If Rainbow Dash was in... FALL GUYS

by RushingWind-01

Prologue: The Portal

It was a beautiful Autumn day in Ponyville. And near the forest, Rainbow Dash and Applejack got ready for the annual "Running of the Leaves", in which Rainbow and Applejack both tied up in last place. The track this time was different, and there was a split path, but both of the paths had the same length.

"I won't lose this time, AJ!", Rainbow Dash said in enthusiasm.

"Ha, we'll see about that!", Applejack responded.

Twilight Sparkle moved to the starting line. She first made sure to tie up Rainbow Dash's wings with a rope, so that she couldn't just take off with high speed and leave Applejack behind. "Okay, are you two ready?", she asked the two contestants.

Both of them nodded and took a launching stance.

Twilight raised a checkered flag with her horn. "Ready, Set, GO!", she called out.

The two duelants sprinted forward into the forest. Rainbow Dash may be fast, but she and Applejack have been each other's favorite rival, and therefore shared equal ground speed. Rainbow Dash only managed to gain one inch per second with her speed, but she knew that there was no room for mistakes if she wanted to stay ahead.

Very soon, the split path came up. Rainbow took the right one while Applejack sticked to the left.

"See ya at the finish line!", Rainbow Dash called out to her rival.

Soon, Applejack was out of sight, and Rainbow Dash had the route all to herself. As she ran over her route, she noticed a huge hill of leaves in front of her. Rainbow Dash pictured something in her mind - she'd leap through the hill of leaves, sending them all over the place, and finish up with a rollout. That would look cool, for sure.

Rainbow Dash jumped through the hill of leaves, and sent the leaves all over the place, but suddenly, she was stuck in the air. "Wait, what? What is going on?", Rainbow Dash wondered. When she looked down, she saw a portal below her, and was about to get sucked into it.

"Oh no...", she thought, knowing what would happen. And then, she got sucked into the portal.