One More Chance

by zodia

One More Chance part 2: Forgiveness

But just before Hothoof leaves the house Sora stopped him because if Rainbow's gonna find out it has to come from him and from their daughter.

"Pls don't tell her I think it would probably the best if it comes from me and from Sunny" said Sora.

Bow Hothoof sighs "Are you sure that your ready for whatever going to be the outcome?" Asked Hothoof.

Sora looked determined "Yes since it is time for Sunny to meet her mother that I should have a long time ago... Sunny come on let's go home for now" said Sora.

Then Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles said their goodbye's on both Sunny and Sora and wished them good luck. While Sunny and Sora are on their way home they saw the friendship School is still open.

Sora looked at Sunny "Hey sweety come on I did promise you to enroll you at friendship school" said Sora.

Sunny looked happy but also a bit concerned "But... how about mommy aren't we going to see her first?" asked Sunny.

Sora sighs "Sunny... we'll get to her but for now, let's enroll you first since they're still open" said Sora, Sunny just nodded yes then they both entered the magic and while they're walking around a pony approached them.

AppleJack approached them Happily "Hey welcome to friendship is there something I can help you with?" Asked AppleJack.

"Ahhh... yes I would like to enroll Sunny here pls" said Sora.

"Enroll... huh well since princess Twilight is in her office pls come with me" said AppleJack, then Sora and Sunny followed her and while their following AppleJack Sora noticed that Sunny looks excited and it made him happy looks like it'll distract her for a while since meeting her mom is something him and Sunny have to get ready for.

AppleJack knocked on the door and entered the head mare's office "Hey Twilight we have a new filly that wants to enroll on our school" said AppleJack.

Twilight looked very happy "Pls sit down and let's talk about that" said Twilight.

Sunny couldn't help herself so "Hi I'm Sunny shine Blitz and I just want to tell you that I'm such a huge fan" said Sunny excitingly.

"Sunny come on get off your hooves on the table" said Sora while giggling, since seeing her daughter looked very excited brings him a lot of joy.

"No no it's okay so I'm assuming that your his brother?" said Twilight.

"Uhh.. no I'm his father" said Sora.

Twilight and AppleJack got shocked "Father?" said Twilight and AppleJack at the same time.

"But you look so young?" said Twilight.

Sora smiled "Yeah I get that all the time so about that enrollment" said Sora.

"*Ahem* yes, of course, umm I would like you to put your name here and your daughter's name right here ohh pls also put her mother's name here, and down here will be your signature" said Twilight.

When Sora and Sunny that they also have to put Rainbow Dash on the enrollment as Sunny's mother they started to get nervous.

"Sunny would you like me to put it... " said Sora, Sunny just nodded yes while looking down.

When Sora is done filling up the enrollment card she gives it to Twilight and she reads it "So your daughter's name is Sunny shine Blitz and Your name is Sora Elfire ouuu that's a pretty neat name and Sunny's mother is... uhhh.... what RAINBOW DASH!!!!!" said Twilight, she got shocked when she saw Rainbow Dash name in the card as Sunny's mother.

"Wait say what now?" asked Applejack.

"Do you know her?..." Asked Sora.

"Yes she's a friend of ours and also she's a teacher here can I pls clarify that this isn't just some mistake" said Twilight, then she nervously laughs.

Then Sunny started crying again "It's unbelievable isn't" said Sunny, Sora just looked down and strokes Sunny back.

Twilight sighs "AppleJack pls close the door shut" said Twilight, and after the door was closed shut Twilight asked Sora for more details.

"I'm sorry to ask you this but how did Rainbow Dash became her mother?" asked Twilight, Sora looked at Twilight, and he gives the papers that Sunny took from his drawer. And after Twilight looked at the papers she got even more shocked AppleJack also got shocked when she the Papers.

"Everything here is legit nobody can fake this umm... how did this happen?" asked Twilight.

Sora sighs "A few years ago Rainbow and I first met in Silvershore's she was one of the best athletes our school has to offer, she very popular and many stallions like me fall in love with her. And it looks like I'm the only one who managed to pierce through her I mean I managed to win her heart, but it is a real challenge it's not easy winning her, we fell in love more throughout the years... then one night we got drunk and so on... after that I never saw her again at school I tried reaching out to her but I couldn't get in touch and then a few months later I saw her in front of an orphanage I didn't approach immediately since she looks quite upset but just before she flew away she left a basket and an envelope on the ground and inside that Basket was Sunny and when I looked at the envelope I discovered that she was mine... since I grew up without a parent I don't want Sunny to go through the same pain as me so I took the responsibility I gave up my dreams my education everything but I'm glad that I did I loved my daughter and I always will she's more important than anything else" said Sora.

AppleJack and Twilight were brought into tears after hearing especially Sunny "Ohh daddy..." said Sunny then she hugged her dad Sora.

AppleJack wipes her tears "So are you here to see her so that she can you know... I can call her now" said AppleJack.

Sora stopped her "Pls don't tell her I want it to come from us her daughter and I pls promise you went tell her" sad Sora.

"AppleJack let's not interfere this is something they have to do on their own if Rainbow Dash going to find out it has to come from the... which brings to the conclusion that tomorrow will be the day I figured that Sunny can go to school tomorrow-" said Twilight but just before she got to finished she's about to say Sora already figure it out.

"So you're saying that Sunny will see her mom tomorrow but she won't anything I don't think I can tolerate that" Said Sora.

"Pls hear me out if they meet each other tomorrow without her knowing maybe the moment they meet Rainbow might feel that somehow she knows Sunny cause a mother will always be connected to her filly no matter what" said Twilight.

Sora sighs "I can see that... since I did felt a connection when I first saw sunny... but Sunny is still a child" said Sora.

"Don't worry daddy I can do this" said Sunny with a very determined tone, Sora smiled and he agreed to the plan since it is time.

Then tomorrow morning Sora waked up early to prepare a lunch box for Sunny also some breakfast "Sunny wake up come on you don't wanna be late on your first day" said Sora, when Sunny woke up she was excited but at the same nervous.

"Daddy do you think she'll recognize me?" asked Sunny.

Sora pats her head "I know she will she's your mother after all... go on take a bath you smell like drool" said Sora.

"Daddyyyyyy.... hmmm" said Sunny, then they just both laugh.

And after Sunny took a bath and ate breakfast Sora offered Sunny if he wants him to escort her to school "Do you want me to escort you to your school" said Sora.

"I'll be okay dad also we might bump into her and ruin the plan" said Sunny.

Sora sighs "What difference would it make I'm just afraid that... okay fine but if she didn't realize who you are I will go there and tell her myself" said Sora.

"Thx daddy but I think I can handle this since it's the time right?" said Sunny.

Sora hugged her and just tell her that she must go now since the time is running she might get late, Sora is very worried but he trust Sunny and he will be watching from afar to make sure she'll be okay.

Then a couple of minutes later Sunny is now at the friendship school and her first class is about the element of laughter, after finding her classroom she sat on one of the chairs in the front of the room. Sunny met Pinkie Pie and Sunny had lots of fun in Pinkie pie's class but when Pinkie Pie dismissed the class she made Sunny stay for a while they waited until all the other students left the classroom.

"What is going on professor?" asked Sunny.

Pinkie pie hugged her "I heard that your Rainbow's daughter... im sorry to hear that she left you since she's ready for the responsibility" said PInkie pie.

"How did you know?" asked Sunny.

"Well, AppleJack slipt her tongue while She and I our baking" said Pinkie pie.

"Ohh... did anyone else find out?" asked Sunny.

"No it's just me and no one else" said Pinkie pie.

Sunny let out a sigh of relief "That's good to hear since I want it to come from me" said Sunny.

Pinkie Pie hugged her again "Your next class is about the element of loyalty and Rainbow will be your professor will you be okay?" said Pinkie pie.

Sunny got nervous "Yes... I will be okay" said Sunny, then Pinkie pie just escort her to the gym area, and when they got their Rainbow isn't still there. So Pinkie Pie just told her that she can just join her classmates in there while she's waiting for their next teacher.

And a few minutes later Rainbow flew into the entrance and did some fancy flying Sunny got shocked and impressed by her mother's skill in flying.

"Woah she's very good at flying" said Sunny.

"Well she is one of the best wonder bolts in Equestria" said Sandbar that is sitting right next to sunny.

"A wonder bolt I wanted to be a wonder bolt to" said Sunny, then she thought that she might have gotten Rainbow Dashe's passion of becoming a wonderbolt since she also wanted to become one but she never thought her mother was a wonderbolt.

Then Rainbow Dash went down after showing off a little "Okay so loyalty we'll be talking about loyalty and some other awesome stuff" said Rainbow Dash, and a couple of minutes later Sunny is not even listening to Rainbow's lectures all she can see is her mother that is having a great time without knowing that her daughter is in the same room as she's in it went on till Rainbow Dash's class was over.

"Okay class you're dismissed you may take your recess" Said Rainbow Dash, but Sunny stayed in the room she didn't even bother moving an inch she just staring at the board with all the things Rainbow's lectured to them and while she staring her heartfelt more heavier since if her mother is teaching loyalty and Rainbow Dash represent the element of loyalty then where is her loyalty to her own child.

Sunny didn't notice that Rainbow has kept calling her "Hey kid... kid... HEY" said Rainbow Dash.

Then Sunny suddenly snapped "*giggles* it's funny... " said Sunny.

Rainbow and Sunny didn't know that Sora, Twilight Pinkie pie, and Apple Jack were just outside the room listening.

Rainbow got confused "What's funny... are you okay?" said Rainbow.

Sunny can't help it but to cry "Loyalty yeah loyalty *Giggles* YOU KEPT BRAGGING HOW AWESOME YOU ARE *sniff* you kept telling us how much ponies loved you... and you keep saying that you know everyone that you meet... then do you even know me or recognize me... mother" said Sunny.

"Mother!?..." on that moment Rainbow Dash's suddenly realizes on who is the pony infront of her.

"Sweety... is tha-" said Rainbow Dash.

"DONT CALL ME THAT... you don't even know at all... you have no idea how much dad suffered because of you... did you even bother COMING BACK AT ALL!? HUH" said Sunny.

Rainbow hugged her with guilt and sadness and she cried "I'm sorry... im sorry im sorry i should have been there for you" said Rainbow Dash.

"Let go of me! YOU DONT EVEN KNOW MY NAME!" said Sunny, then she flew away.

"Wait..." said Rainbow, but just before she could fly Sora stepped in.

"Sora?... " said Rainbow, with a fading voice.

"Her name is Sunny shine Blitz by the way... " said Sora with an angry tone then he left and went out to look for Sunny.

Rainbow also went out to look for her since she wants to make it up to her, and while she flying she saw her parents and Sunny is with them, Rainbow landed right next to them and slowly approached them with tears on her eye's.

"Sunny pls talk to mommy... " said Rainbow, then Sora also found them.

"Sunny there you are... " said Sora with a worried tone of voice.

"We'll take care of her, for now, you two should talk" said Windy, then they flew away flew with Sunny leaving Rainbow and Sora behind.

"Let's talk back in my house where Sunny and I live" said Sora, Rainbow couldn't say anything so she just followed him all the way back to his house.

And when they got into the house Rainbow saw a lot of picture frame with Sunny and Sora in them celebrating every occasion together including Sunny's birthday.

Rainbow cried once again "I should have been their for the both of you" said Rainbow.

"Yeah you should have your daughter wants to be a wonder bolt... you know just like you she's a really good flier looked at this shelf" said Sora, Rainbow saw a lot of rewards that Sunny has one every single trophy was the first place in a Racing competition.

"Did she know I was a wonder bolt?" Asked Rainbow.

Sora sighs "Well now she does" said Sora.

Rainbow sat on the floor and just looked down "Do you think... *Sniff* she'll give me a chance to be her mother" said Rainbow.

Sora sighs again "It'll take a while she's right you know if you represent loyalty where is it when I needed you the most where are you when she needed you the most... do you know how many birthdays she wishes and hoping that you'll comeback... don't worry she's just mad at you and disappointed but she love's you despite everything" said Sora.

"I also still love you too pls... stay with us not for me but for her cause I don't think that you still feel the same way as me" said Sora then he stand up his just about to leave when Rainbow hugged him.

"Pls! don't say that... *sniff* I still do love you" said Rainbow.

"Tell me... have you ever thought of us... " said Sora.

"It hunts me everysingle day" said Rainbow Dash, then Sora hold her cheeks and smiled.

"Come on let's go to our daughter" said Sora, then Rainbow began to burst into tears, Sora hugged Rainbow and tried to calmher down when Rainbow clamed for the first time in their life again they kissed each other like its their first. After that they went to Rainbow's parents house to see their daughter.

Rainbow knocked on the door and Windy is the one who opened it "Mom... nn" said Rainbow, when windy saw her she slap her Rainbow then hugged her.

"I'm sorry mom... im so sorry" said Rainbow, with tears in her eye's.

"It's okay... but you should say that to your daughter" said Windy whistles, then Windy let them in and took them to the living room, Sunny is sitting in sofa with hothoof.

"Mom, Dad and Sora can you... leave us for now" said Rainbow, Sora and her parents just nodded since they know that Rainbow and Sunny need's some alone time.

And after the three of them went to the kitchen Rainbow Sat on the floor infront of Sunny and she touche her hooves "Sunny... sweety i know that i shouldn't have left you i should have been their for you... i thought of coming back when im ready but im just so scared... i dont know what expect... *sniff* and its okay if you dont think that you can forgive me but pls try to forgive mommy cause i will do everything to make it up to you i love you and your father *she hugged Sunny* pls will you give me the chance to be your mother" said Rainbow, Sunny cant help it but to hug her back and cries.

"That's all i want to hear *sniff* i forgive you mommy i love you mommy" said Sunny, When Rainbow Dash heard those word's she began to burst into tears once again, Sora went back to the living room and hugged his family.

"So does this mean that we will be a big happy family!?" said Sunny.

"Yes sweety we are" said Sora.

"Thank you the both of you i will never leave you two again" said Rainbow,then she hugged them both.

Windy Whistles and Bow Hothoof entered the room "So is this a good time that we should talk about your marriage?" said Windy.

All three of them smiled "I think Mom and Dad should catch up first *giggles*" said Sunny then Sora and Rainbow, nervously laughed. And since if there gonna get married Rainbow Dash have to open up to her friends and little did she know that 3 of her friends are already aware of the situation. So Rainbow Dash gathered all of her friends to tell them what she's been hiding all through this years.

"Hey Rainbow what is the reason you called us here in the castle?" asked Rarity.

"Yeah what is it about?" asked Fluttershy.

"Well that's why were to find out" said Starlight.

"*Ahem* I'm here to tell you guys something... all through this years i was hiding a secret that always hunted me" said Rainbow Dash, Starlight, Rarity, Spike, and Fluttershy got curious and worried about what is Rainbow is talking about.

"And this secret is *Sniff* the biggest mistake i ever made in my life i abandoned my own child... cause i was not ready for the responsibility" said Rainbow, then Sunny hugged her and Sora pat her on the back.

"Is that Filly your daug..daug.. DAUGHTER!?" said Rarity shockingly.

"Rainbow i guess you should know that AppleJack, Pinikie Pie and i are already aware we found out when your husband here enrolled Sunny" said Twilight.

"Thats your HUSBAND oh my... i must you got quite a taste" said Rarity.

"I'm sorry that i hid this from you" said Rainbow Dash.

"It's okay Rainbow it is understandable that your not ready but..." said Fluttershy.

"But at least you turned your self around and finally you will make up for the lost time you missed to them" said Starlight.

"This is something really i did not expect" said Spike while scrathing his head.

Then a couple months later the time has finally come Rainbow Dash and Sora will finally get married, some of the ponies are still shocked about the situation especially the other wonderbolts and scootaloo. And then another few months have passed Rainbow Dash moved into Sora and Sunny's house.

"Mom come on hurry im so excited i cant wait for us to go on another trip" said Sunny, while jumping around.

"Sunny sweety... wait up oof ouch" said Rainbow while holding her tummy.

"Carefull now we dont want the baby to get hurt" said Sora, while helping Rainbow to walk.

"Oh sorry mommy hey there little guy im your big sister" said Sunny, Sora and Rainbow smiled.

"Rainbow what do you think we should call our baby" said Sora.

"Sora.. we dont even know the gender yet" said Rainbow.

Sunny smiled and jumped around "Ouuu can i name the baby once we found out if its a girl or boy" said Sunny.

Rainbow and Sora giggled "We'll see" said Rainbow, then they just continued to their next trip to the Crystal empire.
And at this point and forward they lived a happy life in ponyville, Twilight offered Sora to be a teacher in the friendship school and his subject is magic history since Sora is a really skilled unicorn and his knowledge in magic challenges Twilight and Starlight knowledge. And Sunny is very happy to hear that both of his parents are teachers and they will be teaching her along with her new found friends. And when 5 years have passed Sunny end up having 3 more siblings 1 girl and 2 boys and the boy were identical twins that sometimes gives Sora and Rainbow a headache when the 2 twins started switching places with each other. Rainbow Dash never thought she will have such a cheerful family and sometimes she's even crying because she had such a blessing happiness and love really is one of the key to such happily ever after.