastic cup for a sip of water but she threw the cup at him after taking one big gulp of water where he closed his eyes where he told her she'll have to do better then that.

He told her to stay when he released her and don't move where he's going to go make dinner where after an hour he came back and the 2 shared the same plate of pasta where after he left to go to place the plate in the sink she wasn't on the bed where he then suddenly fell on the hardwood floor where he just said "Ow my back." he said as something heavy fell on his back where it was Target where she told him for the next few hours he belongs to her.

He didn't like the sound of that where it wasn't bad as he though where the 2 just talked and he covered his face is kissy faces where when he looked in a mirror every square inch of his face was covered in red lipstick where he told her that his fellow pony coworkers will pick on him for sure where she told him that she gave him a fair chance to release her but he didn't for almost a hour.

He went to go wash it off of his face but she used her magic and locked him in the bedroom with her then used her magic to suppress him like how he suppressed her to not to fight him but she sat next to him where she asked on a reason she shouldn't hurt him where he told her that he's the only one to give her very healthy foals where she told him that't the reason she was looking for well second answer she was looking for.

He asked on what's the first answer she's looking for where she told him she wouldn't have a cuddling partner at night anymore where she cuddled up with him while suppressing him where after a couple of hours later she called him "still the best pony she met." but also told him that about in 11 months they'll see there daughter or son.

He just kissed her where the 2 just hugged and kissed on the mouth where after that the 2 went there seperate ways for the evening where at night the 2 rejoined where she was done fighting over for the drugs.

The following days and weeks were hard on her but with a lot of tough love and support from her husband she finally gotten over her narcotics use where she just focused on her family more and more but at sunset she and her husband sat outside enjoining the weather where a pony in a suit came and gave'em some bad news where her uncle who was a typical Canterlot snob well he just passed away not from old age but from narcotic abuse.

She gotten her narcotic well used them when she was a teenager due to of her uncle who forced crack, heroin, meth and so on onto her but he had a nice condo in Canterlot too.

She inherited everything he had even the condo where she told Purple that at lease they have a new home when there not working where he told her that he isn't a condo type of stallion but the type that loves the wide open fields and not crowds of ponies in a city but a country stallion.