Investigator’s Log

by Steel_Stable

February 13th, 2011

February 13th, 2011 12:10 AM

Hello, there. This is the very start of a journal of notes I will be keeping on the investigation of the PonyPark incident. There have been several reports of missing people disappearing at the park, and, of course, police were called immediately.

Oh, I should probably introduce myself, for whoever may find or need this journal for reference in the future. My name is Georgia Woods, a professional investigator of the Orlando Police Department. I genuinely enjoy uncovering mysteries and solving cases, and the pay is pretty well, so, of course, I struck this job.

But, anyway, back to the topic at hand. Exactly five people, all of them being minors, disappeared in the aforementioned amusement park yesterday. The earliest call to the police had been made a few minutes after noon, when the first child had gone missing; according to all the info we have so far, it had been a blonde boy with amber eyes. Another very frightened boy, presumably being the former’s friend, had been present at the scene when police arrived. The scene in question—a restroom at a restaurant in which the boy was last seen—had evacuated every park guest in the building itself. Both bathrooms as of now are lined with yellow tape, but nobody has gone inside yet. That’s my job.

For another few hours, no other people had gone missing, and everyone in the park calmed down—most guests had no idea what had happened to the boy. However, just a few hours had passed, and four more children from the park had went missing. Two boys, and two girls. It was around closing time when the other four were reported—the two boys being described as having black and brunette hair, and the girls with blonde and brown hair. Each parent was very frantic and shaken at the news of their children being gone.

Thankfully, though, one of the children have been found already, the brunette boy. There’s still four, though, and we’re not stopping our search until we find them all.

We were able to get the names of the children as well: Matthew Finley, Jasmine Parker, Robert Williams, Emily Monroe, Oliver Oakley, and Genevieve Lockhart.

It’s been about six hours since the park’s closed now, and park staff had requested for myself, along with the police, to stay and look around the entire park for the children. I’ve been here since around seven at night, sitting in a quiet restroom with no new info coming in so far. The parents of said children are now currently waiting near the entrance of the park, until they are reunited with their little ones. The sheriff is calling for me now, so I’ll update when I arrive to any important crime scenes.

February 13th, 2011 12:15 AM

I’m here at the bathroom where one of the boys, Oliver, went missing now. A pathologist is here with me too, by the name of Mr. Timothy Reed, waiting for me to be finished with this entry. I told him I’d write fast, and that this information needs to be kept and organized in a place I can easily reference. I need to check any and all information as quickly as possible; that’s why I’m writing all this in a journal in the first place. We’re going to go inside the male restroom now; Reed already checked the female’s restroom and found no evidence. We’ll have to see if the other brings forth any clues. I’ll update as soon as I’m out.

February 13th, 2011 12:30 AM

I fainted when I swung open the restroom door. Blood was everywhere; some dried, some still a little fresh. The stink that filled the room was overwhelming horrid, and both Reed and I had to cover our noses mere seconds after we stepped in. What we found on the tiled floor was the most horrifying thing I’ve seen in all of my years of working in the Police Department—a young, blonde boy, looking around nine or ten years of age, with his brains scattered about over the bathroom. His upper body had been completely unsalvageable, with the tattered mess that had been his face looking like it had been kicked multiple times. Reed said I’d been unconscious for about fifteen minutes, after I screamed at the top of my lungs.

I had seen dead bodies before while working at this job, but never a minor’s body. Everything just hit me all at once; an innocent child had been murdered at what should have been one of the best theme parks in the world. I’m still very shaky, and, to be honest, on the verge of crying, but I know there is much more work to be done. Reed pointed out another restaurant close to this one, according to the map of PonyPark handed to us by the staff. Investigating that area next wouldn’t be a bad idea. We’re heading there now, I’ll get back here as soon as I can.

February 13th, 2011 12:38 AM

When we had arrived to the candy-coated restaurant, the first thing we noticed was the two unconscious adults face-down on a purple table with an empty plate in between them. We hurriedly shook their bodies, praying they’d wake up, and thankfully, they did. We asked questions about the last things they remembered before they were knocked out, and they recalled their daughter, Emily, having a birthday party in this restaurant. Police officers arrived shortly after our brief talk, and they immediately went upstairs after bursting in through the swinging door.

They called for Reed from the second floor after just a few moments of silence, and I hesitantly followed. What I saw in that room was a thousand times worse than the sight I’d previously seen—a very young looking girl with a sickening stab wound, with blood coating the table and birthday cake in front of her. The chair she was sitting in, as well as the green floorboards, had been stained with the red mess in various spots. My head swam upon seeing this, but thankfully, I was able to not faint this time. However, I was, and still am, very sick to my stomach. I couldn’t help but vomit at the smell alone, the odor torturing my sense of smell. Even Reed—who is used to this stuff—was shaking a bit.

We tried to keep Emily’s parents away from the scene, but they absolutely needed to see their daughter, whether she be alive or dead. They...were very, very distraught at the sight of their daughter’s destroyed body. I can still hear their cries from downstairs. I’m sitting against the wall on the second floor as I’m writing this, trying not to pay attention to the body.

I noticed that this particular child had not been listed on the list of described victims. She had red hair—the other girls were claimed to have blonde and brown. This means...there were SIX missing children, not five. There are still four more bodies to be found. I don’t think I’m quite ready to see any more carnage yet. How did this even happen? Is the murderer still loose? Are there multiple murderers?

February 13th, 2011 12:56 AM

We found the third victim. The blonde one, another young looking girl, but not as young as Emily. She was lying in a bush, unmoving. Thankfully, her body was not mangled or blood-stained like the others were. We couldn’t find any sort of injury, other than a bite mark near her leg. Maybe a poisonous animal had bitten her? We tried shaking her awake, but it was all in vain, as she never awoke nor breathed. Although her body was not destroyed or damaged, it was still very painful just to see a dead child. But why wasn’t she as bloody as the other children? Was this just an unfortunate coincidence and not a presumed murder?

February 13th, 2011 1:24 AM

Either I’m hallucinating, dreaming, or downright CRAZY. Sheriff Miller instructed Reed and I to look around the front of the park, while some officers checked near the back of the park. We obliged, and I started near some bushes around the park’s entrance sign. I have no idea why nobody noticed this before, but—I found another child’s body in one of the bushes after following a small trail of what seemed to be dried blood on the concrete. According to the description, it had been Matthew, the brunette-haired boy. But that’s impossible, his parents found him shortly after he disappeared.

So then, why the Hell did I see his body there?! I kept looking back inside the bush, careful not to move his delicate body from the scene, and with the help of a flashlight, I could point out several burn marks on his body. It didn’t look like he had been burned by a fire, more like...shocked by some sort of electricity. But, that’s downright impossible! His parents picked him up, some members of our team witnessed the moment with their very own eyes!

I yelled for Reed, and he came running to where I was,
clearly worried. He saw the boy’s body, and after I told him of how he had been presumably found, he posed the same reaction just as I did. He couldn’t believe his ears or eyes, as he examined the body. We told the Sheriff, and he didn’t believe us at first, but thankfully, our one piece of proof changed his mind. He sighed and lowered his head, clearly just as confused and distraught about this whole mess as everyone else was.

Reed and I returned to the restaurant where the other boy—Oliver—had died. Luckily for us and the rest of the team, the barn-themed eatery had some Keurigs set up around the small building, and I made myself, the pathologist, and the other three members of our search party five mugs of fresh coffee. I could tell we were going to be awake for quite awhile, until all the children were found, dead or alive.

Our other three members in our group had been Victoria—my best friend, who I’d known ever since I applied to be an investigator, and one of our best officers, Steven, the Sheriff’s deputy, and one of our senior officers, Julia. Julia was often a sort of pessimist, but she always got her job done.

We sat around one of the tan-colored table with our coffees, and Julia began a conversation. She asked me and Reed how our search was going, and we told her of how we found Micheal’s burnt body in the shrubbery, along with information of the other found bodies so far. Everyone around me sighed in frustration.

Victoria said she and a few other officers searched around the Canterlot area, and could only find a few marks and bumps in a wall in the huge castle attraction. They’re going to return to it later, and hopefully they’ll be able to get into the wall. Could there be another body in there? I’m hoping it’s not what we’re all thinking.

After we all finish our coffee, we’re going to split up again. Victoria and I are returning to Canterlot this time, while Reed stays behind in Ponyville. I’m praying that whatever evidence we find isn’t as traumatic to see as what I’ve previously found.

February 13th, 2011 1:35 AM

We’ve searched for half an hour now. Nothing. Not even lost clothing, shoes, or any personal items that might have belonged to the kids. Victoria notified me of something a staff member had told her when the park first closed, about a far-away, cut off expansion of the park planned to be opened about a year from now. Some type of...forest area? I have no idea what it could be, and neither does she, as we’ve never seen the show before. He told Vic that we could get there by train, if we walked North of Canterlot far enough, about forty five minutes worth of walking would take us to the monorail that connects to the expansion.

We’re on our way there now, after Vic notified our group through a group text of where we were going. It’s only been around fifteen minutes since we’ve started our trek, according to my watch, and it’s getting difficult to write while walking. My hand is getting very sore at this point. I’ll return when we arrive to the train—if there even is any.

February 13th, 2011 2:17 AM

Well, we made it. We finally found the train station, the train tracks...but, no train. At least we know exactly where to walk now, at least, thanks to huge train tracks lining the ground below. Our legs and feet still hurt, and my hands are extremely sore now. I’m going to hand the journal to Vic, just to give my hands a break. I told her to update whenever she or I find anything that may lead to solving this investigation. Hopefully we do find something.

February 13th 2011 2:18 AM—V

Hey! Victoria here. Georgia said to mark the top of the journal pages with a “V” so we don’t get our writings mixed up. I’m guessing she’ll mark hers with a “G”. Anyway, we found the train tracks, and we’re walking to what we hope will be the destination that staff member told me about. I like this park, it seems like fun for all ages, it’s such a shame that a heinous event like this would plague it, and just after months of opening, too. I just want this to be solved and over with.

As for that pony show? I’ve heard of it, unlike Georgia. It’s grown wildly popular, and some of my friends’ kids have grown to like it quite a lot. The art style is nice, and I can see why the kiddos would like it. I’ve even heard that the phenomenon has stole the hearts of teenagers and adults. Who would have thought that little ponies of all things would take the world by storm? Whoops, I’m getting off track. Georgia said to write only important stuff. I’ll get back to this when, or if, we reach the expansion.

February 13th, 2011 3:20 AM—G

We’re finally here. The forest area. It seems to be a large, indoor park with faux trees and fake candles adding to the atmosphere. Apparently, this place is called the “Everfree Forest”. Strangely enough, the fake candles lit up all around the entire “forest” as soon as Vic and I walked inside. Air conditioning seemed to blow, too, all the way from the high ceilings. This area’s pretty big, and we haven’t found anything yet. We’re going to split up now.

February 13th, 2011–G

Great, my watch broke. Just writing to let anyone who reads this know that I won’t be able to mark down the time. Vic’s phone has gone dead, too, which is only making our situation worse. I still haven’t found anything yet. How huge is this forest building?!

February 13th 2011–V

Georgia gave me the journal again while she went to investigate near the back of the building. Right now, I’m looking around some sort of water ride that looks pretty finished, with running water somehow flowing all around it. How do they manage to keep this going, along with the lighting and air conditioner, even around three in the morning? They must have been building this place for a really, really long time. This place is giving me a headache with all these questions forming in my head.

Feb 13

I heard screaming

Going to find Georgia

February 13th, 2011–G

Victoria fainted. She’s still unconscious. I’m writing with shaky hands and teary eyes right now. I have no idea what I just witnessed, or heard, or saw, WHATEVER. A little girl’s scream, that’s the one thing I sure I heard pierce my ears. It made my stomach drop.

I’m standing in front of her body now, it’s horrible. I couldn’t stop myself from throwing up onto the mangled, red mess that was left of her body and my hunger pains and headache made it even worse. Did she die just now? She died just now, didn’t she? Where is the murderer? My head is spinning. Going to rest and try to calm down for a few minutes.

February ???-G

I don’t know how long I’ve been asleep, but now I’m freaking out. Victoria is GONE. The little girl’s body is still there, which was the first thing I saw when I awoke in a panic. It’s still just as sickening to look at, and the smell is killing me. No time to write. I’m looking for Victoria.

February ???-G

Found a note. It was written in very messy handwriting, and I could barely make it out at first glance. I’m going to try and copy what it says to the best of my ability in this journal. Some words are illegible, and I’ll fill in said words with guesses of what they might be.

“Stop looking.

You don’t deserve to know. You’re not [supposed?] to know ANYTHING. Nobody does. My [play? plan?] is perfect. OUR plan is perfect. You have to stop looking. You won’t get out of [here] alive. When I [find] you, I’ll make [sure] you die, and [never], EVER get to Equestria. You don’t deserve such a [fate].”

The initials, “T.S.? are scribbled very messily at the end of the page. Who is T.S.? The name of the murderer? I’m extremely paranoid now. They’re probably after me and the police now, for trying to uncover what they’ve done. I’m scared. I don’t want to be here anymore, but I have no choice. It’s my job. I have to do my job.

February ???-G

I can’t find Victoria. It’s been around three hours now, I think. I don’t know. I can’t tell what time it is anymore. I keep hearing little noises, sort of like the sound of something scratching at the floor. Other times I hear soft thumps from the ceiling. It’s driving me nuts. I want to get out of here, but I can’t find the exit. It may be from paranoia, but I SWEAR I heard a feminine voice asking me if I wanted to be friends. I feel sick to my stomach, with the image of the girl’s massacred body burned into my mind.

Why did she have to die? Why did any of them have to die?

Victoria is dead

I see purple in the corner of my vision


February 17th, 2011 7:36 AM

This is Timothy Reed. The remains of Georgia’s body were found along with this journal. Her pen was still gripped in her hands when I came across her lifeless body. According to her writings, her partner with her at the time, Victoria, is also presumed dead. I was not able to locate her body.

I, along with my search party, was notified by a staff member of this park expansion cut off from the rest of the amusement park. We weren’t able to find Georgia and Victoria anywhere else for a couple of days, so I volunteered to search here. Thank goodness I was able to locate them, but it is with a heavy heart that I confirm her status as deceased.

The morning after our first search, the team was notified of the rest of the children apart from Matthew returning completely safe and clean right as the park opened that Sunday. Deputy Steven had found the five children right in the middle of the dubbed “Ponyville” section of the park. However, contrary to this, Georgia, as well as myself, had clearly seen the children’s corpses. I checked every crime scene with the bodies after seeing that the kids had returned, only to find that the bodies were completely out of sight. The blood had also been cleaned. No trace of any type of murder.

I notified the deputy immediately, and the search parties were questioned as to whether or not anybody cleaned or tampered with the bodies or crime scenes. Everyone insisted that they never touched a single one, but Sheriff Miller is willing to have every officer who partook in the investigation and myself to go through lie detection tests. We’re planning through with them tomorrow.

There seems to be little point in writing in this any further as of now, at least until more information is found on the case. Sheriff Miller probably wants to keep this at the station to further investigate.

May you rest in piece, Georgia. Although we did not speak much, I can tell through your writings that you were a very passionate investigator. I am praying that Victoria is alive, but I’m not going to give this situation the benefit of the doubt.

PonyPark Incident of February 12th, 2011