From me to you

by principessaluna


Princess Luna was on her way to leave the dream realm and back to the real world. She visited the last dream for the night, and her older sister, princess Celestia, was about to wake up and start the day. The moon princess peaked into one last dream, the one of her sister’s.

She took a deep breath and went to look in it. It was rather a calm dream. There were bubbles everywhere, flowers, a lake and much more. Luna spotted her sister taking a relaxing bath in the lake, but she seemed sad. Slowly her wings flew her to her sister and saw the tears slowly rolling down the face of her beloved sister.

Before she was able to do anything, her sister woke up and Luna ended up back in the real world, on her bed, where she started her duty last night.

The mirror reflected Luna’s emptiness. She felt lost and alone. What was her sister hiding from her?

Instead of checking on her sister, she decided to confront the sun princess in the evening, to give her some space and time. She used her magic to let a pen and a piece of paper and started to write.

“Dear you, wherever you are right now, I hope you’re doing okay. I hope you’ve eaten, drunken something and that you’re happy. And if you haven’t eaten, go eat something. And if you haven’t drunken anything, go drink something. And if you’re not happy, that’s okay too. I have been doing quite fine, to say the least. Summer started and everything has been going well. I met up with Twilight and her friends for a few parties and other things. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash taught me some amazing pranks. I was able to help out Apple Jack and Apple Bloom at the farm.

Rarity used me as a model to design an entire fashion line based on dreams, stars, and my beloved moon. My friend who always gives me comfort. And I also made a lot of new animal friends! I spent a week at Fluttershy’s, and we had lots of fun! In addition to that, I started to befriend Discord again, and we’re starting to become close friends again. With Twilight, I read some old books. And if she wasn’t around, I read comics with Spike. Not to forget when I met my encounter part vice principal Luna at Canterlot high! And obviously all the others. It was nice talking to Sunset Shimmer. Always great to talk to someone who understands you, in one way or another.

It was all fun and games, though I did have my lows. You know, the lows everyone has. The ones that come and go, never seem to end but pass anyway? I wrote a poem to it. Do you want to read it? Kind of stupid to ask, isn’t it? You’ll have to read it now anyway.

why do I feel the way I do?

why do I feel
the way I do?
all the feelings
rushing through my body
like raindrops
falling on my fur
on a stormy day.
why do I have to be
the way I am?
why can’t I be
like everyone else,
a star that fits
into the sky
with all the others.
why do I feel
the way I do?

Before you come at me and tell me how bad it is, those lines are just words. Words that can be so meaningless but mean so much to someone. Sometimes I wish I could write more than that. More than words that seem so grey and useless, but yet so deep. Lines that make no sense, but all together have such a wonderful meaning. Ahh. I did pass my low, but I feel like my sister did-“

A sudden knock on the wooden door threw the princess out of her thoughts. An exhausted white princess stepped into the room.

“Is everything alright?”, the younger one asked. The older nodded with her head. “I just wanted to see where you were, since you didn’t show up to breakfast, again.”, she sighed. “Oh shit.”, Luna thought to herself.

“I’ll make up to it! I’ll cook lunch for us?”, the night princess asked. With sadness in her eyes, the sun princess nodded and left the room once more.

Luna picked up her writing and continued…

“n’t. As you probably saw now. Or heard? Do you even see what happens if I don’t mention it on the letter? Can you read my thoughts or? Well – it doesn’t matter. Celestia has been in this hole for a really long time. Her dreams always seem so relaxed, but she always ends up crying in them. Whenever I am about to try to turn her dream into something better, she wakes up.

Maybe she notices me? Do I have to be quieter? I don’t know, I’m running out of ideas. Could it be that this is her way to cope? My sister may be strong, but even she has her flaws and problems. I wish she would talk to me about it. I really do.

To be fair, she did miss out on all the fun stuff I did. Of course, I was tired when I had to do my nightly duties, but I was still able to spend a lot of time with the others. Celestia on the other hand, was busy all day with day court and everything.

Apparently, court has been hard on her. A lot of ponies want something from her, but she cannot satisfy everyone. This makes her really upset, because she tries to be the perfect princess everyone wants her to be.

I asked her a few times if she wants to join me. But she always declined in her polite way. I miss the way her eyes used to shine. The colours are fading away, and they shine no longer. I saw the awful pain when I left to visit Sunset. She really wanted to go too.

I talked to Sunset visiting us. The summer holiday over there starts soon. The flame haired teenager said she’d come over as soon as the holidays starts. When I remember clearly, it’s another week. Maybe I should write a letter to Twilight and ask her if she has time to come over for tea.

After all, Celestia loves spending time with Twilight. I’ll write a letter to her as soon as I finished writing this one. And I will convince Celestia to take the day off tomorrow! I mean, I can handle the day court for a day or two!

You, I know it has been a long time since I wrote to you. And you deserve an apology. But first I wanted to thank you for still being here.

But as you read, I was quite busy.”

Luna put the pen aside and took a deep breath and made her way to day court. She had a plan in mind. The more the princess of the night wrote, she tried different ways to write. With a feather, pen, a typing machine, and computer. In the end, she decided to stick with the pen.

Time has passed and Luna came back into her room, with the biggest smile on her face.

Words have so much strength. So many ponies don’t know how small words can have an impact on others. I wish people would understand that. You can sweeten one’s day with sweet words, or make it bitter with hurtful ones. Bittersweet words are the sour ones you think look sweet, but in the inside, they’re as bitter as the soul of the owner of them.

Enough of the deep things, I still owe you that apology.

I didn’t forget about you, I was just busy. I wrote letters to myself, instead to you. I felt like a burden for a while. I didn’t want to disturb you. No matter what, you listen. Always.

I hope when you read this, you’ve eaten and drunken something. If not, you should go and do that now. And if you’re still not happy, that’s fine. Just believe me when I say it’ll get better, it will get better. I promise. I swear to the moon and back.

And so, I promise to write to you soon. Sooner than later.

Your friend and princess


The wooden door opened once again and a smiling Celestia walked in. Her sister put the letter aside, grabbed her things and went on an adventure with her beloved sister.

While Celestia was getting ready for court, Luna went to cancel it. Celestia never would have had the guts to do that. But her sister did, and she was very thankful for that.

Then for a bit, just for a while, Celestia’s colours came back and her eyes shined once again.