High-Water Mark

by bkc56

4. Epilogue

Quicksilver trotted up to the greenhouse door and looked in. "Hey, Misty! We got a letter from Mayor Bigwig!"

She spun around to face him. "From Flora Fields? What's it say?"

"Don't know. Haven't read it yet. I figured we could read it together." He squinted at her. "You’ve been, shall we say, highly focused for several hours now. It's time you took a break."

Her eyes sparkled, and she laughed. "It's okay, you can call it obsessing. I know I get a little lost in here sometimes." Quicksilver chuckled with her. "Let me make some tea, and we'll do it right."

Once the tea and snacks were ready, they went to the front room of the house. Quicksilver sat on a couch, and Misty snuggled up next to him. She softly blew on her tea.

Using his magic, Quicksilver opened the letter, and began to read.

My dear friends,

I hope you are doing well and that your research is progressing.

It's been almost nine months since that night, and a lot has happened. With the final harvest of fall completed and winter preparations underway, I finally found a moment to write.

In the aftermath of the flood, we had a couple families decide to leave and head back to their former towns. It's sad to see residents leave, but it happens for a number of reasons. On the other hoof, that freed up space for two additional new families from the waiting list. Due to limited resources, we must manage the number of new families added each year.

Speaking of new residents, we have our first pegasus in the community. His name is First Class, and he came here with his wife to open an Equestria Postal Service office. His special talent is long-distance flying, and he loves making the trip to Canterlot three times a week. This is a huge improvement to our mail service, as the regular EPS wagon only makes the loop every couple weeks (and even less in winter).

And now for the big news, and the actual reason I wrote: Flora Fields is officially a town!

I was able to complete the application paperwork during summer. First Class personally delivered it to Canterlot. A few weeks later, two pegasi from the castle literally dropped in to inspect the settlement and do some interviews. A month after that, we received the official notification.

A few days after that we held our first town hall meeting. Everyone was there. The first official business was when someone made a motion, unanimously approved, to install me as mayor for the first term of the office. So it looks like I have a job for a few more years.

I am so proud of these ponies and what we all have accomplished together. That includes you two and the hoof you had in getting us here.

I believe that brings you up-to-date on the big items. Heavy Pony says hi. Even Nurse Forte asked me to send her regards. Yes, I was shocked too.

I hope you will get up this way again one day. Everypony would love to see you.

Warmest regards,
Mayor Bigwig

Setting her empty teacup down, Misty clopped her hooves together. “Wonderful! They finally made it.”

Quicksilver put the letter on the table and took a long drink of his tea. “I remember the mayor telling us about the original ponies that first started working on creating the settlement. It must be so fulfilling to see a vision like that succeed after years of work.”

“I’m not even a little surprised they made Bigwig the first mayor. After all the work he’s put in.”

Quicksilver gazed up at the ceiling in thought. “You know, I have absolutely nothing to base this on, but I think Norse Forte was the one who made that motion. You remember what she said about him at the party?”

Misty threw her head back laughing. “I bet you're right. I’d love to find out.”

“Hey Misty, next summer, do you think you’ll feel like going for a little walk? There’s this new town I’d like to visit.” He grinned and winked at her.

She smirked back. “Well, we never did get that ‘interesting dirt’ you wanted.”

-- The End --