Displaced Heroes, Villains And Everything In Between

by Deltorix

Digimodify Alien Armor Activate

I chuckle as I watch the CMC from Dillan’s world run around my Bloom as we walk to Sweet Apple Acres. “So Dillan, I noticed that your ultramatrix is blue instead of green, is it some sort of customized version?”

"Well, when I got it I uh…" Dillan said, rubbing his neck. "I kinda tried killing myself, the 'Merchant' sent me the ultimatrix and sent me here for a new beginning. As for the color… I just like the 23 dimension." 

“Damn, sorry to hear that man.” I look down and close my eyes. “I guess I shouldn’t complain about what happened to me.” I say as we walk up the path.

Dillan waves it off. "Relax man, you can be upset all you want. I chose to come here so I wouldn't do anything dumb, heck if I hadn't these three would have been popsicles." He said, looking to the CMC. "They had the bright idea to go into a blizzard in the middle of winter." 

The CMC chuckle and rub their heads. "To be fair, that was before we got our Cutie Marks." 

I chuckle and shake my head. “I hope you girls back in my world won't be that nuts...oh who am I kidding.” I facepalm groaning. “One of them will suggest going out to look for a Digimon partner once they meet me and they'll probably get dragged to the digital world somehow.”

Dillan chuckles and nods. "Seems like it." 

“Hey, it won’t be that bad...I think?” my Applebloom said, 

I chuckle and pat her back. “We will see, plus like I said earlier the versions of you that I know of are much younger, so there's a chance that you and your friends in our world are going to be a lot more mature than... others” I finish looking down at the ponies. 

The pony CMC chuckles and rubs their heads as the smell of fresh pies and cakes fills our noses. "Smells like Sugar Belle is cooking up a swarm." 

“Sugar Belle? Who is that?” Bloom asked. 

I smirk and look at Dillan. “You want to tell her?” 

"Take a guess." Dillan chuckles. "Remember how I told you Big Mac was married?" 

Bloom's eyes widened. “She is Mac’s wife?” She smiles and looks ahead. “I can’t wait to meet her!” 

"Just don't rush her, she's probably carrying hot pies and stuff. Also, Bloom, I have a question, do you guys eat meat in your reality?" Dillan asked. 

Bloom raises an eyebrow. “Of course we do, why wouldn’t we?” She asked, then I cleared my throat and pointed down at the CMC. “Oh.” 

"Y'all eat meat?" Dillan's bloom asked.  "Ah guess that makes sense considering Dillan does as well, all though he turns into a pony to eat most of the time." 

I pat my stomach. “From what I remember, Digimon eat almost exclusively meat. We can eat other things but in the Digital World meat literally grows like plants.” I say.

“Wait what? How in the name of Celestia does that work?” Bloom asked me, 

I shrug my shoulders and chuckle. “Trust me when I say don't question it. It's like Pinkie Pie, the digital world sometimes just does not make sense, because it's a bunch of information that's gathered from across the entire planet jumbled together until it created life...more or less.” 

Dillan nods. "Yep." He said as we approached Sweet Apple Acres. "Oh wow they gathered the family quickly." He said as we see a bunch of Apple family members around a table. "Oh wait I think the reunion is today." 

“What a coincidence, it was also a reunion day sort of on our world. We just had the Summer Sun Celebration and Nightmare Moon's return and defeat.” I said smiling at the happy faces. Then I sigh sadly as I start thinking of Jennie. 

"You ok?" Dillan asked me, patting my shoulder.

I nod slowly. “Yeah, sorry just thinking about my girlfriend back on earth.” I look up at the sky. 

Dillan hums and taps his chin. "I'll be right back." He said turning into Ultimate Clockwork again and vanishing 

I blink wondering where he went. “Huh, hey Apple Bloom, mind introducing us to your family, while we wait for him to come back?”

Apple bloom bounced up and down excitedly before she was tackled by another filly. Babs seed. "Hey, cousin!" 

I chuckle as I watch the fillies. “Hi there.” I said. 

Babs looks at me and jumps. "What in tarnation!?" 

I laugh and cover my mouth with a hand. “Sorry for the scare, my name is James.” 

"Babs this is a friend of Dillan's." Apple bloom said to her cousin. 

"Wait Dillan!? The hero!?" Babs asked wide-eyed.

I smirk and shake my head. “I guess Dillan is famous here.” 

"Of course he is!" Babs said. "News spread like wildfire about how he and another hero stopped the planet itself from freezing!" 

I nod and smile while pulling Bloom over by me with a smile. “Well, we helped stop Nightmare Moon.” 

Babs raised an eyebrow. "Ah thought that was the Elements of Harmony a few years ago?" 

I roll my eyes and point at Bloom. “Me and her are from another Equestria, meet Apple Bloom.” 

Babs's eyes widen. "Another Bloom!?" 

I chuckle and nod. “Yep, so how about we all head over to the family so we can eat.” My stomach growls before I start glowing and change back to a Guilmon. “Awww.” 

"Run out of energy?" Dillan's voice asked behind me. 

I jump and turn around. “Geez, you really need to stop doing that, and yeah I am back to my base form.” 

Dillan chuckles before we both have to cover our ears from the sound of a loud squeal. "Dillan!!!!" Babs yells exactly running around him, making him give a weirded-out look. 

"Never thought she'd be like this." He whispers to me pointing at Babs.

“Seems you have a super fan, hope you don't have a jealous girlfriend.” I chuckle a bit.

Dillan frowns. "Not anymore…" 

I flinch and sigh. “Sorry, didn’t mean to bring up bad memories.” 

Dillan waves it off. "It's fine, and nope no girlfriends." 

"Ah can't believe I'm meeting the real Dillan!" Babs said excitedly. "Ahm so jealous you get to see him all the time!!!" She said to pony Bloom. Dillan chuckles and starts walking towards the farm, as Babs keeps bugging Apple Bloom.

I follow Dillan and ask. “So where did you go off to?” 

"Well, I was curious about what was going on with you. I remembered something about a girlfriend from when we were back in your world. I went to earth to try and bring her here." He said.

My eyes widen and I grab his shoulders. “You found Jennie!?”  I start shaking him. “Where is she? Is she ok? Does she know what happened to me?” 

Dillan sighs sadly and pulls my hands off his shoulders. "I'm sorry, I couldn't find her. And if I stayed any longer my ultimatrix would have run out of power since it wasn't my displaced world." 

I blink and lower my head. “Does that mean she is...is..” I couldn't even finish that sentence.

Dillan put a hand on my shoulder, smiling softly as I looked at him. "It most likely means she also got displaced, however that can be a good thing. All you'd have to do is find her token, or if I find it I can contact you."

I nod and smile softly. “Thank you, at least I could see her again one day.” I say as I cheer up a bit. 

Dillan smiles and chuckles as my Apple bloom sees a mare within the Apple family. A pink unicorn with a purple mane and tail, with beaded ties and a cupcake cutie mark.

I smile at the scene then grin once the food starts coming out. “One downside to being a Digimon, BIGGER appetite.” I said before I started digging in. 

Dillan coughs and pokes my shoulder, pointing to the entire Apple family that was staring at me and Applebloom who was gushing over Sugar belle. "Only Mac, Bloom, and Babs know who you are." Dillan whispers to me.

I blush lightly and chuckle rubbing the back of my head. “Oopsie sorry folks, my name is James, I am a traveler similar to Dillan.” I said pretty embarrassed. 

Dillan had shoved a dinner roll into Babseed's mouth before she could squeal again. "Sorry Babs, I appreciate the attention but my ears can only take so much." He said before turning to the Apple family. "James here is from another dimension, one where all you are human like me. And that's his version of Apple Bloom." 

The whole Apple family looked to my Apple Bloom and surrounded her, smiling and chatting about our world.

I take a bite out of an apple while I watch this. “This is nice, much better than getting whacked on the head.” I chuckle softly. 

"Should be." Dillan said with a smile, munching on a fish sandwich.

I look at Dillan. “Say, do I look like a dragon to you? Because…” I look around at the apple family before leaning over and whispering. “Granny whacked me on the head with her cane thinking I was a thieving dragon when she first saw me.” 

"I mean a bit? Then again granny doesn't have the best eyesight." Dillan said chuckling.

I roll my eyes. “Applejack, and Bloom both called me a dragon as well.” 

"Huh, maybe they don't have dinosaurs in their world and assumed you were a dragon." He said still munching on his fish sandwich.

I look at the fish sandwich and lick my lips. “Got any more?”

Diplan chuckles and pulls out a small box, opening it to show capsules from Dragon Ball. He clicked one and tossed it In Front of me, an entire plate of fish, bacon, and sausage sandwiches appeared. "Help yourself." 

My eyes widened and I put a claw on the box. “Whoa, where did you get a set of these?” I ask while taking a bite out of the fish sandwich.

"I met a cooler displaced, I already had a namekian scan and I made him some dragon balls. When we were testing out the dragon's powers it gave me the idea to use mine to make these." Dillan said, putting the box away. "I also have senzu beans." 

“That's cool, you are lucky you get a wish every year...assuming you can’t overuse them and make shadow dragons.” I said scratching my chin in thought.

"Nope, and actually because the Ultimatrix and Omnitrix can create and destroy matter whenever I become a namekian I can make a wish because it's like they're automatically recreated brand new." Dillan said. "I could give you a set if you want, that or look through all the cards you got from me and see if you already have a card for them." 

“I probably have a Namekian card but not an actual dragon wish card, of course, if I get a set of dragon balls I'll have to hide them very well.” I said in thought then get a blank look on my face for a whole minute before I facepalm. “And now I want to dig a large hole to hide them, damn these new instincts.” 

Dillan laughs. "Well hey, at least you're not craving anything but bread-like Guilmon did in the show. And literally, have that be the only thing on your mind."

I frown at him. “I am pretty sure the reason he was obsessed with bread, was because that was the first piece of food he was ever given.” I look at the table. “At least that's my theory.”

Dillan hums. "Wait didn't he eat the cafeteria food first?" 

I shake my head. “No, Takato fed him some bread when he left him in that alley in the box, before he went to school.” I told him, then chuckled. “Then he ate the cafeteria food, which makes me wonder if it actually was as bad as the kids were saying or if that was just part of the show for comedic effect and they were being overdramatic.”

Dillan chuckles before his ultimatrix starts beeping. "Hello?" He asked into it.

"Greetings young Dillan this is Albedo." A voice said from his ultimatrix. "First thinker Azimuth needs to speak with you as soon as possible." 

"Oh hey, that's perfect." Dillan smiles.

“Huh, well that is convenient timing.” I say at the same time as Dillan. 

Dillan chuckles. "Albedo I have a few friends that want to meet Azimuth, one of which is a new species in our reality. Mind setting up a teleportation for three?" 

"A new species? I'm sure first thinker Azimuth will be happy to meet them, I shall activate the teleportation at once." Albedo said

I call Bloom over, then look at Dillan. “I bet you are glad not to have to deal with an evil color swapped copy of you with the mind of Albedo huh?”  I ask Dillan.

"Not yet at least, who knows what will happen." He sighed before looking at the Apple family. "I'll send Applejack back soon!" He said as we began to be teleported away. 

"Hey wait where's Granny Smith? I wanted to see her!" Applebloom asked as we got teleported away.

“Granny? Oh, you weren’t told?” A young voice said once we arrive at where we are being teleported to. We all look down to see Babs standing there next to Dillan. 

“How did she sneak so close?” I say in surprise. 

Babs seed chuckles and rubs her neck. "Uh ah kinda tried to give Dillan a hug and got caught up in the teleportation." 

Dillan smiles softly, picking Babs Seed up, much to her excitement that was obvious on her face. "Alright, I'll bring you back afterward." 

"Wait what wasn't I told about Granny?" Apple Bloom asked, raising an eyebrow.

Babs lowers her head and ears. “She...she passed away not too long ago.” Babs said as tears started to fill her eyes. 

Dillan sighs sadly as Apple Bloom covers her mouth, tears in her eyes. "a-ahm so sorry." She said. 

I walk over and place a hand on her shoulder. “You still have your's Bloom, just know that this isn’t always her fate. Just because she passed away here around this time doesn’t mean she will pass away soon back home.” I try to comfort her but then someone clears their throat behind us. 

"I thought there were only three Dillan." Albedo said as we turned around.

"Yeah sorry, she kinda got caught in the teleportation." Dillan said 

I wave with a smile. “Hello, my name is James, take me to your leader.” I say, with a straight face for about a minute before I started laughing. “Sorry, this will probably be my only chance to say that to an alien race.”

Dillan shook his head at me with a small smile as Albedo coughed. "Yes well, I take it you are the new species Dillan told me about?"

"Yes, he is… Technically. His race itself is called a Digimon. They're made out of literal data." Dillan said, as Albedo eyed me up and down. 

"Like computer data?" He asked, walking around me. 

I nod and tap my chest. “Yep, Digimon is short for Digital Monsters. The backstory is long and confusing, but to put it simply, originally we were digital pets that were just simple programs. But eventually, we grew and grew until we became sentient and are able to pass from the digital world into the physical world. Though there are about three or four, maybe even five different digital worlds.” I trail off tapping my chin in thought. 

"Fascinating." Another voice said as Azimuth walked up behind Albedo. "Would it be alright if I scanned you? I've never met a digital being before." 

I nod but warn him while pointing to the symbol on my chest. “I am fine with it but be careful, I am technically a virus-type Digimon, the symbol is a digital biohazard logo.”

Azimuth hums and nods. "Very well, come with me."

"Uh make sure  you're careful, don't want a juggernaut-like accident to happen here." Dillan said.

I look at Dillan and tilt my head. “Juggernaut?” I then start to follow Azimuth. 

"Remember in Tamers, Yamaki scanned a Digimon and deleted it to get data on Digimon and made the Juggernaut program… which in turn allowed the D-Reaper into that world." Dillan said.

“Ooh right, Geez, I forgot about that.” I shake my head then get an idea. “Say do you think I could have a spare laptop? If we need to get to the digital world we will need a way to get there.” I ask Dillan, as I step onto a machine Azimuth pointed out for me to stand on.

The machine came to life as a beam of light washed over me a few times, while Dillan tapped his chin. "I might, if I don't I'm sure Azimuth has one." 

"Indeed." Azimuth said as Albedo hands Apple Bloom a laptop. 

“Wow, thanks.” I say with a smile. “I wonder how different a Digimon is from your local non-organic species, like the upgrade race and nanomech.” I say while watching the scan move up and down my body. 

Azimuth hums. "It appears to be similar to the galvanic megamorphs but is different to the point the Ultimatrix can't scan it. However, with a few modifications, I can make it so it can." 

"Really? Awesome!" Dillan said smiling.

I grin and chuckle. “Too bad you will only get a Guilmon scan, and who knows if you’d be able to use my champion and mega levels.” I look to Azimuth to see if I am free to move. 

"You may go, and what are Champion and Mega?" Azimuth asked raising an eyebrow

I get off the device and wave Apple Bloom over. “Digimon are odd, we all come from eggs, and have two different baby forms, one that's completely helpless and one you can sort of move around in. Then we have the rookie form which is the level I'm at right now then there's the champion level which is the evolution past rookie, and then finally mega is the highest form we can be without fusing with another mega.” I tell him. 

Once Apple Bloom comes over I get the digivice from her and show it to him. “Digimon can digivolve into these different levels through two main ways. First by themselves which is much harder, by fighting each other until we grow strong enough to evolve on our own, or we can form a partnership with a human or really anyone technically, that isn't the Digimon, and their emotions can give us more power to evolve past the form that we are at. The downside to this is we will always revert to the form we first met them in.”

Azimuth nods. 

"You know a Mega is kinda like the perfect form for a Digimon, I wonder if I could become Gallantmon through going Ultimate as a Guilmon. Considering Digimon don't have normal 'building blocks of like' my transformation as a Digimon would have to be part human. Like Upgrade, Nanomech, Echo Echo, and Buzzshock." Dillan said.

I shrug and add. “True and like I said, Digimon can digivolve by themselves through battle it will just take a long time but by doing that, their higher form becomes their base form and they can't revert back without dying and going back to the Digimon daycare.”

Dillan nods. "Fair enough." 

“So what do we do while he is working?” I ask Dillan.

"Not sure, bu-" Dillan started to say, but was interrupted when multiple explosions erupt from outside as Dillan's main six ran up to us. "Oh, right they were here."

"Dillan! Thank goodness you're here,  a bunch of big red… things are attacking the planet!" Twilight said, obviously not noticing me.

I tilt my head. “Big red things? What do they look like?” I ask her. 

Twilight turned to me and jumped a bit, before looking confused. "U-um they look like robots of some kind, they shoot laser blasts and can fly." 

Dillan hummed. "Big red robots that fly, shoot lasers… sounds like Vilgax drones." 

I blink in surprise. “I thought we are in the 23rd dimension, how the hell is he here?” I ask then look over. “Bloom we are gonna be fighting soon.” 

Bloom nods as Dillan chuckles. "Remember I told you the villains that are here? I'm not sure how they're here but they are." 

I shrug and say. “Honestly I'm surprised you're not having to fight the 23rd dimension versions of them instead. Actually, you should look into that, see if they're actually good in this timeline. If they are, recruit them and team up,” I said then look at Bloom. “Bloom this will be a bit dangerous. I want you to be close but safe.” 

Bloom nods as Azimuth puts a round pad on her chest, a suit materializing around her as Dillan chuckles. "I know Animo is a villain called doctor vegitor." 

“That's interesting and that is a neat suit.” I look it over before asking. “What does it do?” 

"It'll help her stay safe." Azimuth said as Dillan hums. 

"You know I could temporarily mix her DNA with say diamond head's. Turning her into the ultimate Earth clan member." Dillan chuckles.

I think about it but then shiver. “No thanks, I feel like Applejack would delete me herself if I came back with her half-alien.” This got the pony applejack’s attention.

"Wait what?" Applejack asked raising an eyebrow. 

"Right, this is your sister from another dimension." Dillan said, patting Apple bloom's shoulder. 

I chuckle and nod. “Yeah, but enough talk, we got robots to smash!” I say with a smirk. 

"Oh, and you realize I said temporarily mix her DNA right?" Dillan asked with a chuckle as he popped up his ultimatrix core. "As in removing it after the fight."

I tap my chin then shrug. “Then it's your responsibility if Applejack gets upset and it's Apple Bloom's choice if she gets changed.”

Dillan looks to Apple bloom. "Wanna become the most powerful earth clan member in history?" 

She smiles and nods. “Hay yeah! Maybe I will get my emblem somehow.” she said. 

Bo5 me and Applejack shake our heads. “Alright, so is this the usual smash them until the boss shows up scenario, or do you think this is a distraction and someone else is sneaking into a lab somewhere to steal something?” I asked Dillan. 

Dillan hums. "not sure, Maybe doctor sycoboes is trying to get preditor DNA for the nemetrix from fossils or something." He said as a yellow beam flows over Apple bloom. 

Applebloom's arms began growing crystals around her hands and legs, as her red hair became crystallized. “This is cool!” She said looking at her new crystal skin. 

I nod and walk over to a window. “Well, let's get out there before they destroy this place.” 

"You can control crystals." Dillan said to Apple bloom. "Shoot them from your arms and hands, grow them out of the ground, cover other things with them, and you can reflect energy blasts. Just be careful with your human parts." He said poking her side and making her laugh. "Are still vulnerable." 

“Right! I will be careful ah promise.” Bloom said, then accidentally fired off one of her crystals into the ceiling.

Dillan crosses his arms at her and shakes his head. "Be sure to aim." He said before he ran at the window and turned into Big Chill, phasing through the window.

“Show off.” I look to Azimuth. “Does this window open? If not mind if I break it?” 

"It opens." Azimuth said as the window slid upwards. 

“Right, be careful Bloom.” I said before I jump out the window and landed on the ground looking around I see one of the robots shooting at Dillan. “Pyro Sphere!” I fire a fireball at the robot’s back. 

The robot exploded as Dillan freezes a few of the robots.

I help out by following Dillan and using rock smasher to shatter the frozen robots into pieces.

Dillan dodges a couple of crystals that Apple bloom shot, as they destroy a few robots as well.

I growl as I dodge one of the lasers. “Bloom give me a new power!” I yell as I fire a Pyro Sphere at the robot but miss when it moves out of the way. 

"Digimodify! Super speed activate!" She said swiping a card as Dillan freezes a few more robots before turning into ultimate Humungousaur and blasting a few more robots 

I run around the area cutting up robots left and right before I climb onto Dillan’s back and say. “Throwmethrowmethowme!” 

Dillan nods and throws me into the air. I cheer loudly before firing lots of Pyro Spheres in every direction. 

Multiple robots explode, as Dillan runs under me and catches me on his back as Bloom shoots more shards at some other robots. . “Woo!” I cheer thinking that was the last one, but then a larger taller one fell down in front of us. “Awww, Bloom, Digivolve me please!” I get ready before I jump at the robot. 

"Uhm, normal or armor?" She asked, looking at all the cards. 

My eyes widen as she hesitated and the robot smacked me across a lake and I crashed into a building. “...ow…”

Apple bloom runs over to me. "Ahm sorry! Ah didn't know which one ta choose!" 

I groan and look up before pushing Bloom out of the way and catch the robot’s leg as it tried to crush us. “Grrrr! W-word to the wise Bloom.” I fire a Pyro Sphere at the robot's joint and it starts to glow red hot. “When I say digivolve I mean the normal way, when I want armor I'd say armor digivolve.” I tell her while struggling to hold the robot up before my arms give out and I get pressed into the ground hard. 

"Guilmon!" I heard Apple bloom yell before I saw Dillan blasting the giant robot off me and turning to me. 

"Um, dude… you're a Gigimon." He said blinking in confusion.

I groan and look around before I look up at Dillan. “Not one-word dude.” I say in a high squeaky voice. 

Dillan has a smirk on his face. "One word." 

I growl and run up the sides of the hole I am in and bite Dillan’s foot. “Eerk!”  

"Awww an angry little red tomato!" Dillan chuckles, picking me up by the tail. "Keep it up and I won't help you get your energy back." 

I growl but then look behind him and my eyes widen. Suddenly green bubbles start coming out of my mouth and I open up my mouth and they fly out right over his shoulder and hit the hand of the robot melting the fingers. “Wow, who knew I could do that?” 

"Neat." Dillan said, blasting a hole in the robot's chest with ki, as Apple bloom hugs me. 

"You're so cute!!" She said

I wiggle my stubby legs. “Ugh! Not so hard, I am technically in my toddler form.”

"Aww does baby want a bottle?" Apple bloom said giggling.

I growl and frown at her. “Just because you're my partner, doesn't mean I won't bite you!”

Apple bloom dropped me and crossed her arms. "Fine, have fun trying to digivolve alone." 

Dillan snickered as he shook his head. "You two are a riot, but we have bigger things to worry about." He said pointing up as Vilgax’s ship entered the atmosphere of the planet.

I bounce on the ground and look up. “Well...we are boned.” I look to Bloom. “Bloom go inside with Azimuth, now.” 

Bloom nods and runs inside, but stops and looks at me as a large orb falls into the city. A large bipedal squid-like being stepped out and towards Dillan. “So I am guessing you get him talking then kick his ass?” I ask Dillan as Vilgax walks closer to us. 

Dillan hums. "Nah, let's just kick his ass." He chuckled, reaching for his ultimatrix before Vilgax's arm spit into tentacles and grabbed it. 

"No you don't, I'm not letting you use your powers!" He said as he drew a large blade 

“Holy cow! I thought only the reboot version of him could do that!” I yell before my mouth warms up and I jump up and bite one of his arm tentacles, burning it. ‘Hot bite!’ I think the name of the attack, somehow knowing it. 

"Ah, you little welp!" Vilgax yelled as Apple bloom ran over. 

"Apple bloom, get the brown bag out of my back pocket and feed the bean inside to Gigimon!" Dillan said, grabbing the tentacles and pulling them so Vilgax stayed in place. 

I growl as I keep biting Vilgax before my front legs can grab onto the tentacle that I am biting onto. I quickly let go and pull myself onto it as he lifted me up ready to smack me but I blow acid bubbles into his face, scaring him. ‘Frothy Spit!’

Apple bloom grabs the brown bag out of Dillan's pocket, throwing a bean at me as Vilgax releases Dillan and covers his face. I turn and see the bean coming so I jump up and catch it in my mouth. I then start running away from Vilgax as I chew the bean. “Suck it Villgy!” 

Dillan chuckles as my digivice began to glow before I was suddenly a guilmon again. "I have an idea!" Dillan called.

I trip over my now longer legs and roll till I land next to Dillan upside down. “Then tell us, and stop making clones.” I said as my head spun.

Dillan shakes his head and picks me up. "I asked azimuth to make something for me, try keeping him busy until I get back." He said dashing off to Azimuth's lab.

“Right..”I look over at the fuming Vilgax. “Bloom...I am gonna need some Armor digivolve soon.” 

Apple bloom looked through the cards and smirked. "Let's show 'em something new!" She said swiping a card. “digimodify alien armor: four arms activate”

I see a small red figure with four arms fly from the digivice to me. I smirk and run at it. “Guilmon armor digivolve to!” We collide and in a flash of red code swirling around me I double my size and grow an extra set of arms, then armor appears on my arms, chest, and legs, which is mostly red and gold. I punch all four fists together and grin at Vilgax as I call out. “Tetramon!” 

I look myself over myself once more before looking at Vilgax. “Alright Squid Face round two.”

"What is this!?" Vilgax said

“This? This is your butt whoopin!” I say with a grin before running at Vilgax but before I get within cabin range I punch the ground. “Terra strike!” And a pillar of earth shoots up out the ground near Vilgax slamming right into his gut. 

"Guh, what the!" He said, gritting his teeth as he sent red lasers from his eyes. 

My eyes widen and I stomp on some ruble by my foot and knock a large rock up. I grab it and block the lasers and the rock explodes. “Nice try, now you face a mon!” I run through the dust and punch Viogax in the face pushing him back a few inches. 

Vilgax growls as he pulled out his sword before it erupted into flames and slashed my chest.  I grunt as I was knocked back thankfully my armor protected me. “Ha! Got to love crome digisteel.” I smirk and use all four fists to punch the ground, “Terra strike!” Making four pillars shoot out of the ground and slam into the four sides of Vilgax pinning him. 

I crack my knuckles as I walk forward ready to punch his face again. I also grab a metal beam and once I get close enough I bend it around his head blocking his eyes. “Hey I just kicked your ass, does that mean I rule your planet now?” I tease him. 

"Not by a long shot." Vilgax said taking in some air and breathing out a blast of freezing air that surrounded me. From within the ice, I saw Vilgax's arms grow larger as he broke out and removed the beam from his eyes. "I have the powers of ten heroes what do you think you can do!?" He yelled, punching me in the face and sending me flying across the city of Galvins. 

I crash through a few buildings landing in the living room of a family of Galvins. I groan and look over at them. “Sorry about the mess, Bill Dillan, or Villgax.” I get up and dust myself off before running back to where Vilgax is. 

"Hey don't try to send me a bill!" Dillan said flying next to me before running with me. "Got that device Azimuth made me." He said showing me a bill void projector, but the end of it was light blue in the shape of the ultimatrix symbol. 

“First off, I did say ‘or Vilgax.' And secondly, what does it do?” I ask him as we get to the area I last saw Vilgax but both he and Bloom are missing. “Aw, crapbaskets.” 

"Oh, you say that too?" Dillan smirked making a Dragon ball z abridged reference as he looked around. "And it's a surprise." 

“I know right?” I said then start yelling. “Here I thought Vilgax had at least some honor, but kidnapping someone? That’s low.”  I look around and listen for any sign of him. 

A loud crash came from our side as Apple bloom crashed through a building, crystals shielding her as Vilgax slashed at her with his blade. "You annoying whelp!" He said, raising his blade at her. 

I blink and look at Dillan. “I did not see that coming. So you need us to hold him still or something?” 

Dillan smirks and nods. "Just for a few minutes." 

I narrow my eyes at him. “Do not pull a piccolo on me, I am not Goku and he is not Raditz!” I tell him before jumping over into the battlefield. “Yo Vilgax, I got a question, can you squirt ink?” I ask to annoy him as I jump onto his back and start punching his ribs. 

"You insolent whelp!" He yelled as Dillan jumped behind him while he was distracted by me before he blasted Vilgax with the null void projector. The energy erupted from the projector was surrounded by blue energy as it struck Vilgax, pulling him into the void. 

"Well, that was easier than I thought." Dillan said, even though it looked like a normal null void projector to me.

I raise an eyebrow and open my mouth to ask a question but then de-digivolve back into Guilmon. “Awww being four arms was fun.”

"You can try again later. Also, this thing is a piece of amazing machinery " Dillan said patting the null void gun. "I had Azimuth make it so I can get new scans. When it sends aliens to the null void the blue energy scans their DNA, and if its DNA is in the ultimatrix it unlocks it."

“That’s cool. So now that he is gone, what should we do?” I ask as Bloom walks up to us. 

"Token." Dillan chuckles. "Also Azimuth has made a sort of upgrade for your digivice that will let you scan Digimon." 

“Oh? Neat and damn I had completely forgotten about that. Bloom being the Guilmon card over here and we can make my token while we head back to the lab.” I say, then look at Dillan. “How do we do that?” 

"Just say your name and something about you and your powers." He said.

I nod and think it over for a while as we walk back to the lab before I smile. “I think I got it, Apple Bloom hold onto the card with me.” We both hold onto it and I say. “My name is James, I am a guilmon and my partner is Apple Bloom, if you need help kicking butt or just want to meet a Digimon give me a call”

Dillan smiles and nods, taking the card and digivice from us. "Ok, now I do this." Dillan said, pulling out a small cylinder. He pushed a button on the end of it before it extended into a large cannon-like gun before it whirled to life a blast of energy erupting from it as a portal Into the void opened up. 

I quickly grab the digivice. “Whoa there, just the card.” 

"Don't they need it to swipe the card?" Dillan asked me, before grabbing the digivice back from me and throwing them both into the void. After a second of panic, my digivice and card reappear in my claws. "When a token is thrown into the void the original stays with the displaced while copies are sent around." 

I sigh and then frown at Dillan. “You could have told me that first! I almost had a heart attack.”  I said, crossing my arms as we entered the lab. 

"Yeah but." Dillan said, smirking at me. "You should see your face." 

Apple bloom giggles at me. I huff and roll my eyes. “Geez, what are you Piedmon?”

"Nah, I just like pranks." He said.

I shake my head and wave at Azimuth. “Hello, we are back.” 

"Good, let me see your Digi… thing." Azimuth said, holding his hand out. 

I nod to Bloom and she gives him the digivice. “Here just be careful please.”

Azimuth nods and examines it, before inserting a few machine parts into it. "There you go, now you can scan Digimon and their data will become a card for you. As well as sending the data to Dillan for a scan." 

I blink in surprise before turning the digivice to face myself to see what happens. 

After a few minutes, Dillan chuckles. "You already have a card of yourself. And Azimuth scanned you already remember?" 

I shrug and say. “Hey, I didn't know you already got that scan. I thought that was just to see what I was.” I look down at Azimuth. “So this upgrade to my digivice will let me digivolve into other Digimon that I have scanned? Does that include their higher levels?”

Azimuth thinks for a moment. "I didn't have much time so I was only able to upgrade it with data I found in the digital domain, from what I saw it lets you switch from form to form. So I do not think so."

I sigh then shrug. “Oh well, still I have my rookie and champion form to work with, could be neat to see what forms I can get.” I hold out my claw. “Thanks for the new tool Azimuth, oh and here is an idea to think about.” I smirk and wave my other hand like I am wiping a window. “An Inter-dimensional council of Azimuths!” 

Azimuth thinks for a moment. "Hmm intriguing" 

Dillan chuckles and looks at Apple Bloom. "Hey Azimuth, think you could make something they will let bloom keep her new form but shift between that form and her normal one?" 

"A simple task, one second." Azimuth said as he and albedo started working.

“Ya mean I get ta keep these cool powers!?” Apple Bloom said full of energy, making me chuckle.

"Yes, however." Dillan said sternly. "You cannot show anyone, it would cause a mass panic and your sister would kill James. And I'm not even saying that as a joke, one punch from your sister could probably delete James." 

I nod my head with Dillan and Bloom looks down. “Oh, ok ah won't show my powers to anyone.” 

I smile and pat her back. “Hey how about after Azimuth makes you that device you go bug your pony sister.” I say with a smirk. 

Dillan smiles as Azimuth and Albedo give Apple bloom, a small circle pad. "Better keep that hidden so no one can see." 

She nods and smiles as she fiddles with it till she changes back to her normal self. “Cool! Thank ya mister Azimuth.” She thanked him. 

Azimuth smiles. "It was no problem. All we did was take the base abilities of an ultimatrix and make it so it only affects your DNA." 

Bloom nods with a confused smile before she goes over to Applejack and starts to mess with her. I chuckle and shake my head. “Alright Dillan, we are ready to go, and I will be sure to scan as many Digimon as we can.” 

Dillan nods with a smile. "cool, also I'll probably tell your Applejack about that device. And tell her… well the truth. Just I'll do it in a way that hides your involvement." 

I raise an eyebrow. “My involvement? You're the one that changed your DNA and Azimuth is the one that made the device I didn't do anything.”

"Exactly, I'll say you weren't here at all and did it without you knowing." Dillan chuckles as he turns into ultimate clockwork again. "Now letz go." 

I look over and snicker as I see Bloom holding Applejack in her arms and hugging her. “Bloom set her down, we are going home.” 

“Awww, ok.” She sets Applejack down and walks over to us waving at the ponies. 

"What in tarnation was that about?" I heard Applejack say before we were in the timestream again, heading back home.

I chuckle and look at Bloom. “You just had to do that didn’t you?” 

"Eeyup." Apple bloom said giggling.

I chuckle and shake my head. “Well just be sure to have it out of your system, there are a few cute Digimon that are deadly.” 

"He iz correct." Dillan said. 

"Oh ok." Apple bloom said, looking nervous.

“Heck, look at me, I am damn adorable but I can shoot fireballs out of my mouth and break stone with my bear claws.”  I said slightly jokingly. 

Dillan doesn’t say anything as Apple bloom looks away from me. I huff and cross my arms. “Fine so I am not cute, but my point stands. Never judge a mon by their looks.” I told Bloom. 

Dillan and Apple bloom burst out laughing. "Relax James, you're plenty cute." Apple bloom said with a giggle.

I blush slightly before shaking my head with a smile. “Hey Dillin, do you know if there are only Omnitrix users out there?” I look around as I see other timelines pass us. 

"I'm sure zere are, I just haven't zeen any." Dillan said.

“Well, I ask because I am wondering if they will be updated with any DNA or data you get.”  I said and as we pass one timeline I see images of a teenage boy with a pink jacket running through the forest.

"I'm not sure, but zat vould be cool." Dillan said.

“Maybe ask Azimuth to see what he can do about that.” I said, just before there is a flash of light and we are standing in front of  Sweet Apple Acres. 

I notice Spike, Impmon, Agumon, and Applejack talking Infront of the barn as Dillan returns to normal. 

I smirk and yell. “What’s that Dillan? You have something to tell Applejack?” I wink at him before grabbing Apple Bloom and running over to the group. 

Dillan chuckles and walks over easily to us all as Applejack raises an eyebrow at him.

“What do ya want to tell me?” Applejack asks while I take the digivice from Bloom and scan Impmon. Making an Impmon card appear. 

"Back in my dimension, a villain appeared, and in order to help keep Applebloom safe the creator of my watch gave her the ability to evolve her DNA." He said. "Basically she can transform herself into something that the earth clan will be in a few hundred years or so, and change back." 

"Wait so a human can digivole by herself!?" Impmon said, holding his head. "Already!? She just met pineapple head, that's so unfair!" 

I chuckle and shake my head as I start scanning Agumon. “No Impmon, think of this as...hmmm an armor she can put on at any time. Remember humans can’t actually digivolve...well I guess some kind but only those with special Digimon partners or special digivices.” I then turn and watch as Applejack takes her hat off. 

“Apple Bloom cover yer ears.” She does so. Applejack takes a deep breath before she punches Dillain in the face. Thankfully it wasn’t at full force. “Thank ya for tellin' me.” 

"No problem." Dillan said unfazed. "also why'd you tell her to cover her ears if you were gonna punch me?" 

“Fer this.” She then yells just about every Equestrian curse word she knows at least that's what I’m guessing. “Ah feel better now.” 

I chuckle and walk over to Dillan "well Dillan, I don't know if we will cross paths again but still.” I hold up a claw and fold it so the pointy parts aren’t aimed at him. “I hope you have a safe and boring life.” 

"Man fuck that." Dillan chuckles shaking my hand. "And I'm sure we can if you ever need help just call me with my token… Also." He said a yellow scanning beam flowing from his ultimatrix and over spike as a hologram of a dragon clan member appears.

I chuckle and say. “Safe travels my friend.” I back up from him.

"Later." He said turning back into ultimate clockwork again, waving to Apple bloom before looking at me. "Good luck with the possibility of the dark masters and chuchowmon teaming up… you know considering." He said ominously before vanishing. I gulp at that warning but put on a smile and go with my new friends and tell them everything that happened.