Sugar Cube Corner Alone

by Majestical4729

Parents' Plan C

"I can't believe we failed to get in again." Mr Cake began a conversation, after recovering from the fall.

"That burglar must have booby-trapped our house while burgling! That's it! We're getting in there, even if it meant that we're going to have to pay the price!" Mrs Cake declared.

The next thing they knew, after they washed up, they hired a yak for what was going to be their latest plan to get into Sugar Cube Corner.

"I really don't like this idea! What will Cheese Sandwich and his wife Pinkie Pie say if they know?!" Mr Carrot Cake cried out loud.

"It's worth it, hon. Our kids need us, and this is the only way we can get inside to check on them!" Mrs Cake argued, "We'll hire workers to repair, right after we break our way in."

"If you say so hon." Mr Cake gave in.

Mrs Cake then turned to the yak, "Alright, it's time for what yaks do best!"

Inside Sugar Cube Corner, the Cake Twins suddenly felt the ground shaking.

"Do you feel that?" Pumpkin asked her brother.

"I do, and it feels like...earthquake!" Pound replied.

"And it's getting stronger!" Pumpkin added.

The next thing they knew, was the sound of a wall on level one breaking as something charged right at it and destroyed it.