//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: The Ultimate Enemy 2: Return of Harmony // by LoganRyder //------------------------------// It had been weeks as Dark Spike was still trapped and trying to escape. As Future Starswirl looked at the portal showing the next event that would occur, he saw a very familiar event as he first saw Twilight and Starlight in a train heading for the Crystal Empire. "Ah, the moment where you showed friendship to a future friend.......and king." the future pillar said "....Thorax?" Dark Spike guessed "Indeed." Future Starswirl said as he watched the three leave the train but saw a bunch of ponies panicking all around them. "This day shows that not only is everypony equal to each other, but that they should never judge them for who they are and look." Future Starswirl said "And look how that got me." Dark Spike said in anger "They didn't mean that boy." Future Starswirl said in protest "Oh but they did, the only reason I didn't destroy Equestria as a whole is because unlike them I have some morals." Dark Spike said in disgust "Then why did you kill a number of innocent ponies and creatures. Parents, children and even loved ones?" Future Starswirl rhetorically replied "Because they are just as responsible for causing my suffering as well as to why I have no family before and after I was made! Not only that, but I basically had to raise myself my whole life and help a so called 'Princess' and 'Elements of Harmony' with their own greedy selfish desires! Not to mention they didn't even show a little appreciation to me for once in my life when they told me to do things for them! Spike can you restack the books, Spike can you please clean up the castle, that reptile is just another creature with no mind, He doesn't deserve to live with us royals!" Dark Spike said in rage and anger as he mocked a few notable ponies he knew such as Twilight. Future Starswirl only gave an unreadable look at the dark dragon in his confined prison, he was so angry at the friends that had not given him the same care of friendship in their lives in his youth that he had finally snapped and let loose the same grief he had gone through. "If that were the case, would you not have spoken to Luna and Celestia?" Future Starswirl asked "Oh please, we both know those 2 fools would just groom their so called precious student turned princess over me and just play the same old lesson learned card. Besides those two old fools wouldn't know the difference between good or evil. Don't believe me?, ask Nightmare Moon." This only further left the future pillar silent as he only looked at the tube with a look of pity. "And not only that, but they didn't even think of adding me to that so-called Friendship Journal of theirs! That's why next time I get out of here, they won't wanna know what i'll do to them!" Dark Spike further said in anger and rage. The room was now silent. The future pillar only looked at the tube the evil dragon teen was trapped in and said "Very Well." Future Starswirl said as he left the room. (A few hours later) Future Starswirl only sat down on his bed, he was looking at a book of some sort and had a look of sorrow on his face. The book revealed itself to have photos which Starswirl and his fellow Pillars and Stygian all smiling and posing at the camera with happiness. Starswirl only shed a few tears in his eyes at how his friends were gone, until a loud noise was heard. BOOM! "What was that?!" Future Starswirl said as he got off his bed and ran to the source of the loud noise. The pillar ran to the other room and saw that the source of the blast had came from the portal room. Future Starswirl entered and saw the tube had been opened and empty, amd the dark dragon was gone already. "OH NO." Future Starswirl said as more hooves were heard running behind him. It was Future Chrysalis "What happened?! What was that noise?" Future Chrysalis said Future Starswirl only pointed his hoof at the empty tube and as soon as the former changeling queen looked, she gasped in horror. "Where did he go?!" Future Chrysalis said (In Present Ponyville, Everfree Forest) Inside the Everfree Forest, there was a number of dangers such as predators or Poison Joke. In a far part of the Everfree, a large dark glow of shadows appeared A large shadow like ball appeared and pulsated until it dissipated, revealing Dark Spike now was back in the present before his future. "The Everfree Forest, stil intact....for now." Dark Spike said as he flew airborne and saw the village of Ponyville. As he flew, he saw Rainbow Dash flying away from Fluttershy's cottage laughing hysterically. "Hmmmm, if I'm not mistaken, I'm back at the time the so-called Element of Loyalty played ALOT of pranks like with me and the scrolls I sent to Celestia......Well I guess I should return the favor." Dark Spike thought sadistically He then looked at the sky and gave a malicious smile. Rainbow Dash was flying to her home and was laughing at the pranks she had pulled "Oh man, those pranks were priceless, I can't wait to see what else I can do!" Rainbow said However, the momemt she reached her home in Cloudsdale, the sight shocked her. Her house was VANDALIZED. Numerous red messages were written and a red trail was seen from the from door to the inside. Some of the messages had said I HATE YOU YOU CAN'T RUN ?4 DNUOR ROF YDAER DO YOU ENJOY THIS? "What in Celestia?! What happened to my house?!" Rainbow Dash said in shock. The blue pegasus saw the door open and went in her home. As she did, the red liquid trail led from her door to the upstairs to her room, where the trail ended and there was one last message. FALSE HERO The words were dripping with red as Rainbow Dash gave an unamused look and looked around "Ok girls! I know this is a prank! You can come out!" Rainbow Dash said However, she heard footsteps and said "Who's there?!" She went down and saw it was none other then Spike, who was simply looking away from her