//------------------------------// // A Visit to Ponyville // Story: Make a Swap // by PonyPixel //------------------------------// It was another normal day in the Dragon Lands, some dragons were flying around doing their things. Hunting for gems, bathing in lava, or Garble’s case, practicing poetry. He was playing his bongos as he tried thinking of some rhymes. “Hobbies, fear, bullying, reveal,” Garble chanted, as he drummed himself a beat and somebody landed beside him. “Garble,” called a voice. The drake stopped and looked to see Dragon Lord Ember standing beside him. “Oh, Dragon Lord Ember. What’s up?” “I had a bit of a favor to ask. Princess Twilight has asked for some dragons to visit Ponyville. Since creatures are starting to live better in harmony, Twilight thought it would be a good idea for some to get to know each other’s culture.” “So, you want me to go to Ponville.” “Yes, with five other dragons. I was wondering if you had any in mind.” “...You know, I think I know five that would be good to visit Ponyville.” “Great. Spike will be here tomorrow to help guide you to Ponyville. Tell the dragons that are going to meet up at the cliff edge.” “Got it.” “Great. Let me know if you need any other information. Thanks for the help.” Ember took off to take care of business. Garble placed his bongos and outfit away so he could fly off and find the five dragons that were on his mind. To his luck, he would find the five sitting in a pool of lava. There was a purple one that had blonde hair-like spines that covered his eyes, another one was purple too but he had a bit of an underbite. There was a brown dragon with blue stubby horns who looked quite overweight, another dragon had white and pink scales, and the last dragon was black with green scales and shaggy hair-like spines. These dragons were known as Spear, Vex, Clump, Fizzle, and Baff, respectively. “Hey, guys,” Garble called. He walked over to the dragons in the lava pool. “Hey, Garble,” Spear said. “Sit and join us.” Garble stepped into the pool of lava and sat back to relax. "So, Ember asked me something that involves you guys. She wanted me to ask to take some dragons to Ponyville." "That place?" Baff questioned. "Hey, we've helped them out before. Plus I'm interested in seeing my sister again." "I could use a change in scenery," Fizzle admitted. "I like this place as much as you guys, but the most colorful thing I see around here are the gems we eat in seconds." "Yeah, Fizz is right," Vex agreed. "I'd like to see something new." "Ugh, do you guys want to leave this place?" Clump questioned. "Where else can you find lava pools?" "Yeah, not to mention that those ponies sing way too much," Spear added. "You know I do poetry right?" Garble questioned. "Well, you use it in moderation," Baff said. "Ember says they just break out into song when they have something to celebrate. At least that's what Ember said." "Maybe we should find out for ourselves." "Do we have to?" Clump groaned. "I'm up for something new," Fizzle said. "I'll only go if there isn't too much singing," Baff spoke. "Same," Spear said. "I might as well go too," Vex shrugged. "Great," Garble said, "I'll let Ember know. Just as soon as I’m done here.” Garble laid back and relaxed in the lava pool with his friends. He began zoning out and while he wasn’t in a way where he couldn’t drown his friends’ conversation. “I’m not a hundred percent on this,” Baff said. “Me neither,” Spear said. “How do we know this isn’t a trap?” “I don’t think that would make sen...” Fizzle was interrupted by Vex. “What reason would they have to trick us?” Vex questioned. Three of the dragons gave their theories but they didn’t quite make sense. “I’m saying we should go for it.” “Right,” Fizzle agreed. “Okay, fine,” Baff grumbled. “Look, if they started messing with us, we can always just get them back,” Vex said. “Or you know, we just leave.” “If that does happen, I’m taking the most expensive things they have,” Clump said. “Yeah,” Spear agreed, “They better have some gemstones.” Ember was watching them from afar, let out a frustrated sigh. “I knew it was going to be like this,” she grumbled. “Maybe I should just found around Smolder’s age.” The next day, Ember and Garble’s gang were standing by the cliff waiting for Spike to show up. “Come on,” Clump grumbled. “Where is that pipsqueak.” “Hey, give him a minute,” Ember ordered. The Dragon Lord could tell that the dragons were getting impatient. She looked out at the horizon and could see something small and purple getting closer. She could see that thing had some green spines and wings. “There he is.” Spike came flying towards the cliff and landed on it before walking up to Ember. “Sorry I took so long,” he apologized. “I’m not quite used to flying such long distances.” It also didn’t help that he wore a backpack that had a map of Equestria and a compass inside. “You’ll get used to that.” “Can we get going now?” Spear questioned. “Just hold on,” Spike said. “I need to catch my breath.” “We want to get this over with,” Baff said. “Garble, can’t you carry them?” “Um, I think so,” the red dragon replied. “Great,” Spear said. Without warning, he picked Spike up and gave him to Garble. One by one, the dragons started taking off with Garble being the last one as he had to make sure Spike wouldn’t fall off his back. “See you Ember!” the young dragon called as he flew away. “Good luck!” the Dragon Lord replied. As they flew out of sight, Ember sighed to herself. “Really should’ve gone to some of the younger ones.” Garble quickly flew to the front of his gang, so Spike could lead the way to Ponyville. The young dragon grabbed his compass from his bag and checked it. “We need to head North West,” he declared. Spike pointed in the direction they needed to go and Garble led the way. Along the way, Garble could hear some muttering from his friends. However, due to their speed, they were going as he couldn’t quite make it out. Still, he kept his focus and listened to Spike’s directions, and led his gang towards Ponyville. The trip took much longer than any of them expected and eventually some of the dragons were getting bored. Eventually, Spear and Clump flew down to the ground. Spike saw what they were doing and looked surprised and frustrated. “Garble, land here,” he requested. The drake was confused until he saw his friends landing. He led the gang down to the ground to land and rest. Once they landed, Garble let Spike off his back so he could run over to his friends. “Guys, what are you doing?” he questioned. “We’re tired from flying,” Clump said. He then sat down and crossed his arms. “Come on,” Spike grumbled, “We’re so close to Ponyville.” “Just how close?” Baff asked. “Feet or miles?” Spike did his best to keep his cool as these dragons were having an easy time getting on his nerves. “Okay, we can have a little break. Five minutes, but that’s it. We can’t keep the others waiting.” “Others?” Fizzle questioned. “Yeah, my friends. Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy.” “Great,” Spear grumbled. “Ponies with dumb sounding names.” “You’re named after a weapon.” “That makes me cool.” Spike figured it would be best not to argue with Spear. Spear meanwhile just started looking around for anything to eat. As luck would have it, there was a pink diamond lying on the ground. “Sweet.” When he picked it up, he was surprised at how big the gemstone was. It was almost as big as Spike’s head. “Dude,” Clump gasped. “Split that thing open.” “You sure about that?” Baff asked. “There’s no way we can split it evenly.” “Maybe we have some tools in Ponyville that could help with that,” Spike said. “No way,” Spear scoffed, “I can split this thing right now.” “It kind of looks like it’s already been split,” Baff commented. He pointed to the top of the diamond, while it looked flat there were a couple of sharp parts still visible. “You think this used to be bigger?” Clump asked. “Probably.” “You know what I think?” Spike asked, “We can figure this out while we’re in Ponyville.” “Spike’s right,” Garble commented. “We should keep going.” The dragons simply groaned from this. “Look, the sooner we get to Ponyville the sooner you can have your snack.” Spike took the pink diamond from the dragon and placed it in his backpack. “Hey!” Spear cried. “You want this? You’ll have to catch me.” Spike quickly took off now that he had caught his breath while the rest of the dragons began to chase him. Garble sighed as he began to follow them. Because they wanted to get their diamond, the dragons wouldn’t let Spike get away so easily. Feeling like this was a bad idea, Spike picked up the pace to keep ahead of them. Luckily for the little dragon, he had plenty of energy while the other dragons were still a little tired from flying for so long. Still, it would be a while before they got to Ponyville. In Ponyville, Smolder was sitting outside of the School of Friendship. She was feeling pretty excited as Ocellus walked up to her. “What are you waiting for?” the changeling asked. "I heard Spike is coming here with my brother and some other dragons," Smolder explained. "Which one was your brother again?" "Yeah, that's him. I can't wait to see him again." "What's your brother like?" "Well, he's got a secret love for poetry though... He hid it by acting like a bully." "Oh. Is he doing better?" "Of course." "I guess it's kind of like your secret of dressing up." "Yeah. So, he should be here soon." "Is that him?" Ocellus pointed to the sky and could see Spike and the rest of the dragons flying towards them at incredible speeds. Spike nearly crashed landed as he flew down. Once he was on the ground, he quickly hid behind Smolder just before the rest of the dragons landed. "Alright you purple pip-squeak," Spear said, "Give us our diamond!" “Smolder, I had a bad idea,” Spike said frightened, “Help.” “I’ve got your back,” the dragoness said. She flew up to Spear’s face and looked him dead in the eye. “Listen here, Spike is not only my friend but also the assistant to the princess of Equestria. So if you don’t want to have a life-risking punishment, I’d back off!” Spear listened to her, as did Clump and Baff. Garble then walked over to his sister so the two could share a hug. "Hey sis," the big brother said, "How are you doing?" "Aside from classes boring me to death I'm fine," Smolder chuckled. "So, Ember chose you to help with this project?" "Yeah, I think I was the best one for the job. Though, that's not such a high bar." "Well, we're here now," Spike said. "You guys wait here. I'll be right back." Spike then walked away, leaving Smolder and Ocellus with the other dragons. "Hey, what about our diamond?" Clump questioned. "Just let it go," Vex grumbled. "We're probably not getting it back." Ocellus looked at the dragons, most of them seemed rather angry. "Um, Smolder," she said quietly, "Do you think I should introduce myself to them?" "Maybe not right now," Smolder replied. "I'm pretty sure they're madder than usual. I think you go back inside and wait for them to cool down." "Right. I'll be in the library in case you need me." With that being said, the frightened changeling ran back inside. Smolder looked towards her brother and told him how she felt about the plan. “Do you think this was a good idea?” she asked. “Honestly, I feel like we would succeed if Ember was here,” Garble admitted. The two looked towards Spear, Clump, and Baff, who were already looking bored. Vex and Fizzle, on the other hand, were taking a look at their surroundings. Vex looked pretty curious at the various Ponyville buildings. “This does look nice,” he commented. “Yeah, these look like good homes for ponies,” Fizzle added. “I can guaranty that they won’t last long with us around,” Baff said. “Is that a threat?” asked a voice. The dragons looked to see Spike had returned with Starlight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. Garble gave a nervous wave but it wasn’t helping with the situation. “Listen here,” Applejack said, “Twilight gave us orders to make sure you help fit in.” “Yeah, I think that might be hard to do,” Clump said. “Dragons and ponies don’t go together.” He heard Smolder clearing her throat so they would look at her raising an eyebrow. “I’ve befriended an earth pony, a hippogriff, a griffon, a yak, and a changeling,” she said. “I’m pretty sure we blend.” “Thank you Smolder,” Starlight said, “But the princess wanted us to handle this.” “Fine. Just remember I’m low-hanging fruit from the tree.” “So, what are we even going to do?” Spear questioned. “We’re going to do a couple of things around here to get to know each other,” Starlight said. “Woopity-do,” Clump grumbled. “Well... We’re already here,” Fizzle said. “We should get started.” “Let’s get this over with,” Baff grumbled. “What do we do first?” “Well, I’ve got a large harvest to handle,” Applejack explained. “Twilight thought you could help with that.” “Sure,” Clump said, “Use the dragons who don’t want to be here to get out of work.” “I’m gonna pull my weight, and so will you. Now, let’s go. I’ll lead the way.” And so Applejack set off towards Sweet Apple Acres with the dragons following behind. “This might not go well,” Spike whispered to Garble. “Probably not,” Garble agreed. Smolder stayed still for a minute before she looked towards Starlight. “I am Garble’s sister,” the dragoness spoke. “And so you can go with them,” Starlight said. Smolder gave a thumbs up before she ran off to catch up with the rest of the dragons. At Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack showed the dragons what they needed to do. They didn’t need to kick the trees as they just could fly up and pick them. Spike and Smolder did this without a problem. Garble, Fizzle, and Vex tried just picking and dropping the apples into the baskets similar to Applejack’s bucking. It didn’t go as planned and some of the apples missed the basket and ended up getting bruised. While they were at least try, Spear, Clump, and Baff weren’t doing great. Spear and Baff just tugged on the apples and didn’t even look to see where they landed. Clump barely did any work, he often just dozed in the sun minding his own business, and when he did pick some apples half the time he was just getting something to eat. It didn’t take long for them to get on Applejack’s nerves. “Garble, please tell your friends this isn’t the quality worked I wanted,” the farm pony said. “Uh, right,” the red drake replied. He flew over to the careless dragons and quickly caught the apple Spear was just about to toss onto the ground. “Guys, I think you need to be a little more careful. These apples aren’t like gemstones.” “Hey, they can’t be the only thing ponies eat,” Baff said. “We eat gems and fish. I doubt that ponies are getting a lot of meat.” He looked over to some of the pigs that were rolling around in the mud. Spike could see what was going on and decided to get involved. “Listen, Dragon Lord Ember wanted you to be on the ponies’ good sides,” he stated. “Right now you’re ruining their so they won’t have anything for today or the off-seasons.” Spike then looked towards Clump, who was practically asleep right now. “Can you watch him up for me?” “I could,” Garble said, “But it would take an earthquake to wake Clump up. Besides, he’d probably just smash anyone who woke him up with his tail.” “I’ll keep that in mind.” Spike saw more apples just being dropped by Spear and Baff, which the young dragon quickly caught. “Come on, couldn’t you at least carry a basket with you?” Spear’s response to this was to just toss a rotten apple at Spike’s face. “Alright fine. Don’t come crying to me once Granny Smith finds out.” With that, Spike flew away to make sure some apples were properly taken care of. “Who’s Granny Smith?” Spear questioned. “Do the work properly and you won’t find out!” Smolder called. The dragoness then found a rotten apple. Rather than toss it into the compost bin, she targeted a sleepy Clump. Smolder hurled the rotten apple at the sleeping dragons, smacking him square in the face, waking him up. He wiped the rotten apple off and looked around. “Who threw that?!” he questioned. Smolder just smiled as she went back to work. Applejack and the dragons kept working on harvesting apples until an old mare walked out of the barn. This mare could see the pony and five of the dragons doing the work properly, however when she saw the quality of work Spear, Baff, and Clump was doing she was just appalled. “Why you darn dragons wasting our hard work,” she grumbled. “Oh boy,” Applejack said, “Here comes Granny.” Vex was about to walk over to the rest of the dragons, but Applejack stopped him. Granny walked over to Clump, who had just fallen asleep again, and smacked him with her walker. “Ow, what the heck?” Clump questioned. “Who do you think you are?” Granny questioned, “Sleeping on the job and eating our apples.” She pointed to the apple cores just lying on the ground around Clump. One apple suddenly fell on the ground and was bruised due to the impact. Granny looked up and saw Spear and Baff were still being careless with the apples. “Get down from there! Get off my apples!” The two careless dragons looked down at the old mare and just scoffed. “What is she going to do about it?” Spear questioned. Granny wasn’t a pony that would give up easily. She held back her walker and chucked it through the air, managing to smack both dragons. “OW!” Baff cried out in pain. “How did she do that?” “Now get off this here farm before I do it again.” “Alright fine,” Spear said. “We didn’t even want to be here.” He and Baff flew away with Clump following behind. “Welp should’ve seen this coming,” Garble sighed. “Let’s just catch up with them and hope they don’t do anything stupid,” Spike muttered. The rest of the dragons flew off after the trio and tried their best to catch up. Spear held the side of his chest as he flew. “How could a creature that old and fragile hit so hard?” “I think we underestimated ponies,” Baff muttered. “Why did we say yes to this?” Clump grumbled. “Because Dragon Lord Ember twisted our arms.” “Hey, what’s that?” Spear questioned. He pointed to the castle that was sitting next to the School of Friendship. “I don’t see how you could’ve missed Twilight’s castle,” Spike chuckled. “I can show around there if you want.” “Eh, well apple picking didn’t go so good,” Vex said. “I’m up for this.” The dragons quickly landed outside of the castle. Once on their feet, Spike led them inside. "I'm glad you found the castle because you'll be staying here if necessary." "Finally, something I agree with," Clump said. "Yet I think you'll find a way to make that annoying," Smolder muttered. They eventually got to the guest room where six-bed had been prepared for the visitors. Clump immediately walked over to one of them and lied down on it. "Oh, this feels great." Vex and Fizzle flew over to their beds and sat down. "He's right," Vex spoke, "These are way softer than rocks." "See," Garble said, "This is one thing that ponies have over us." "Yeah, one thing that they're better at," Baff said sarcastically. He and Spear left the guest room and decided to explore the castle. "...I probably should've worded that better." "They're already in a bad mood," Spike noted. "You think we should give them some space?" "I think you should worry about them eating the castle," Smolder stated. Spike's pupils shrank as he remembered how Ember got when she helped herself to the castle. "Yeah, we should probably check on them." Spike ran off with Smolder and Garble following behind, knowing he was going to need some help. Turns out, Spear was trying to break off bits of the castle so they could eat them. "Guys, come on!" Garble cried. "You can't eat this place." "Why not?" Spear asked. "Maybe it's the fact that the pieces you're breaking off could be supporting the castle," Smolder stated. "Well, first of all, we're hungry," Baff said, "And your little friend took the diamond away from us." "Come on, Baff," Garble groaned, "You're the smart one." "I know, but I'm still a little angry." Suddenly, a loud crunch could be heard. They looked towards Spear, who cleared and didn't take a bite off. "Oh, jeez, Clump!" Garble and Spike quickly flew off back to the guest room as fast as they could. "Did you not hear us talking about not eating the castle!?" Spike questioned. A little while later, Pinkie walked into the castle with Starlight. "So, you think they'll enjoy some baking?" Starlight asked. "It wasn't something we had planned." "Oh, I know they'll enjoy this," Pinkie said. "They're fire breath would be perfect to help bake some goods. Plus, I was thinking of putting some gems into some pastries just for them." Suddenly, the two mares heard loud thuds. A couple of them. Worried, they ran to see what was causing those sounds. The answer came from the visiting dragons wrestling with each other. "What is going on here?!" Starlight questioned. "I swear," Garble explained, "I was trying to stop them." "Heads up!" Spear cried. He tossed a table over towards Clump, who just whacked it back with his tail. However, the table couldn't take that much force and shattered on impact into splinters. "Man, why are your things so fragile?" Clump questioned. "We don't use our furniture as blunt objects," Starlight stated. She could then smell some smoke and looked to see Baff had set some curtains on fire thanks to this breath. "Are you kidding me?!" "Fizzle, you're missing out," Baff said as he swung Vex around by his tail. The white dragon with pink spines simpled held his claws up, signaling that he was fine without playing. "Okay, playtimes over." Using her magic, Starlight stopped all of the dragons in place while Spike and Smolder did their best to put out Baff's fire. "You see, we were planning on having some fun ideas with you guys, but you decided to make a mess in the castle. So, you're going to clean up your mess right now!" "Seriously?" Spear questioned. He found that his arm was moving against his will and he slapped himself in the face. He looked towards Starlight. "Did you...?" The mare simply nodded. "Okay, fine. We'll get cleaning." Starlight released the dragons and gave them the supplies they needed and they got to work. Though they were far from enjoying it. By the time they had cleaned up their mess, it was nighttime. Many of the dragons were getting comfy in their beds except for three of them; Spike, Smolder, and Garble. Instead of staying in the castle, they were taking a walk through the school hallways. "That was a disaster," Smolder commented. "It was their first day," Spike commented. "They still have some warming up to do." "Maybe it'll help if you broke up that diamond for breakfast," Garble spoke. "Speaking of which, where did you put it?" "I'll show you." Spike led the brother and sister to a closet that contained his backpack. Opening it up, he showed them the pink diamond. "Whoa!" Smolder gasped. "That's huge." "I know. We just found it when we stopped to take a break. Now we just have to figure out how to break it into equal pieces." "Don't you have any tools?" Garble asked. "Let me check professor Rarity's classroom," Smolder said. She quickly ran off before Spike could stop her. "Hold it, Smolder!" Spike called. However, the dragoness had already run around the corner. "I had some tools right here in the castle." "Welp, we can start now," Garble said. They walked back towards the castle and walked down the halls until they got to a room where Spike had some tools prepared to help cut the diamond. Also, they were in earshot of the guest room where the dragons were resting. Before Spike could start cutting, he and Garble heard what the dragons were saying. "Why did we say yes to this again?" Clump questioned. "Ember wasn't giving us a choice," Baff noted. "Man, this is so painful," Spear groaned. "It doesn't seem that bad," Vex said. "You weren't the one who got hit by an old pony," Baff stated. "Sounds kind of embarrassing when you say it out loud." "Just shut up," Spear ordered. "You what I think is the problem?" Clump asked. "It's these ponies, they're just... Girly, you know what I mean? I mean, their stuff is so fragile." "I think I see what you're saying," Baff admitted. "I mean, they should've known about our abilities." The rest of their chat wasn't heard as Garble and Spike looked towards each other confused and offended respectively. "Seriously?" they both questioned. "Do they think that's why they're having a hard time?" Spike questioned. "They should've known that Ponyville would be different." "I know they don't know about ponies that much," Garble said, "But they should know better." "I mean... Too girly?" "I know. I thought they would let that go by now." "...How long have they been talking about that?" "Beats me." Spike rubbed his eyes in frustration. "You know, I think they should be girls just so they wouldn't go with thinking things about ponies are so girly." "Really?" "I don't know. If it'll get them to stop acting like this." Spike turned back to the diamond and was about to try cutting it when it started to glow. He fell backward from the shock before Garble helped him up. "What's happening?" "I don't know, but I think this is bad." The two were starting to walk backward when they suddenly found they were floating. Neither one of them was flapping their wings but still, they floating. Like the dragons, the diamond was floating in the air. Seven beams started floating from it, two of them started swarming around Spike and Garble. "Seriously what's happening?" Spike was about to reply was suddenly his voice gave out so now only squeals could come out of his mouth. "Spike? Are yOu oKAy?" Garble brought his claws up to his mouth with a gasp. "What’s wROnG WitH my vOICe?" It wasn't just his voice that was changing. Garble could feel and see his muzzle, which was a bit of an overbite, shrink in size as his teeth had become cute little fangs. His torso started losing most of its bulk as his arms, legs, and claws were starting to become slender. As for Spike, he would have similar changes. Some of his fat was being swapped out for a slimmer daintier form, though she still had around appearance. Then Spike and Garble would have some big changes. They started growing some more spines and their eyelashes started growing longer. While they were gaining those they lost the lumps in their throats and the section between their legs shrank away. Soon, the pink light faded and both dragons were lowered back onto the floor. They both groaned as they looked towards each other and gasped. “Garble?” “Spike?” Both dragons were very confused as they stood up. “What happened?” Garble questioned. “I don’t know,” Spike responded. “...Are you a girl?” Both dragons were speechless as they looked at their new bodies. Something impossible to miss was the various screams that could be heard down the hall. Both new girls assumed the worst and ran to the other room to find five dragonesses freaking out. “How is this possible?” Spear questioned. “Why... I... I don’t...” “It’s a curse!” Clump cried. “They heard us saying they were girly and they made us into girls.” “I knew this was a bad idea,” Baff grumbled. She kicked one of the beds in frustration and confusion. Fizzle was just in complete shock and kept looking over her body. She was just speechless. Vex was at a loss too as she kept talking to herself trying to convince herself it was a dream. Spike and Garble both looked towards each other, not knowing what to say about this situation. Then, Clump saw them. “YOU!” she shrieked. She pointed to Spike as she, Spear, and Baff walked over to her. “Okay, guys, can we calm down?” Garble asked. “We could,” Baff said, “It’s just that... Let’s see... WE’RE GIRLS!” Spike was about to walk away, but Spear grabbed her and pulled her closer to look the Ponyville dragon in the eye. “You’ve got three seconds to explain what you did,” Spear growled. Smoke was starting to billow from her nose. “Hey, I don’t know any more than you do,” Spike protested. She pushed back, causing Spear to let go and make her fall back on the floor. Spike stood up and noticed and gobsmacked Smolder standing in the hall with her jaw on the floor. Garble quickly noticed her sister as well. “Um... Hi, Smolder...” She said trying to play it cool. “Did you... Find what you were looking for?” Smolder just stood there and blinked with the same facial expression. Spike sighed and walked over to her shocked friend. “Okay, we don’t know what’s going on. We’re just as shocked as you.” Smolder simply blinked again as Spike brought her claw up to close her jaw.” “So. Many. Questions,” Smolder spoke. “Yeah. I have no idea how I’m going to explain this to the girls.” Spike had requested that Smolder go and get Starlight. The mare met up with the dragons in the castle, where she was just speechless at what she saw. Starlight and Spike sat at a table with each other waiting for the other one to speak first. There was a long amount of silence. “Say something,” Baff ordered. She was starting to get impatient. Spear was tapping her foot as she was feeling the same. “What are you waiting for?” she questioned. “We’re not the only ones who don’t know how to react to this,” Spike stated. She turned back to Starlight who finally found her voice. “Okay, so... A diamond did this to you?” the mare questioned. “Apparently. It’s kind of like the pearl shards the hippogriffs use. Do you think you can try and find somepony that could figure this out?” Starlight was handed the diamond that caused the gender flipflop. She was impressed by the gemstone’s size. “I’ll see what I can do. Just sleep on this problem for now.” “Wait, what?” some of the dragons questioned. “Do you think we’ll be able to figure out a solution in less than a night?” “She’s got a point,” Garble agreed. “So, get comfy,” Smolder said with a smirk. Many of the dragons sighed or groaned as they went to their room. Spike already had a room prepared for her. Her body felt smaller and this strange predicament had her thinking throughout the night. Garble was feeling a little uncomfortable. Her new body felt much smaller and admittedly kind of softer. It just didn’t feel right. She kept tossing and turning but her mind was stuck on what happened to her and her friends. How would the other dragons take this? Smolder walked back to her dorm and didn’t say anything to her friends and just lied down in bed and questioned what she saw. She tried her best not to think about it, but it was the only thing on her mind, keeping her up for hours. Needless to say, none of the dragons got decent sleep.