The Breakthroughs’ Call. Another Equestria.

by Leafwebs

Chapter 7_Path to Reunion at Long Last

Chapter 7_Path to Reunion at Long Last

A paw bats reflexively at Brian/Lilly’s nose to brush away an offending feather. They were currently snuggling with Dandelion in one of Moon Bloom Glenn’s hanging nests that they were given for their hero status.
“Brian/Lilly can you please wake up… Dandelion today is the day we head to Ponyville.” A voice from the tree base calls up.
“I’m up! Give me a moment to get untangled.” Brian calls back as he crawls out from under a wing and over to Dandelion’s head. “Dandelion you ready to see the rest of our friends again?”
Tina didn’t have to wait long upon hearing the shuffling of limbs before Dandelion glided down to the ground with Brian/Lilly carried by the nape where she gently sets the fox down.
“Only a few hours now, you ready with your report?” Tina asks kneeling down.
“We’re ready. It was a new experience to write with my claw tip.” Lilly replies. “I do look forward to fur chaser to getting his hands back. Paws are not for writing.”
“Are you still sore? I can wrap your paw if you like.” Tina offers reaching out to look at it.
“Thanks but no. Lilly didn’t let me put things off.” He purred sheepishly.
“What did she hold over you?” Tina asks standing up and raising an eye brow.
“She threatened to draw a picture of my… previous office hang-ups.” Brian replies shyly.
“Whatever you two, but we’re being debriefed first. Let’s get ourselves something to eat for the road.” Tina adds.
“Dose that kind of Intimacy even make little ones possible for you two normally?” Dandelion whispers to the fox.
“No. Humans like fur chaser wish they could. It hard enough to understand why they want to mate outside their specious, but if they spent as much time with social bonding and helping to raise kits as they do thinking about how to make the sex work I wouldn’t mind.” Lilly replied as they headed to the dinner. “As long as Brian puts in the effort I would be happy to give it a try, but we either need our own bodies back or find a mate that works with this one.”
“And the part fox part human body…” Dandelion asks a little nervously.
“It’s the like having the best of both worlds.” Brian replies. “Hands to pick up things and do stuff with, fur so don’t look naked when you are, and still be…”
“Careful love, you don’t want insult someone by accident. And the best of both worlds you say.” Lilly replies slyly. “I’m certain they have Raccoons in this world if you’re feeling frisky. It might just blow your mind.”
Dandelion couldn’t help but feel awkward in the fox’s company during these outbursts. As the pair reaches the market area the Pegasus and fox are greeted by a familiar face leaving Firefly Café.
“Dandelion, Brian & Lilly are you here to get something for the road?” Ruby asks from the end of the diner’s line.
“Yep, I’m looking forward to a helping of jerky and fruit mix.” Brian replies wagging his tail.
“I’m going to have the sunflower seed breaded fish.” Dandelion adds.
“Best wishes to you all in sorting out your National Hero Ceremony and getting home.” Ruby replies trotting away to board a carriage.
After placing their order Dandelion and Brian/Lilly head over to the table Tina, Peoria, Dr Hemlock, Petal and Trixie were sitting at. An unfamiliar stallion was nuzzling Trixie and all at the table looked annoyed including Trixie.
“Trixie certainly is not interested.” The blue mare protests with a snarl.
“You have zero charisma Mr. Bronze Locks.” Tina scolds standing up. “Go Away now!”
“What’s going on?” Brian asks getting the stranger’s attention at which point he begins feeling strange. The fox’s wooden fur bristles and with bared fangs he runs at and leaps onto Bronze Locks neck.
“If the love bug wishes to avoid my loving bite he’ll stop with what he’s doing.” The fox Brian/Lilly growl into Bronze Lock’s ear, and wrapping claws around his neck.
“We don’t need to go that far Element Bearer of Laughter, but it will be very bad for you Mr. Locks if the Lunar Court informs your hive of your harassment related injuries.” Dr. Hemlock warns.
Bronze Locks continued to smirk until he saw the ladies at the table get up and advance on him. Petal swooped overhead and picked up Brian/Lilly off the changeling’s neck and flew over to Dandelion while the girls handled things.
Tina wraps a handkerchief on Bronze Lock’s horn which Trixie then enchants it into a crude magic inhibitor while Peoria holds him still. A table cloth is then tied around his legs by Trixie and Tina then places Bonze Locks on Peoria’s back. The group then marches to the café door.
“Take out for one.” Tina snaps annoy idly at an undisguised changeling MP that was about to knock on the door with Peoria dropping her passenger.
The Changeling MP glares at Bronze Locks before shaking his head disapprovingly and using his magic to levitate the bound nuisance. With a salute to the ladies the MP heads away.
“When did changelings start living here?” Brian asks his fur still bristling.
“No need to be rude because he was rude Brian. The Monarch Hive is here to meet with your group after the Festivities in Ponyville are concluded.” Dr. Hemlock replies as the waitress brings over their food. “They are interested in human Biochemistry Science as a path to synthesize artificial love jelly.”
“You mean love harvesting is a chemical process?” Brian asks dumbfounded.
“Of course, changelings evolved to produce certain enzymes and proteins when exposed to emotion energy of various types. The holes in their legs collect and harden the emotion compelled secretions into a kind of rock candy hive mates can eat.” Dr. Hemlock continues. “It is a gland in their brain that tells them how to mix the enzymes to make the proper foods, but as Queen Monarch’s aid tells it; some changelings are just lousy cooks which makes many harvests wasteful. That leads to starvation.”
“What they want is the equivalent of processed food production.” Tina adds. “I showed the aid a protein bar and even though she did not understand our chemical notations. She understood that they were chemical notations.”
“Processed Food would go toward stabilizing changeling food stores so they could harvest less often. It still leaves us with some infiltrators but we could work out details for willing harvest subjects.” Dr. Hemlock adds. “The Courts are expected to be there representing the pony nation in the negotiations.”
“How does that explain Bronze Locks?” Brian asks arching an eyebrow.
“That he is a dick!” Trixie replies. “Changelings can get drunk off of harvesting and the going back and forth to the hive is like a detox for them. That one however is a chronic drunk. Trixie is in no way interested in group intimacy while in the company of an intoxicated love sucker.”
“And the effect he was having on me?” Brian remembers to ask.
“That is how many changelings have gotten caught. Drunk on love they will project PSI Magic on to their victims to make them produce often killing the mood.” Trixie continues.
“It also spoils a harvest, the Aid tells us; which leads to abductions so more professional changelings can make their food without further hurting their victim.” Dr. Hemlock adds paying his bill. “The cost benefit analysis for the Monarch Hive just finds the practice to be too stressful for the hive to continue not supplemented.”
Meanwhile as the Bearers in Moon Bloom Glenn finished up and headed for the Ceremony, Mike was being briefed by Governor Blueblood’s Secretary on the day’s agenda in Ponyville.
“Today is the day Mr. Edison, we’ll be seated in at the races judging table. Governor Blueblood has arranged a short exhibition race around Ponyville that should finish up just in time to become the head of a procession line for the other Bearers. ” Quick Speak begins while inspecting Mike’s and Lava Gazer’s attire. “It’ll be a great way to introduce you to the populous and get the racers hyped.”
“Has the conference table been prepared for the teleconference? I’m not authorized to give out or knowledgeable in some of the sciences that you informed me the delegates want to discus.” Mike adds uncertain about how he was going to do.
“We had no problems with the set up Mr. Edison. A Cassie Humes was assigned by your government to assist you in the talks.” Quick Speak replies giving Mike his clearance pass card. “Relax. We are open to the idea of you and your fellow Bearer getting some home time, but you are still an important figure here. We will be expecting some shared custody of you all as dual citizenship citizens until the time arrives where the Elements deem your service is over.”
“Just how many creatures will we be meeting today?” Lava Gazer asks clearly nervous.
“I’m afraid you all are quite the celebrities Lava Gazer.” Quick Speak apologizes. “We did try to limit attendance to the event but word got out and many other nations petitioned us for access. Chin up we won’t let you get too crowded knowing your background.”
“Th… thank you.” Stutters Lava Gazer.
Back on Earth Director Watson takes a call as he waits for the Teleconference to start.
“Hello Director Watson speaking.” Director Watson speaks in greeting to the caller. “No the Teleconference has not started yet.”
“I understand sir, but the locals have reported international pressure on their end relating to our people.” Director Watson continues. “No sir it is not trouble of that sort, if anything they seem to be asking for more formal diplomatic relations.”
“It is not just the Ponies that Governor Blueblood represents, but a variety of Kingdoms that want to enter into Treaties over a range of things.” Director Watson admits scratching his head. “The President has assigned Cassie Humes as the ambassador aid to Mike Edison to deal with the finer points.”
“On to other business sir, Operation Crop Duster is commencing as we speak.” Director Watson adds. “It should lead to substantial improvement with the Coalition’s efforts in Australia.”
“Good day sir.” Director Watson finishes.
Back at Ponyville the racing teams are gathering to their flag bearers in anticipation for the race course explanation and the arrival of the other Travelers who weren’t at Cantorlot.
“Yo Dash, Gilda what’s the story from that friend in the Everfree Rangers?” a powder blue Pegasus with a golden mane asks as she reaches her team.
“Not much, Shy seems to have drawn the escort duty at the last minute and I couldn’t talk to her.” Rainbow Dash replies with a shrug. “Guess it was bound to happen. She knows half the forest on a first name basis.”
“Horse feathers. That means I have to wait in line like the rest for an autograph.” Lightning Dust groans.
“Wait you collect autographs now!” Gilda quips.
“I do if they would make important contacts.” Lightning Dust snaps back. “With the Travelers I was hoping to steal some of Blueblood’s thunder by beating him to the others in front of the press.”
The three were silenced by cheers from the crowds as the carriage with the other Travelers Tina, Brian/Lilly, Dandelion, and Peoria were riding in just behind a precession of race contestants with one member from each team.
Alongside the carriage were the Everfree Rangers.
Fluttershy, a Corporal in the Rangers; had convinced Dandelion to hold Brian/Lilly. The fox was sporting cross fox markings of coarse dirt and wild flower laced grass thanks to their weird ability and held a nervous smile.
Both Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust jaws dropped and tails drooped with jealousy at the site, while Gilda wolf whistled.
“Mares and Gentle Colts, and respected dignitaries; Today’s race festivities are further blessed by some very special guests.” Governor Blue Blood announces from the judges podium. “Many of you have heard the exploits of the Travelers, heroes of our realm; in your history classes. Not even the Stewarts expected that the day might arrive where they could be reunited.”
Raising a hoof Blue Blood continues.
“By the grace of Harmony itself time and distance no longer separates them. To my right it is my pleasure to introduce the Traveler Bearer of Honesty Mike Edison and Traveler Bearer of Friendship Lava Gazer.” Blue Blood continues gesturing to each as they stand up to receive the cheers of the crowd. Then he gestures to the stopping carriage. “And arriving by carriage…”
“Introducing the Traveler Bearers of Laughter, and cute fox; Brian and Lilly.” Fluttershy announces setting the fox down gently then gestures to the out stepping passengers continuing her introductions.
“Next is the Traveler Bearer of Loyalty pegasus Dandelion. Next the Traveler Bearer of Kindness Tina. And lastly the Traveler Bearer of Generosity earth pony Peoria.”
The crowd’s cheers were deafening for about 2 minutes before Blue Blood raised a hoof for quiet.
“Today is the day these friends reunite, so come now and be merry.” Blue Blood exclaims as the six start to run to each other.
Unnoticed by the crowd but not missed by Trixie; Petal Lulumoon’s tri-expression cutie marks flare with light with the brightest being the mark she shares with Peoria. Petal suddenly feels great dread.
As the Travelers meet to embrace a rainbow light springs to life in their huddle and a loud crack is heard.
“Get your regiment and get the crowd to safety now Captain.” Blue Blood orders palling as he draws his sword. “You two with me, we must buy them time to evacuate.”
Blue Blood joined by his guards and the guard volunteers of the races present put themselves between the scared crowd and the emerging horror stepping out from above the now downed and bloodied Travelers.
Wreathed in rainbow light the visage of a monstrous spider like thing appeared.