//------------------------------// // Chapter 22: Rarity the Generous Engine // Story: MLP: The Equestrian Engines // by SuperSamYoshi //------------------------------// The engines on the Island of Sodor want to be responsible, reliable and really useful. They are happiest when The Fat Controller gives important work to do. Rarity thinks her work is very important indeed. She is proud of her shiny white paint and likes to look clean and smart. One day, Pinkie puffed to the washdown. “My whistle's clogged,” she said, Pinkie tried to blow hard to clean it out, but instead blew mud all over Rainbow. “Silly,” huffed Rainbow, Pinkie was trying not to laugh. “Keep your dirt away for me!” Rarity cried, “I'm collecting the mayor today.” “I should do that,” Rainbow said. “Really?” Chuckled Rarity, “You'd need a washdown first.” “Pah!” Snorted Rainbow. Rarity just laughed. Soon, Rarity had collected the mayor, and puffed proudly away. “Just look at me, Rainbow!” She called out as she puffed past proudly. “Show off,” Muttered Rainbow. Later that day, The Fat Controller came to the sheds. “I need an engine to collect the Queen of Sodor,” he asked. “Who's the Queen of Sodor?” Fluttershy asked. “A leaky old barge,” replied The Fat Controller, “She needs to go to the workshops. It's dirty work I'm afraid.” Just then, Rarity arrived at the sheds. This gave Rainbow an idea. “Is collecting the Queen of Sodor important work too?” she asked. “Very important work,” The Fat Controller replied, “Do I have a volunteer?” “Very important work?” exclaimed Rarity, “I’ll do it!” “Then it settled,” said The Fat Controller, “She's waiting at the canal.” “Oh thank you sir,” said Rarity. Rainbow was delighted her plan was working. Rarity puffed along the canal, looking into her reflection in the water. She soon reached the yard. “I'm here to collect the Queen of Sodor!” she announced. “There she is,” the yard manager said. Rarity was furious to find out the Queen of Sodor was a rusty old boat. “What?! That old tub?! Rainbow tricked me! She wants me to get dirty. I'll show her. A shiny white engine like me never gets dirty.” Soon Rarity set off with the Queen of Sodor. It was a long journey to the workshops. “Shiny and clean, shiny and clean,” puffed Rarity. As she puffed along the track, there was trouble. The tall funnel of the old barge crashed through a pipe. Rarity was sure she'd get covered in sludge. But she didn't. “Shiny and clean, shiny and clean!” She declared again. The workmen soon cleared the mess, and then Rarity was on her way. She soon arrived safe and sound and the repair yard, she was pleased that the dirty work was done. When Rarity returned to the library, she was very proud of herself. “How did you manage to stay so clean?” Rainbow asked. “I have to stay clean,” boasted Rarity, “In case there's important work to do.” Just then, Pinkie returned from the quarry, “My whistle is clogged again,” she said, “Watch out, James!” she called out, as dust went everywhere. “I did warn you.” “You'll need a washdown now,” teased Twilight. “Good!” Snorted Rarity, “It will make me whiter than ever. I'm such a splendid engine.” The engines all groaned. Twilight the Tank Engine had been working in the coal yards all day. The little purple engine was covered in coal dust. “We can’t clean you up tonight, Twilight,” said her driver, “There’s a problem with the hosepipe.” “Bother,” said Twilight, “A bath would make me feel much better. The others are sure to say I look silly.” But the engines were too busy arguing to notice Twilight. Rarity was talking loudest of all. “I deserve a new coat of paint!” she called out, “The Fat Controller says I’m the pride of the line and…” “Rubbish,” huffed Applejack, “we’re all the pride of the line.” “It’s been like this all day,” Confided Sunset to Twilight, “Rarity is getting a new coat of paint and won’t stop boasting about it.” “Why Rarity? I’m the one who needs a new coat – look at me!” Twilight huffed. “No offence, but I rather not,” retorted Rarity, “You’re not a pleasant sight, and wouldn’t understand the needs of a really important engine!” Twilight was fuming. Next morning, as Rarity was being repainted, Applejack had an accident. She pushed some trucks too hard, and the front one hit some boxes and derails. “If you can’t push trucks properly, Applejack, why not hit an apple tree instead, you know how much you like your apples!” Rarity called out. “As a matter of fact, Bossy Boiler, the Fat Controller is inspecting the island for trees that are too close to the line,” Applejack replied, “He’s worried they might cause trouble.” “Pah,” laughed Rarity, “If I came upon a tree, I’d just push it aside.” “Really?!” replied Applejack. Soon Rarity was showing off her paintwork. “Make way for an important engine,” she chuffed. “You wouldn’t feel important if one of these trees crashed on you – you’d feel hurt,” reproached Pinkie. “Rubbish! It wouldn’t dare!” scoffed Rarity. “You should be careful, Rares – tree can be just as powerful as engines,” advised Luna. “Pah,” snorted Rarity, “Now excuse me. The Fat Controller needs me to pull the Rainboom Express!” And she huffed away. But Rarity was wrong once she reached the station. “You must go to the yards and collect an important goods train, James. It’s heavy, so be careful,” Said the Fat Controller. “But, sir, I’ve just been repainted. Can’t Sonata and Pinkie do it? They’re dirty and like working with trucks,” Rarity complained. “Really Useful Engines don’t argue,” he replied sternly. So Rarity didn’t. By the time she arrived at the yards, the weather had changed for the worst. “You’re colour’s nice, James – pity about your face though,” said a truck and the rest started to laugh. Rarity ignored them and set off. Soon they came to a hill, and her driver knew that they were in for a difficult time. An old tree close to the track was being blown by the strong winds, and rain had weakened the slope. All of a sudden, the tree moved. The tree slides onto the tracks. As Rarity rounds the bend and spots the tree, she applies her brakes. Rarity slides along the wet rails and comes to stop right in front of the tree. “Ooh help!” cried Rarity, “go away!” But, of course, the tree couldn’t. Rarity tried to reverse away from the tree, but the rails were slippery, and her train was too heavy. Then she heard a whistle. “It’s Twilight,” called her driver. Rarity felt embarrassed and worried that Twilight would laugh at her. But Twilight didn’t. She knew that this was no time for teasing. “Peep, peep… I’m ready,” whistled Twilight. “So am I,” replied Rarity, “As ready as I’ll ever be.” As the train moves back the tree starts falling towards Rarity, but just misses her. They were just in time! Later, Rarity spoke to Twilight. “Pinkie and Luna were right to warn me,” she said, “Thank you for rescuing me, Twilight.” “Oh, that’s all right. We engines must pull together, whatever the weather!” Twilight replied. Just then Cadence bustled in. “The Fat Controller thinks you’re both brave engines. Twilight – you’re going to have a new coat of paint. And Rarity – the Fat Controller says that tomorrow you’ll pull the special Express.” Everyone was very happy. Rarity is a mixed traffic engine. She can pull both trucks and coaches. She's proud of her beautiful white paint and so is her driver. “Everyone says you brighten up their day, Rarity,” he told her. One morning, Rarity whistled loudly at the other engines. “Look at me, I am the most beautiful and most useful engine on the line!” she declared. “Rubbish,” replied Duck, “We're all useful. The Fat Controller says so and he's Sir Topham Hatt, head the whole railway.” “You know what, Rarity?” added Oliver. “What?” asked Rarity. “You're getting all puffed up!” Oliver finished. Rarity huffed away. Later she was still boasting. “I'm the pride of the line.” “I saw you pulling trucks today. You're only a goods engine!” snorted Gordon. Rarity was furious. “I pull coaches too!” Rarity said. “Not as much as I do,” grunted Gordon. “The Fat Controller has plans for me,” Rarity was only making this up, but Gordon believed her. “What plans?” he asked. “Er - wait and see. Oh dear,” thought Rarity, “Now what'll I do?” Thomas was shunting shining new coaches. “Good morning Rarity,” he said. "Are those coaches for me?” asked Rarity hopefully. “No. These are for Gordon's Express,” Thomas told her, “I'll fetch your trucks next.” But Rarity was going to play a trick on the other engines. “Actually Thomas, I'm taking the coaches. The Fat Controller asked me to tell you.” “What about the trucks?” Thomas asked in confusion. “Er - give them to Gordon,” Rarity told him. “Come on, Thomas,” said his driver, “orders are orders.” So when Rarity' driver returned, Rarity was coupled to the coaches, and she puffed away. Thomas returned with the trucks. A few minutes later Gordon arrived. “Where's the express?” he asked. Thomas told him about Rarity. “And so here are your trucks.” Gordon was very cross and so was his driver. “Wait till the Fat Controller hears about this!” he responded. Meanwhile, Rarity was enjoying herself enormously. “What a clever plan, what a clever plan,” she chuffed. Then he saw the Fat Controller standing on the platform. “Some jokes are funny, but not this one, Rarity. You have caused confusion,” he told her firmly. “Yes sir,” said Rarity, “You will stay in your shed until you are wanted.” The other engines teased Rarity. “I wonder who with be pulling the Express today?” said Adagio. “I expect it would be Gordon,” Rainbow replied, “Rarity is stuck in the shed for being silly!” Rarity felt sad. Next morning, she went back to work. “Hello,” whistled Thomas, “Good to see you out and about again.” “I’m sorry I tricked you,” said Rarity, “are these my trucks?” “Yes,” Thomas replied kindly, “They are pleased to have you back.” Rarity puffed into the harbour with her goods train of trucks. She bustled about all day, pushing and pulling them into place. She became dirty, but she didn’t mind. “Time to go home now, Rarity,” said her driver, “No trucks or passengers, just we two.” But her driver was wrong. “Excuse me,” called a man, “I have a meeting with Sir Topham Hatt, and I mustn't be late. May I ride back with you?” “Of course,” replied Rarity's driver. Then he whispered to Rarity. “This gentleman is a railway inspector.” Rarity was most impressed. She steamed along the line as smoothly and as quickly as she could. The Fat Controller was waiting, and the railway inspector greeted him warmly. “This clever engine gave me a splendid ride. You must be proud of her,” he said. “Yes indeed. Rarity, once again you are a really useful engine.” Trevor the Traction Engine was enjoying his work in the Vicarage orchard. Birds were singing and apples were ripening on the trees. It was a lovely day. “Hello, Trevor,” said Rarity, “you look as bright and cheerful as my white paint.” “Oh I am,” replied Trevor. “What’s that noise?” asked Rarity. “It's the bees!” laughed Trevor, “they're all in these boxy things called beehives. I'm taking them to the station. The Vicar says his bees make good honey and is giving some of them to his friends.” Just then, BoCo the Diesel Engine hummed in. “Take care you two. Don't make the bees angry – they might sting you.” Rarity hadn’t gotten use to be told what to do by a diesel and he buzzed away. “Goodbye Trevor,” called BoCo, and he set off to see Duck at the next station. Bill and Ben, the tank engine twins, were busy arranging trucks but they scampered off when they saw BoCo. “I remember the first time I met those two,” laughed BoCo, “they nearly made my eyes pop out. Edward soon put a stop to their games.” “Edward is the only one who can keep Bill and Ben in order,” chuckled Duck, “I sometimes call them ‘the bees’.” “A good name,” replied BoCo, “They're terrors when they start buzzing around.” Rarity bustled in, “What's that, Duck,” she snorted, “Are you afraid of bees? They're only insects after all so don't let that buzz-box diesel tell you different.” “His name is BoCo, and he didn’t. We…” “I wouldn't care,” interrupted Rarity, “if hundreds were swarming around. I'd just blow smoke and make them buzz off.” “Buzz, buzz, buzz,” retorted Duck. The next morning Rarity arrived at the station to collect her coaches. The passengers were excited, and they keen to get on board. The platform was crowded, and the porter was in a hurry. On his trolley, was a beehive. “Mind your backs,” he shouted. Then there was trouble! The beehive fell and it broke open. The station cleared like magic. Rarity heard a familiar buzzing. The bees were too cold to be cross, so they buzzed around the fireman hoping he’d mend their hive. But he didn't understand. Nor did her driver. So the bees turned to Rarity. Her boiler was nice and warm. “Buzz off, buzz off,” hissed Rarity. “One bee burnt his foot. “Oooh, aah… Phew, phew!” he buzzed. The bee thought James had burnt him on purpose. So it stung James right back on the nose. “AAAAHHHH!” shrieked Rarity. She had-had enough, so had her fireman and driver. They didn't notice till too late that they had left all their coaches behind. They tried everything to get rid of the bees. First, they spun on the turntable, to no avail. They tried washing them off, but the bees clung harder to Rarity’s warm boiler. Then they tried smoking them off by going through a long tunnel… But still the bees wouldn't go away. “It's no good, Rarity, said her Driver, “We'll just have to go back to the orchard and fetch another hive.” Rarity’s reply was drowned by the sound of buzzing. The Vicar was waiting anxiously for Rarity. When she arrived the bees swarmed straight into their new home. “Come on, Rarity,” said her Driver, “What you need now is a good hose down.” Later that evening Rarity was resting in the shed, with Rainbow, Aria and Applejack laughing at her when the Vicar came to see her. “Thank you for saving my bees,” he said, It's a pity it's not Christmas, then we could call you Rarity the Red Nosed Engine.” Everyone laughed, even Rarity. But instead they decided to call Rarity "The Bees-Knees", which means they thought she was more Useful than ever.