Duel of The Fates: Friendship Unleashed

by An_Obsessed_Fan

The First Mission

The wind rustled through Flash's hair as he sat meditating, he smelled the saltiness from the ocean beneath the cliff he sat atop. There had been a tremor in the force recently and his training told him that to feel the force would give the answers he seeks. His chest rose and fell with his breathing as he focused his mind on what he wanted to know, the texture and hardness of the rock and the wind on his face faded from his senses, but were still felt through the force. He followed the leftovers of the tremor like a trail, every so often he would get stuck but the chase resumed. On his way, Flash could faintly sense Twilight, she must be investigating it too, he thought. The attempts to reach out to her were met with feelings of unease and coldness. He stopped when he reached to end of the trail, but Flash was surprised when he realized it led, behind him.

Flash Leaped off the rock and flipped backward grabbing his lightsaber from his belt, and the moment he hit the ground a crimson blade met the blue of his.

He let his opponent drive him back with their attacks as he gathered his bearings, the last time he had seen a Sith was, Sunset Shimmer. The questions running through his head kept his focus divided long enough for the Sith to kick him back into one of the few trees on the hill.

"Sunset, stop this, What happened to Twilight?" Flash Growled.

To his own surprise it was becoming increasingly difficult to keep his own anger in check as his former comrade ignored his question and the fact that sunset doing this meant that Twilight had failed didn't help.

"You had feelings for Twilight? She had feelings for you, did you know that? I enjoyed watching her struggle as I destroyed her." The cloaked figure taunted, "Aw, what's wrong flash, you never got angry back when we trained together."

"You killed Twilight, I'll give myself an acceptation." Flash replied as his anger flared.

Flash summoned a large force blast that sent his opponent back and their cloak was knocked off, revealing Twilight in a dark cloth outfit covering all of her body except her head and . Flash stumbled back in his surprise and lowered his guard.

"Twilight?" He said.

Twilight charges at him and swings at him furiously and Flash blocks every blow.

"What happened, let me help you." Flash exclaimed.

"I don't need help, I will soon have more power than you or any of the other Jedi." Twilight replied.

"You said you had feelings for me?" Flash questioned.

"I did, but I was as weak as you are," Twilight told him.

Flash and Twilight battled all the way down the hill and to the docks at its base. The dock workers ran from the two as their blades sparked in the air and slashed through rocks and handrails on the platform that led to the floating dock. They could hear footsteps on the dock's second level as they continued their fight. Flash's strong defensive strokes and Twilight's aggressive unfocussed strikes. Flash jumped onto a boat on the side of the dock and onto the upper level to escape the barrels and boxes Twilight hurled at him, and she quickly followed, and as they did their sabers cut into the support beams that held it up. Flash and Twilight stumbled at the twisty and turny deck. The momentum tosses them off their feet and they try to hang on. Flash's lightsaber drops into the raging water below. Twilight Grabs her second lightsaber with a purple blade and slashes at Flash. Flash yells in pain and falls, desperately trying to hold onto the edge and grunts with effort. Twilight grunted and used the force to push off the deck, landing on a nearby control panel and slashing it. Flash and twilight fall as the dock becomes completely unstable and the dock workers watch from the land as the structure is slowly engulfed by the water.

Twilight crawls onto the beach coughing up water and reattaches her lightsabers to her belt.