//------------------------------// // Photoshoot // Story: Photoshoot // by Nido_King //------------------------------// Minuette, sometimes known as "Colgate" by her friends, hummed a little tune to herself as she trotted through the streets of Canterlot, utterly pleased as a peach. And why wouldn’t she be? The sun was shining, birds were singing, and today was the day for her latest photoshoot, a day she had been counting down the days until with eager excitement. Indeed, while you would have never known it by just looking at her, Minuette was actually a very successful model. However, you were very unlikely to see her face just by passing by any old newsstand across Equestria, for Minuette preferred to model for a very different kind of clientele, one whose articles and magazines could typically only be acquired by knowing the right ponies. Not that the secrecy of it all meant that Minuette was ashamed by what she did, far from it in fact. If my friends only knew… Minuette thought to herself, almost wishing that she would “accidentally” leave out one of her magazines for her friends to find just so she wouldn’t have to keep it a secret from them any longer. She shook that thought from her mind just as quickly as it had appeared though, feeling ashamed that she had even considered it. If the day ever did come where her friends learned of her secret lifestyle, she would offer them nothing but the truth in return, but until that day came she would continue to keep it a closely guarded secret. Minuette’s musings came to an end as she arrived at her destination, a seemingly normal looking studio. Pushing open the door and stepping inside, it didn’t take her long to find the staging area, where various assistants were setting up the backdrop for the shoot. “There’s my favourite model!” Came a voice from across the room as a magenta coloured unicorn mare with her blue mane done up in a neat bun trotted up to Colgate and embraced her in a hug. “And right on time, as usual.” Minuette giggled, flashing her hourglass Cutie Mark for a moment as she said, “Punctuality is my middle name!” “Which is quite a breath of fresh air when most of my other models prefer to be ‘fashionably late’.” the mare replied with a snort. “We’ll be ready for you in few, so feel free to familiarize yourself with the products in the meanwhile.” Minuette was positively grinning from ear to ear as she stepped into the fitting room and gently closed the door behind her. Now alone, she allowed herself a moment to take in the items she would be modelling today. A large clothes rack was practically bulging at the seams from the sheer selection of clothes available to her, ranging from dresses of all shapes, colours and sizes, to adorable looking sets of animal themed sleepwear and onesies, as well as a wide selection go bonnets, lace booties, pacifiers, and even a few sets of bondage gear for the more risqué shots. But what mostly caught her attention were the multiple packs that sat around the room, each one containing nearly a dozen adult sized diapers, many of which boasted colourful designs that made them virtually identical to those worn by foals. Indeed, Minuette had signed up to model a whole line of Adult Foal clothes and diapers, a fact that barely phased the mare seeing as not only was this not the first Adult Foal shoot she had ever done, but that she was also an Adult Foal herself. Though she would classify herself more as just a Diaper Lover, as she personally preferred the adorable diapers and clothes much more than the whole foalish aspect of the community. As such, Minuette’s immediately went over the various packs of diapers laid out before her. The packs themselves were mostly for show, as the company that had manufactured this selection of diapers had supplied plenty of single samples for her to model and show off, leaving the packs themselves to serve as props for her to lean against while promoting. However, her contract for this particular shoot had made sure to include the stipulation that she was allowed to take home up to two packs for herself along with her usual pay once the shoot was wrapped up, something that practically insured she would be more than willing to sign on for the shoot. This particular photoshoot was also for one of her favourite brands, Silly Filly, so everything else was really just icing on the cake to her. Looking through the various types available to her, Minuette ultimately decided on only the thickest and poofiest for herself as she picked up one of the samples in her magic and laid it out on the floor. Licking her lips in anticipation, the unicorn mare carefully positioned herself over the diaper before sitting down, the feeling of the soft padding cushioning her rear already causing Minuette to giggle to herself as she carefully threaded her tail through the back. Though this photoshoot had specifically been listed as a “clean” shoot, Minuette still made sure to add a generous helping of talcum powder to add to the effect of the whole routine, something that she absolutely adored. Practically bubbling over with excitement, Minuette carefully pulled up the front of the diaper and taped it closed, feeling herself practically come alive as the final tape was secured into place. Standing up, she almost squeed at how thick the diaper was, the bulk of which was already pushing her back legs apart enough to give her a pronounced waddle. She gave a flick of her tail as she waddled around the fitting room, becoming lost in the sensations and sounds that accompanied changing into a fresh diaper. She felt powerful, yet also innocent. She felt confident, yet also vulnerable. She felt adorable, yet also sexy. In a strange way, wearing diapers made Minuette feel like she could truly be herself, a feeling that she adored every time she got the chance to pad up. After a few more minutes spend happily trotting around in her diapers, Minuette turned her attention the rack of outfits and accessories she would also be promoting. Scanning through her choices for a moment, Minuette ultimately decided upon an adorable looking yellow sundress, along with a matching wide-brimmed sun hat, and a cute blue pacifier to go along with it. Like most outfits in the line, this particular dress would do very little to hide the poofy mass she was wearing, which meant that the outfit was working as fully intended. Before she could get fully dressed though, there was a knock against the fitting room door. “Miss Minuette? Make-Up is ready for you now.” “Coming!” She replied back, setting the dress aside for now. There would be plenty of time for playing Dress Up later, after-all. Exiting the fitting room, not a single pony so much as batted an eye at the freshly diapered mare as she waddled over to make-up, which was to be expected given the subject matter of this particular shoot. After several minutes spent making sure she would appear as nothing less than perfect before the camera, Minuette returned to her fitting room for but a moment before she emerged once more, now dressed in the ensemble she had selected previously and happily sucking on the pacifier between her lips. “You look positively adorable, my dear!” The same magenta coated mare from before exclaimed as Minuette strolled onto the set, which had now been decked out to resemble an Adult Foal’s dream nursery. “Keep radiating that energy for me, the audience will just eat it all up! Now, everypony ready?” After receiving affirming nods from all parties, she loudly proclaimed, “Annnnnd… ACTION!” From the moment the initial flash went off, Minuette was well and truly in her element. Over the next few hours Minuette would be changed in and out of countless outfits and just as many diapers, revelling every chance she got to put her diapered plot on full display for the camera. No matter how exhausted she knew she would feel after all was said and done, Minuette knew in her heart that she wouldn’t want to be anywhere else in that moment. As the cover mare for the first ever issue of Silly Filly’s premier magazine, which would go on to be a best seller among the Adult Foal community for weeks to come and guaranteed that this wouldn’t be the last time she would ever get the chance to model for them.