The Hardest Trial

by iAmSiNnEr


A Year Later

Sunset lit her horn, and the mirror lit up, turning into a swirling portal. “You sure about this?” Wallflower asked. “We could need the stone.”

“No,” Sunset said gently. “We need to keep it away. It’s already proven that it’s dangerous. And where better to hide it than a world without magic?”

“I worry for you, Sunset,” Wallflower said softly. “I know you’ve entered that world before, and saw that it wasn’t dangerous, but I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

Sunset smiled. “Don’t worry for me, my love,” she kissed Wallflower gently. “I’ll return to you, safe and sound.”

“Oh, alright,” Wallflower relented. “Safe travels.”

Sunset nodded, and stepped through the portal with the box that contained the memory stone. I’ll come back, Wallflower, I promise. She thought mentally. This past year has been the best year of my life. And it’s all because of you. Unbeknownst to her, the pink bead on her necklace lit up, and glowed a bright pink without her noticing. A trial had been completed.

As she emerged on the other side, she tumbled to the ground. Holding out her hoof, no, hand, in front of her, she shielded her eyes from the sun. Looking at herself, she smiled wryly. “A new adventure awaits,” she murmured, gazing at her slender body, two legs and two arms. “A bipedal world...I am certain many things are different here…”

The hardest trial of all is love,
It is a mountain to be climbed,
It’s just around the curve,
And it cannot be timed.

True love indeed is a bliss eternal,
It’s the past, it’s the present, it’ll be the future,
Love will make the fakes seem real, 
Without asking for any favour.

Love doesn’t make us insane,
Nor does it take freedom from any being,
Love doesn’t have any expectation,
Nor does it do any taking.

Love is exposed, in and out,
A few find in in every sound feeling,
A few long for the flavour with doubt,
Searching love is every mortal’s bonding.

There is no profit or loss in pure love,
Nor anything that is needed to prove.