A mare named Target

by PurpleArtist

The stupidest thing

Target gotten out of bed in Canterlot where the 19 year old mare cracked her back where when she trotted down stairs where her mother told her to go get a job where she did and just hummed as she walked around Canterlot.

There was a military building where she walked into it where she asked for an application where the unicorn soldier gave her one and she took a seat and started to fill it out where she had a number 2 pencil and she filled it out and it took her half a hour.

She wrote "TARGET BULLSEYE AGE 19 SPECIES: UNICORN, SEX:FEMALE, STRENGHTS: SLEEPING, STEALTH, WOODWORK,CAMPING, SURVIVAL. WEAKNESSES: Easily hostile, heat/hot tempatures." she wrote on the form and she written a lot.

Back home she waited a few days where on a rainy day she walked out and gotten a letter and well she's in the military now but she's needed to be at a center for trainees so she packed her bags and left and she headed off to a secret military location for training where in a room she was given her uniform which is a balaclava mask, white undershirt, dark olive green over shirt and 4 combat boots but leaving her flank and tail exposed.

In a room there were a lot of shipping crates her objective was to sneak by ponies where if she get's caught she has to restart where there was a pony she snuck up behind whom she used her magic and broke the unicorn soldier neck where she isn't suppose to kill them but either knock them out or get around them.

At night it was 22:00 Hours or 10:00 PM by a fence she talked to a pony on the other side where she gave him several bits and he gave her some narcotics where it was barbiturates where she always had a hard time sleeping where she snuck back into the barracks and went to sleep after taking the barbiturates.

Her training went on fine and no pony suspected she took drugs to go to sleep better at night but it felt like forever for her to finish training but the day came on August 12th for the training to become a career.

She was assigned to the ESFG1 or Equestrian Special Forces Group 1 which is a elite unit of the Equestrian military focused on search and destroy, assassination, counter-terrorism, covert operations, hostage rescue, intelligence, unconventional warfare and other stuff.

Back in Canterlot in her room she was sitting on her bed where her twin sister Bullseye Bullseye (i know matching first and last name) seen her use her magic and inject a needle into her right leg and she gotten a shot of energy of taking morphine.

She fell back onto her bed and went to bed but if she took another shot where her heart would've stopped where her brother caught her where Sgt Green said to her "TARGET! Morphine is a military drug where one dose can knock a pony out for combat surgery ; 2 doses can kill a pony stop there heart completely promise me you'll stop or i'll be forced to make an citizens arrest to arrest you for narcotics use and you'll be arrested and kicked out of the military." he said to Target about the morphine and what he'll do if he catches her doing narcotics again.

She entirly didn't tell him she would stop where she would do it behind his back but he asked on what happened to her boyfriend she has since high school but she told him that they broke up for a good reason where she'll find a stallion and date him when the right one comes along.