//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Toxic: Moving into Ponyville // by Fluffy Cloud //------------------------------// Everypony was told about it. Every. Pony. The news of the experiment spread quickly, they didn't even have to announce it. The news spread all the way from Canterlot to Ponyville. The news was that a unfinished experiment has recently escaped from a scientist's lab. The experiment had left Canterlot without a trace. Canterlot has informed everypony that they should be careful... "...and be on the lookout, just in case. The experiment is said to be highly dangerous and highly toxic." Twilight Sparkle looked up from the newspaper that she was levitating in front of her and to her friends. They all looked confused, and Twilight felt the same. After all, it wasn't everyday you were told that a experiment was on the loose. "So I guess, we should, um, keep a lookout for the experiment?" said Fluttershy. She looked at her friends, who nodded. "Maybe we could catch the experiment?" asked Pinkie Pie. "We could make a net, and put some cake on it, so that the monster would walk into the trap and get caught! We would be famous!" "That doesn't sound like a bad idea, Pinkie," said Rainbow Dash. "Maybe we should set up a trap for that thing! What do you think Applejack?" Applejack nodded. "I'm scared of what that thing might do our apples!" "Well then, it's agreed! Come on everypony!" Rainbow Dash flew out of the library, with everypony else following except for Twilight. "Spike!" she called. The baby dragon came hurrying down the stairs. "Come on Spike, we've got a experiment to catch!" She levitated a confused Spike onto her back and hurried after her friends. --- Everypony had left the trap exhausted and ready to sleep. They had made a rather large net that they thought might be big enough for the experiment, and Pinkie had baked a delicious looking cake to lure the experiment. Pinkie walked to her bed, all pooped out. She crawled under the covers and immediately fell asleep, and began dreaming about whatever she dreamed of. Little did she know, that "monster" was heading towards her and her friends. --- A yellow green blob trudged through the Everfree Forest, sucking up things in it's way and spitting them out. The blob was only the size of a soccer ball, but whenever it swallowed something it liked, it got bigger. And surprisingly, the blob did not leave a trail. The monsters of the Everfree hung back, trying to get as far away as possible. The blob didn't take notice though. What it noticed was a cottage, where all the animals were asleep. The nocturnal animals watched from the shadows eerily. They watched as the blob squeezed under the cottage door. Inside, the blob stopped, as if to examine it's surroundings. The cottage had a warm, friendly feeling, but the blob just went upstairs and into the bedroom. There, asleep in the bed, was a yellow and pink maned pegasus. The blob crawled up the bed, and onto the pegasus's head. The pegasus giggled a little in her sleep as the blob settled onto her mane. --- Twilight and her friends were at the trap they had made in Whitetail Woods. Only Fluttershy was missing, but her friends thought that she was busy taking care of her animal friends. The five mares were disapointed. The trap was empty. The cake had chunks of it gone, which most likely meant a animal had quickly grabbed a piece. "No sign of any monster," said Applejack. "I wonder where it's headin'. I sure wish it isn't headin' towards Sweet Apple Acres!" "How about we move it to the Everfree Forest?" asked Rainbow Dash. Her friends agreed, and they moved the trap to someplace in the Everfree. Pinkie baked a new cake for the monster, and it looked much more appetizing. "Let's not check it every day," said Twilight. "The thing might not come if it finds hoof prints around the trap." The five mares agreed to come here next week. "I must inform Fluttershy that we have to cancel our next spa meeting, since I have large order of dresses. See you later girls!" Rarity trotted towards Fluttershy's cottage. When Rarity reached Fluttershy's home, she knocked on the door. "Yoo hoo, Fluttershy! I have some news!" Rarity only had to wait a while until Angel opened the door. What Rarity saw shocked her. Fluttershy ways wrapped in a blanket and eating some soup. "Fluttershy, dear, what happened?" "Oh, hi Rarity," Fluttershy said. She coughed. "Don't *cough cough* worry. I'll be all right soon." "I do hope you get well soon," said Rarity. "I think your animal friends will take good care of you. But besides that, I have some news. I'll have to cancel our next spa meeting. I have a large order of dresses. I do hope you'll forgive me." "Oh, it's all right *cough cough* Rarity." "That's good to hear," said Rarity. She trotted out the door, but poked her head inside. "And I hope you get well soon!" Fluttershy smiled. Nopony noticed a yellow green blob fall from Fluttershy's mane. They didn't notice it go through the wall. --- It was nighttime, and the blob was on the move again, and this time, it was heading towards Sweet Apple Acres. The blob had soon reached the gates of the farm, and went past without hesitating. It paused at a apple tree, and it climbed up it's trunk. The blob began eating the apples on the tree. When the blob was finished eating all the apples, it headed towards the barn and went upstairs. It looked around the house. It found a yellow filly with a red mane. It went towards the filly, and settled into her mane. The blob only stayed there for a hour, until it got off, and went into another bedroom, where a large red stallion was asleep. The blob went onto the stallions head and only stayed there for a few minutes. It finally went into a bedroom, where there was a orange mare with a blond mane asleep. The blob felt itself drawn to the mare, and it crawled onto the mare's head. It settled down, and the orange mare giggled. --- Fluttershy woke up early the next day, and went out to feed her animal friends. She felt much better than yesterday. As she passed by some flowers, she noticed something was not right. She examined closer, and found that most of the flowers looked chewed up. They were also covered in a yellow green goo. Fluttershy reached to pick one up, only to pull her hoof away in disgust. The goo felt slimy and terrible. Fluttershy would have to ask Twilight about this. But first she had to feed the animals. So she quickly gave them food, and told Angel to watch the house while she was gone. Then, Fluttershy flew towards the library as quick as she could. At least, she was faster than before. She saw the library, and slowed down. She headed towards the library in a casual trot, trying to appear normal. "Hey Fluttershy! What's the rush?!" Pinkie popped up in front of Fluttershy. Fluttershy screamed and fell. She opened an eye and saw Pinkie Pie. She sighed in relief. "Oh Pinkie Pie, please to don't scare me like that!" said Fluttershy. "I have to go ask Twilight something important." "What is it?" asked Pinkie Pie. But before she knew it, the shy pegasus was running towards Twilight's library. "Hey, wait for me!" Pinkie took off after her. Fluttershy burst through the doors of the library. Twilight Sparkle jumped, and dropped the book she had been reading. "TwilightIfoundsomewierdyellowgooonmyflowersandtheywereallcheweduptoocanyoutellmewhatitis?" said Fluttershy in a single breath. "Whoa, Fluttershy. Calm down and say it again. Slowly," said Twilight. Fluttershy repeated what she said, more calmly. "Well, I don't think I remember reading anything that might help," said Twilight. "Maybe a animal chewed them up." "Maybe...But what about that yellow goo?" asked Fluttershy. "I don't know," said Twilight. "Thank you for trying to help," said Fluttershy. "I guess I overeacted." She walked out the door. Pinkie Pie bounced after her. --- The yellow green blob did the same thing every night. It settled in somepony's mane for a day, then left, leaving the pony sick for a day. The blob had already settled in the manes of Fluttershy, Applejack, Applebloom, Big Mac, Rarity, Sweetie Bell, Pinkie Pie, Pound and Pumkin Cake, Rainbow Dash, and Scootaloo. And the blob kept getting bigger. The only pony that remained was Twilight Sparkle.