Mirage and the Quest for the Bamboozle Gem

by MegaCartmanX

Chapter II: Team Project

Mirage propped himself against the wall, fidgeting with his hands as he tried to figure out a plan that could help him succeed in carrying out Rampart's job assigned to him. He wanted the money, but even more than that he wanted to not seem like a quitter. But one thing was certain, he couldn't get to Equestria by himself. He didn't have the necessary technology and knowledge required to pull off such a feat. He didn't want to, but he knew that he would have to find someone to help him.

The master bamboozler looked through each of his options, deciding who would be his best bet in order to accomplish his task. One idea came to mind almost immediately. There was only one legend in the Apex Games who knew the most about inter-dimensional travel. Mirage made his way down the main hall and stopped just in front of the door to Room 005. With a nervous exhale from his lungs, Mirage knocked on the door and waited to see if she would answer.

The door opened soon following the knock. The woman leaned against the opened door and peered at Mirage with a stoic expression. "Mirage. What a surprise." She said, giving him a friendly smile as a greeting of sorts.

"Wraith, what are you doing?" Mirage said, waving at her in return with a nervous grin.

"Not much. I haven't had much to look forward to, recently." Spoke the woman. Wraith was a special person who could use technology to phase between worlds and walk in a realm they called the void. She was also able to hear voices call out to her from the void, for better or worse. "What brings you here?"

"Yeah, about that…" Mirage cleared his throat before explaining himself about his unforseen arrival. "Long story short, Rampart gave me a task to find a special gem for her in order to make a new hop-up. However it is only obtainable in another world, and since you are the master of travelling through worlds, well, you get the point."

Wraith pursed her lips, surprised that she received so much information without a warning. "Hmmm… seems reasonable to me. But where does she need you to go? Knowing her, I doubt she is simply requesting you to go across the street."

"Equestria." Mirage said with a sigh. Thinking over it, he wasn't able to truly understand why that place didn't settle well with him, but something about it gave him nothing but bad vibes, nonetheless.

"Equestria!?" Wraith sounded shocked. Just the name of that world alone filled her head with all sorts of fond memories. She remembered the inhabitants of the land, as well as the friends she made along her first journey in their world. But as she reminisced about her old friends, she realized just how long it had been since their last visit. Had it really been that long since they had last seen each other? "Why do you say it like it's someplace terrible?" She sensed Mirage's nervous tone in his voice, wondering why he came across so rudely.

"Wait, you like that place?" Mirage inquired, confused by Wraith's unexpected reaction. Of all the Legends, he didn't expect Wraith to show any affection in regards to Equestria.

"Yes, I love Equestria. I miss Twilight and the others. They are very dear friends to me." said Wraith. "Why do you ask? Do you not enjoy their company?"

"No, I love those ponies to bits. It's just that, well… I don't exactly think they will like us returning just to take a gem from their land." said Mirage. "Not to mention that I was kind of arrogant and only wanted their attention and fame. I know I can act like I'm the best of us, but in all seriousness, I'm a crazy guy at times."

"Huh, admitting that you are wrong? Well there's something I never thought I'd hear come out of your mouth.You always want to be seen, Mirage. Anyone with a brain knows that." Wraith said, a giggle slipping from behind her lips. Mirage playfully glared at Wraith, knowing that what she had said was true. "But even then, anytime spent with them is better than no time at all. If I could see them just one more time that would be great."

"So does that mean you will help me?" Mirage asked with a hopeful smile on his face.

"Whoa now, Mirage. Take a step back." Wraith lifted her hands and gestured to Mirage to back away from her after he got so giddy. "It's true that I can get you there, but the amount of energy required to get there is more than I can exert, myself."

"Oh… that's great. Just what I needed to hear." Mirage said in defeat, dropping his smile and lowering his head almost immediately after hearing her speak.

"But that doesn't mean we can't go there." Wraith explained. Mirage lifted his head and raised his brow with hope. "We just need to see if Crypto and Wattson can help us. You remember last time we went there, right? We just need them in order to get the technology required for me to create a portal that far in space."

"Wait, Crypto!?" Mirage exclaimed. "With all due respect, do we really need to get him involved?"

"Well, unless you don't want the gem for Rampart, I guess we have no other choice." Wraith said with a smirk.

Mirage whined at the thought, but knew that Wraith was ultimately right. "Fine. Let's go get them and see if they can help."

"Right." Wraith stepped out of her room and shut the door behind her. "I'm gonna go look for Wattson. You go scout around for Crypto and see if he'll agree to help. If you can get him to aid us, meet us in the computer room so that we can get the transportation machine online. Got it?"

"Woah, why do I have to go find Crypto?" Mirage asked. "You know how we feel about each other."

"I do know, and that's why I'm making you find him. I'm sure you two can put aside your grudges for the time being and work together for once." Wraith walked down the hall and began her search for Wattson. "Good luck, Mirage."

"Good luck, Mirage." He said in a mocking tone. "Why does she get the say in all of this? I'm the one who asked her for help. I should be in charge." Mirage shook his head and let out a sigh. "Whatever, let's get this over with." Mirage marched down the hall, looking for Crypto.


In time, the four legends met with each other in the computer room, starting up the necessary gadgets in order to help Wraith open a portal to Equestria. Crypto, the best hacker in the Outlands, started up the software and began inputting the coding while Wattson, brilliant inventor and youngest of all the legends, worked her magic and began hardwiring the machine to Wraith's phase runner technology.

"So, you want us to help you get to Equestria?" Crypto inquired, looking back at Mirage.

"Yep, that's what I just told you before we got here." Mirage replied. "Did you already forget? Man, you are getting old. Do you also need your pills?"

Crypto scowled at Mirage and lightly backhanded his shoulder. Though more out of being scared than actual pain, Mirage lifted his hand to his shoulder and winced. "Do not mistake me for an idiot." said Crypto.

"I'm not. Geez, learn to take a joke." Mirage said, rubbing his shoulder just to make sure he wasn't in pain.

"Ugh, if only Revenant hadn't broken the compressor. This would've been a lot easier." said Crypto.

"What do you mean?" Wraith inquired.

"A couple days ago, Revenant used this machine to create a portal to Equestria without my knowledge. I would have normally let it slide, but the situation was so confusing, and the fact that he went somewhere so far away that he broke the compressor in doing so angered me greatly." Crypto pointed to various codes on the monitor as well as devices in the computer as he explained the details to Mirage.

"What does the compressor do?" Mirage asked.

"It allows anyone to open a portal wi'z'out Wraith's help." Wattson explained. "But it was still in a trial phase, so I had already expected it to break wi'z'in ze first use. At least Revenant wasn't left stranded in Equestria. I could only imagine his anger."

"Yeah, seriously." Mirage said nervously, thinking of the bloodthirsty simulacrum.

"I am so excited to see ze ponies once again." Wattson spoke with an ecstatic tone. "It has been so long. I hope zat zey remember us."

"Don't worry, Wattson. There is no way that they have forgotten you." Wraith said in an attempt to cheer up the young inventor. "They'll recognize you the moment they see you, and when they do, they will be flipping over backwards in excitement."

"Yeah, you are right." said Wattson.

"Anyway, about our help." began Crypto. "We will help you, but under one condition."

"Condition? What do you mean by condition?" Mirage inquired, raising his voice. "You never said anything about an agreement or a deal or anything like that before accepting the job. I know you like to keep secrets from us, but I mean, from your closest, most trusted friend as well? Harsh, just harsh if you ask me."

"That's why I am telling you now." Crypto said, shaking his head in annoyance. "We will help you, but as payment, you owe us a fair share of the money that Rampart gives you."

"WHAT!?" Mirage exclaimed. "You can't be serious."

"That sounds fair enough to me." Wraith replied. "Doesn't at all seem like we're asking for anything unreasonable."

"Oui, I agree with zis deal of Crypto's. I do believe zat it is only fair zat you share ze wealth since we will be helping you get to Equestria." Wattson added.

"But… that's not… you can't…" Mirage tried to think of something that could possibly help his cause. But from the looks of it, he had no other choice.

"Do you want our help, Mirage?" Crypto asked, expecting an answer fairly soon. "Because I am totally fine with simply walking out of here and doing something more important with my time."

"... Ugh, fine! I'll share the money evenly once we complete the job. But until then, no promises." said Mirage.

"Fine with me." said Wraith. "Not very promising, but it's better than nothing."

"A fool's words, but it's all we got to go off of." Crypto said with a disappointed look.

"I agree. Next stop, Equestria!" added Wattson. With that, Wattson began adjusting the last of the circuit board, making sure that all of the required parts of the machine were ready for use. With one final check, all systems were a go. "All circuits are connected and fully functional, Wraith." Wattson said, informing the interdimensional traveler that she was now ready to activate her portal. "We are ready whenever you are."

"Alright. Stand back, everyone." Wraith charged the phase energy and moved it through her arm. She then raised her hand in front of her and began the procedure needed in order to open the portal. She winced for a moment or two as the energy required for said portal strained her body greatly. Her nerves pulsated and her forehead began to accumulate sweat. However, the pain was only endured for a few seconds, as the portal soon opened and attained molecular balance. With that, Wraith lowered her hand and set the portal.

The opening through space and time leading them to their destination was now floating just out in front of them, waiting for them to step through and enter the land of the ponies once again. "Alright, guys. You know the drill." Mirage said, leading the others into the portal. "Let's go find that gem." Soon following their entrance into the portal, their physical bodies were transformed and arranged into a more extraterrestrial alternative, turning them into space particles and warping them to the colorful land of Equestria, where they would begin their search for the Bamboozle Gem.