If Rainbow Dash was in... FALL GUYS

by RushingWind-01

Final Round: Fall Mountain

This was it...

The final round...

The race for the crown.

Rainbow Dash, one out of the ten final contestants, stood at the starting line and looked up. She saw nothing but a giant mountain, and cannons, knowing that they will shoot at her the moment the race begins.

Her target is the crown. She needed to get a hold of it before anyone else did. Those obstacles are the only thing between her and the ultimate victory.

"I can do this!", Rainbow said to herself. Then, she took a launching stance and waited until the starting signal came...

3... 2... 1... GO!

Rainbow Dash ran forward. She heard the sound of cannons firing huge balls at her. The balls came down and opened rotating doors, allowing everyone to pass through. Watching the balls closely, she made up a route in her mind. She dodged the balls that came at her and closely dodged a ball heading for her, which hit a Fall Guy behind her instead.

Dodging the spinning hammers was the hard part, because they move in a way in which they are unpredictable and hard to dodge. But, she ran through the obstacle quickly, and was so close to the crown...

"The crown... I can make it!", Rainbow thought. She looked to the other side. No Fall Guy was close by. This was Rainbow's chance - she carefully watched the crown, leapt up at the right moment where it was in reach, and grabbed onto it with her forehooves.

A tone sounded, signalizing that the game was over. Rainbow Dash reached the crown and won the show.

"WE GOT A WINNER!", said the announcer voice.

And then, everyone was taken away by drones. But who won in the end?