//------------------------------// // Sombra's comet part 3 into the volcano // Story: Avatar the last fire bender, book three Earth // by phantom ghost hunter //------------------------------// Timber and Twilight were riding Scale to the earth kingdom and Twilight said "Timber don't worry about Gloriosa we can take her". Timber then said "I'm not worried about her I'm worried about Flash what if he doesn't have the guts to take out my father what if he loses". Twilight said "Flash wont lose he will come back he has to". At the earth kingdom Gloriosa was losing it she banished one of her maids for nothing. Over with Shining and the group Cadence said "its hard to believe but the comet looks beautiful". Then Rainbow said "ya its to bad the earth king wants to use it to destroy everything" then they arrived at the sight and climbed some rocks to see the air ships were taking off. Scootaloo then said "oh no we have to stop them hold on" as she and Rainbow air bent them onto one of the air ships. Back with Gloriosa her shadow bolts were talking to her and she said "you aren't planning on betraying me are you?" then the head shadow bolt said "no the shadow bolts are loyal only to you". Gloriosa then said "you know I bet that is exactly what you told Caballeron before you turned against him and started working for me your all banished get out and send the next group in to". Back with Shining and the others they had arrived at the airships cockpit and Rainbow and Scootaloo took out the pilot and co pilot and then blew them out the window Then Shining said "good work you two now to take control of this ship Cadence take the wheel." Then Cadence said "now what are we going to do about the crew"? Then Shining said "I've got an idea" the went on the intercom and said "attention everyone please head to the drop area for cake on someone special's birthday" then said to Cadence "take us down to the water." Down in the drop area someone said "hey do you know who's birthday it is ?" then a trap door opened and they all fell into the water then shining looked at the lead balloon and said "earth king glad mane here we come" and they sped up to him. Back with Gloriosa to of her ladies came in and one said "princess why have you banished half of your servants all your Shadow bolts". Gloriosa then said "none of them could be trusted they would betray me just like Sunset and Night glider did". Then both of the ladies then said "Gloriosa we are concerned about you maybe it would be best to postpone your coronation". Gloriosa then said "which one of you said that?!" Then the ladies both pointed at each other "there only one way solve this you two must fight each other I order you to battle lava power disk". Then they both said "but were not earth benders". Gloriosa then said "fine you are banished but you can stay". Back at Canterlot Magnus said "Canterlot the white lotus is here". Then star swirl said "here to set you free". Stygian then said "only once every hundred years can an earth bender experience this kind of power" he took a breath then used earth bending to break the wall surrounding the mountain top city then pushed them up to it. Star swirl then got on a roof and water bent wave down then froze it as Hurricane slide down the ice and was cutting there spears with his sword and Meadowbrook was throwing potions that were having unique effects and Magnus was blowing solders away. Back with Gloriosa she was getting mad with her hair and then picked up a pair of scissors and said "all right hair prepare to meet your doom" as she cut it. Back with the air ships they had reached the air nation and were were starting to lava melt the land then over on a rock Flash then shot rocks at the lead air ship then glad made stopped lava bending and saw him then Glad mane jumped to him as the air ship went down back with Shining Cadence then asked "what just happened?" Shining then said "its Flash he's back". Glad mane then said "after generations of earth kings failed to find you the universe delivers you to me as a gift" Flash then said "please listen to me it doesn't have to get ugly you have the power to end this now". Glad mane then said "yes I do I have all the power in the world" as he threw lava at Flash and they started battling. Cadence then said "should we help him"? Shining then said "the earth king is Flashes we have to take out those other airships". Then Scootaloo said "how?" Shining thought for a minute and said "air ship slice" then they set the air ship to crash into the others as they went to the top of it then Shining ,Rainbow ,and Scoots were on anther air ship but Cadence was on a different one "Cadence". Cadence then said "I'm okay just finish the mission". Back with Gloriosa they were outside bout to crown her earth queen but then Timber and Twilight appeared and Timber said "sorry but your not becoming ruler today I am". Gloriosa then said "your joking right". Timber then said "why don't you find out with lava power disk". Gloriosa then said "alright then". Then Twilight said "no she knows she cant take both of us so she trying to separate us". Timber then said "I know but can tell somethings wrong with her she going and this way no one else has to get hurt" and the started battling. Back with the others Flash was still fighting Glad mane and shot a huge rock at him then was about to throw lava but stopped then Glad mane kept fighting with lava, metal and earth then knocked Flash down into the water Flash then went to defense mode and created an earth shell around him self. Back with Timber he said "no electric metal today whats the matter afraid I'll throw it back". Gloriosa then said "I'll show you electric metal" but threw it at twilight then timber jumped in between Twilight then ran to him to help but Gloriosa got in the way. Back with Flash Glad mane was trying to brake open his defense and was almost throw. (TO BE CONTINUED)