Equestria Noir Case 6 "Music Of The Night"

by Jacoboby1

Chapter 2 "Symphony"

Chapter 2


I simply stared at Moongale. She was never one to lie or make up stories when we were foals. But this was just beyond bizarre; her blue eyes looked at me as I finally answered. “An angel of music? Moongale what are you talking about?”

“I knew you wouldn’t believe me…” She said casting her eyes to the floor.

“Just tell me what you’re saying” I said earnestly “I want to understand”

She slowly nodded then spoke “Father said before he died that he would send an angel of music…since then I’ve been hearing this voice that claimed to be that angel. He told me he would help me become a better singer and he asked nothing in return”

I gave her a puzzled look. She didn’t seem crazy; she wasn’t twitching at the eyes or threatening to turn my intestines into cupcakes. She seemed to be telling the truth, I couldn’t help but be skeptical but I wasn’t about to put her in the same place I file Glimmer.

“And this angel has helped you become a better singer ever since?”

She nodded “Without payment or anything in return like I said. He has been encouraging me to become the very best I could be” She sighed “I just hope I can use what he taught me…”
“This is an absolute outrage!” A very refined voice shouted as I reentered the stage. The voice belonged to Raustam who was waving a piece of paper in his hoof while glaring at Ponder. “You expect me to listen to this nonsense?!”

Ponder fired back “I’m not one to deny a wish from the Phantom!”

I found my group standing off aways from the arguing pair. I walked up next to Twilight and spoke quietly while the argument went on “What’s going on?”

Twilight looked at me “A letter came for Raustam this morning; Ponder is saying it’s from some kind of Phantom”

Fancypants who was standing opposite Twilight spoke up “Not just any Phantom mind you, but the Phantom that is said to be Artherect ghost. He would make periodic demands for this or that from the staff here”

“And what was the demand this time?” I asked, my curiosity reaching a high level.

Fancypants spoke simply “That Moongale should play the part of Princess Leonada instead of Madonna”

Rarity then exclaimed with stars in her eyes “The opera they’re doing is ‘Jade and Leonada’!? I love that opera! The romance, the music, the glamour! I’ve wanted to see it since I was a filly!”

I looked at Fancypants “So what’s the problem? Moongale has boat loads more talent than Madonna ever will”

“The public doesn’t want her that’s what’s wrong!” Raustam said walking up to us. He got right in my face “The public is expecting a star! Not some nobody from nowhere!”

Ponder stomped over to us clearly not happy “The Phantom understands the folly in your plan Raustam!”

The green upper crust pony glared at Ponder “You stay out of this! I will not be bullied by some rabid fan with half a brain! The show will go on with Madonna on the stage!” He then pushed past me and grumbled something that I really wish Spike didn’t hear.

Ponder sighed “There is nothing I can do, would I have it my way I’d put Moongale in Madonna’s role in a heartbeat”

Fleur spoke up then “You could always try having Moongale be an understudy no?”

Ponder leapt into the air in joy “Brilliant! There’s no way Raustam could argue against that!” He then sped off after the theater owner with reckless abandon. I smiled at Fleur whom smiled in turn. But her violet eyes casted a glance at Fancypants…was she seeking his approval?
“And they will let me perform should anything happen to Madonna!” Moongale’s voice spoke happily over the phone receiver. I held the phone to my ear as I sat on the hotel bed. We got the hotel pretty cheap thanks to Fancypants’ suggestions about places to stay in Trottingham. It was comfortable and affordable, just the way I like my vacation rest stops.

I smiled brightly “That’s great news Moongale! You’ll be on stage in no time!”

“Oh I don’t know if I’ll make it on stage” her voice spoke with a small nervous laugh “But it will be fun simply learning the part of Leonada. I have a lot of work to do to learn her role in a week”

“You keep working hard then, I look forward to seeing you on stage should the worst happen”

“I look forward to seeing you and your friends in the audience. You have come to know such wonderful ponies Private. That Rarity is quite the character, she’s already insisted on making my dress for my performance. But it’s Twilight I want to know more about”

My face became puzzled “Why Twilight?”

She giggled a little over the line “I’ve seen the way she looks at you Private. You’ve left quite the impression on her. Are you two…seeing each other?”

My face turned a deep scarlet and I blabbered out something that sounded like this:
“NowayImeanyesImeannoImeani’dlike to but dah!!!”

She was laughing out loud on the other end “I’m happy that you’ve found a special somepony Private. She seems like a wonderful mare that I would pick for you”

“You’re starting to sound like an older sister” I said flatly

“I’m a year younger then you Private”

“Metaphors don’t have ages”

She gave a small laugh “Well I should go, good luck with your special somepony”

“It’s been great seeing you again Moongale, good luck”

"You to Private, I’m so blessed to have a friend like you”

“The blessing goes both ways Moongale”

We hung up and my ears turned to hear a knock on the door. Spike was sound asleep in his own bed and I was careful not to disturb the sleeping dragon. I opened the door with my magic and saw Twilight was standing in the door.

“Twilight?” I said looking at her “What are you doing up? I thought you and Rarity went to bed”

Twilight was flushing a little “Well, I was hoping to talk to you…alone”

I nodded knowingly and gestured for her to follow me. We made our way to a deserted part of the hotel lobby. Everypony else had retired for the evening and only a desk pony was there listening to music. Twilight and I sat on a couch together out of sight and she looked at me with those beautiful amethyst eyes of hers.

“Private…I wanted to talk about…” She flushed a little “Us…”

“Us as in…” I said my own face turning a little red “The kiss…”

Twilight sighed “It’s just that…I’m worried”

“About what?”

“About" She shook her head "Oh you’re going to think I’m stupid…”

I shook my head and moved closer to her “Twilight you’re a lot of things and stupid isn’t one of them. Socially awkward and a little too book smart but not stupid”

Twilight let out a breath “I’m worried that…you’ll just leave me for the first mare to flash her flank at you…” She turned scarlet and put her face in her hooves in sheer embarrassment.

“What brought this up?” I said looking at her.

“Just something Rarity said…I pointed out to her how great Moongale looked in that dress Rarity made for her. When I get back to the hotel she goes on and on about how you and Moongale are so close”

“That’s what this is about?”

Twilight looked up at me “Yeah, I mean…she’s beautiful, a talented singer, and above all you two are the best of friends. I can hardly compete with that…”

I put a hoof on Twilight’s and she and I locked eyes for a moment. I simply whispered so only she could hear me “Whoever said you had to compete for me…?” I shook my head slowly “Twilight, Moongale and I are friends and we go way back. But the only pony I could ever want is sitting here. With me…right now…”

“Oh Private…” Twilight’s eyes started watering and she smiled “That’s so sweet…”

“So is the next two minutes…”

“What are talking abou-“She was cut off by me pressing my lips to hers. Her face turned a deep scarlet at this and she slowly closed her eyes and returned the kiss.

I pulled away after that and smiled at her “I don’t feel for Moongale the same way I feel for you Twilight” My face flushed a little “You’re something far more special to me…”

Twilight then threw her front legs around me and pulled me into another kiss. I felt my hat fall off my head in the process. I didn’t care though and simply returned the embrace. I was happy…for once in my miserable life I could say I really was happy.
A week passed and the opening night finally occurred. Rarity managed to pack me a suit somehow and I was able to attend in formal evening attire. I still insisted on wearing my trademark grey fedora though. You wouldn't catch me dead in anything else. Spike had a smaller evening suit provided by the love of his life with a sparkling red bow tie.

We both waited outside our carriage for the girls to show up. Spike and I looked up as Rarity and Twilight exited the hotel. My face turned a deep scarlet when I saw Twilight clad in a beautiful midnight blue dress and matching jewelry. Rarity on the other hand looked just as stunning to my dragon companion as she descended the steps in a shining violet gown and
feathered hat.

We arrived at the opera house just as the line started to form. We managed to get in and find our seats despite Rarity complaining (remember there is a difference between whining and complaining now) about our seats being subpar for the occasion. After some whining (remember the difference) we managed to get seats in a private box.

“Over here my dear friends!” Fancypants called from his seat as we arrived.

He was clad in his usual suit and he had something attached to his hip. I gestured with my hoof at it “What’s that?”

The gentlestallion smiled “This, my dear boy is a family heirloom” His horn glowed and the object was revealed to be a rapier sword. It was very well decorated but finely crafted. “My grandfather always wore this whenever he wanted good luck. I was hoping it would help Moongale”

I smiled “That’s very kind of you Fancypants”

He chuckled “Quite so dear boy” He turned his attention to Rarity “Rarity I simply must have you meet some of the guests attending” He and Rarity along with her escort Spike ran off into the rows of seats to greet the guests.

After about two minutes Twilight went off to powder her muzzle. Fleur looked over at me; she looked quite nice clad in a gold colored gown. She smiled at me “Is she yours?”

It took me a minute to figure out what she meant. When I did I felt no less embarrassed “Um, yeah…her and I are…a thing I guess”

She gave a small laugh “Young love, such a beautiful thing no?”

I flushed in embarrassment “Yeah, I guess it is”

She then gazed longingly in no direction in particular “I remember when I felt as you did…”

This struck me as curious “Don’t you and Fancypants care for each other like me and Twilight?”

Her violet eyes turned to me; I could sense the somberness in them. She sighed and looked at me “To be honest…things are not going well between me and mi amour…”

“I don’t mean to pry” I spoke simply “But how bad are things?”

She shook her head “Fancypants and I were in love when we were married…but after a while I guess he just got used to me...” She sat down in a chair hanging her lanky head somberly “After a while it’s like I’m not even there…I tried everything to win his attention, dieting, makeup, even buying him some of his favorite things…but it was stérile

“Have you ever talked to him about it?” I asked sitting down next to the lanky unicorn.

“I tried to” She shook her head “But every time he moves on to this event or that…hardly any time for just us…”

“I’m sure he’ll come around” I said putting a reassuring hoof on her shoulder “He’ll figure out that he needs you just as much as you need him”

She smiled a little at that “You are most kind mon ami. I hope you are right and we will come around”
The lights dimmed as the show finally began. A narrator stallion stood in the center of a spotlight and began to tell a tale.

Long was the battle between east and west

Growing fiercer by the day!

And on this evening princess Leonada

Fair and beautiful both in heart and appearance

Was asked to marry the prince of the west

In order to bring peace to the two rival nations

The play went on to show that Leonada wanted to bring peace to her kingdom. She was willing to marry the supposedly handsome prince in order to bring about peace. But her frustrations over the constant delays in her wedding were vented out to her servant stallion named Jade. Despite this, Jade was in love with Leonada but feared that his love would not be returned.

Spike got a kick out of rooting for Jade throughout the play. I got a kick out of booing Madonna. She played a horrible and bitter Leonada. Who made sure that her desire for peace was known by all those around them, most of the time loudly and with bland acting.

It all came to a head as the first act was about to close. By now I had my tomatoes primed and ready to aim at Madonna. The rest of the gang was more than happy to join in as Madonna took the stage.

Madonna, clad in a dress that she shouldn’t be wearing anymore, spoke to Jade who was standing nearby. “Twas a tragedy! The prince turned out to be an ugly man!”

Jade spoke next “I warned you milady but you wouldn’t listen to me”

“Silence fool!” Madonna snapped at the poor guy “Peace will be brought about! This is simply a minor setback!”

Jade shook his head and walked forward. The actor was a young guy about my age with a short brown mane and a green apple colored coat. The poor guy had been Madonna’s whipping boy throughout the whole show. Spike was ready to aim his tomato at the actress but one look from Twilight called a cease fire.

“You would rather enter a relationship where you will never be loved for who you are?!” Jade yelled at Madonna

“Who cares what I want!? It’s my kingdom that matters you servant boy!” She reached up and smacked Jade across the face with her fan. Madonna then turned to the crowd. She opened her mouth to sing the song about her doing what’s right for her kingdom…but what came was….


Everypony in the room gasped at this. Madonna laughed a little then opened her mouth to speak again.


Three Squawks later and everypony started laughing hysterically. I saw stage hands frantically fight to close the curtain as Madonna complained in various forms of Squawking.

Twilight looked at me “Somepony must’ve had her drink chicken spray”

Spike looked over at her in between laughing his guts out. “You mean somepony pulled a prank on her?”

Twilight smiled and laughed a little “Let’s just say she won’t be singing anytime soon”

After two minutes Ponder came out from behind the curtain and spoke out to the now calmed down crowd “We humbly apologize for the incident. Madonna will be unable to play Leonada for the rest of the evening. The part will instead be played by her understudy Moongale”

Ponies in the audience whispered quietly. All wanted to know who this mysterious understudy was and, more importantly, if she could play the part better then Madonna. Then again a tone deaf one legged chicken could play Leonada better then Madonna but I’m disqualified due to bias.

I looked at my companions who were about to walk around during the intermission. “I’m going to go wish her luck”

They all nodded and I went off for backstage.
I looked over at Moongale who was clad in the most beautiful white gown I’d ever seen. Her midnight blue mane was tied back in a long braid with flowers entwined in the hairs. She lifted her eyes from the script and smiled at me.

“You look great” was all I could muster.

She walked to me and nodded “I’m so nervous though, I’ve never been on stage in front of so many ponies…”

I smiled “You remember back to the elementary school play?”

She laughed “You threw a fit because you were so convinced that nopony was good enough to play opposite me. You were like an overprotective little brother”

“You’re a year younger than me remember?”

“I guess over protectiveness doesn’t care for age”

“You blew everypony away that night…I swear you were like an angel on stage…you just remember that and you'll blow them away again tonight”

She smiled at me and hugged me “Thank you so much Private…for all you’ve done”

I returned the hug then noticed something on her vanity. It was a note. “Who’s that from?”

Moongale smiled and levitated the note to me. I read the contents.

Dear Moongale

I apologize for keeping myself hidden for so long. We’ve worked hard and I want to see the fruits of our labor tonight. You will be able to see me at the empty top box tonight just to your right looking at the audience. I’m so happy for you my heart cannot bear the weight of seeing you truly shine. I’m proud of what you’ve become…I hope you will blow them away tonight…


Your Angel of Music

“You think it’s really the same guy?”

Moongale nodded “I’m sure of it; I look forward to being able to see him”

I smiled at her “Go out there and make us all proud”

She smiled and turned as the music began to play. She looked back at me one last time “Tonight I put all of that faith into action…”
Moongale was a vast improvement on the production overall. She was different kind of Leonada, a gentle but hopeful young mare who started to realize that there was a stallion that cared for her. One that loved her not for her status…but simply for her, that stallion was Jade.

She was so beautiful and graceful on the stage. She had the audience completely enthralled with her. Every laugh, every note of her singing, every line delivered was all perfect.

But tragedy would strike the young lovers. For the prince figured out about the romance between servant and princess. When threats would not deter Jade from his love of Leonada…death did. For the prince had Jade killed by the blade of an assassin. Nopony could prove the prince’s involvement in the murder so Leonada couldn’t stop the prince from forcing the marriage.

It all culminated in Moongale standing on a balcony in the Prince’s castle. She looked out longingly towards the endless horizon. She looked up towards the empty box. I followed her eyes and that’s when I saw him.

He was unicorn stallion that was my age. He had tan coat and a short black mane that was slicked back. He wore an evening suit and a long black cape as he sat in the empty box. But the most distinguishing feature was a mask he wore. It covered the right side of his face, but it did not detract from his encouraging smile.

Moongale, now more determined than ever to give it her all, then opened her mouth to sing…what followed…was simply glorious